In this she has some of those inconvenient things called facts in her favour: she has a Master’s degree in economics from the LSE. She is therefore correct in calling herself an economist. Much of the Fawkes moan about her is over her job titles since graduating. Big deal. As any fule kno, job title and what skills are actually required and used are very different things.
But that thought has not been allowed to enter chez Fawkes, as a succession of bad faith sneers has brought forth “Reeves Pushed ‘Economist’ Myth To Win Seat” (she won it as the Labour candidate, Fawkes folks), then “Pressure Piling On Reeves Over CV Farce” (it wasn’t), and then “Starmer Keeps Schtum On Reeves LinkedIn Fiddling”. Which got them precisely nowhere.
But they had to pretend that their obsession was justified, and so we got “Guardian Gets Excuses In Early For Reeves”, telling readers “The press is piling pressure on Reeves”, with a link that cites Themselves. And on it went, the next effort titled “Tories Target Chancellor Over Career Edits”. Except that her career had not been edited. So was that the end of it? You wish.
Later the same morning came “Labour Veteran: CV Edits Are A Good Thing”. That afternoon bought an alleged “Exclusive”, with “Retail Banking Reeves Signed Legal Documents Claiming To Be Economist”. Which she was, and is. On it went, the following morning bringing “Reeves Reeling From Economist Claim Fallout”. Which she wasn’t. Yet the obsession continued.

But enough; you get the picture. And to make it worse, in the very next breath, the Fawkes blog is extolling the virtues, such as they be, of Reform UK Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage. A congenital liar, racist bigot, and con man. But this should surprise no-one: they were cheerleaders for disgraced former alleged PM Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson.
Rachel Reeves can still legitimately call herself an economist. Which is more than a whole succession of former Tory Chancellors could do. Like Winshton, who conceded that he did not know much about economics, but that shooting Montagu Norman would have been a good thing. There were others.
Long-serving Chancellor Neville Chamberlain was not an economist. Nor was Harold Macmillan. Nor were Selwyn Lloyd, Reggie Maudling, Tony Barber, Geoffrey Howe, John Major, Ken Clarke, George Osborne, or, indeed, Kwasi Kwarteng. And nor is Farage, the latest to be championed by The Great Guido. But that’s not the point: this is the kind of creepy obsession that would earn lesser mortals a visit from the Police and a suggestion to desist.
I am not Rachel Reeves’ greatest fan, and have passed adverse comment upon a variety of her decision making since Labour won this year’s General Election. But what the Fawkes rabble, whether encouraged by Staines, or by his successor Ross Kempsell, sorry, “Lord” Ross Kempsell, is doing, this sick and creepy obsession is bang out of order. But it should surprise no-one.
Because Guido Fawkes is part of the press establishment. This is how that establishment moves against its hate figures. I’ll just leave that one there.
A rare case of a minor disagreement with you Tim.
Reeves has questions to answer, just not to Guido.
Couldn't care less about Reeves's CV or the usual faction smears by the far right Fawkes thugs.
But I DO care about Reeves's far right policies which kill pensioners by hypothermia while starving children already in poverty.
Actually, she's as bad a far right shithouse as the Fawkes thugs.
Sorry to say, but people are missing the point. I can't stand Reeves, I can't stand Starmer, and I can't stand his govt. However, from the minute Labour won the election the Tory press, Tory supporting websites, and far right talking heads have attacked them in a way that was completely absent during 14 years of rubbish Tory and coalition govt.
I currently have no sympathy for Starmer and co, at all. But if the right wing smear merchants carry on the way they are, with the agenda being to persuade people that a Farage led govt is the only way, people like me are ending up having to defend the govt by default.
Yes, I know what people are going to say - and you're right. But when its Starmer v Farage and the fiasco of a Reform led govt v the current hot mess, well, it's a fag paper choice, but no, I'm not being brow beaten into accepting Farage.
Economist? Nah. WGAF about any degree she may or may not have. No more an economist than you or I.
She's a liar, a fraud, and a tory. Reeves as chancellor is like having a programme vendor manage a football club.
The fawkes mob are well within their rights to go after the harridan, who has 'gained pecuniary advantage by deception'.
Even Julian jessop on his twitter account has mention that Rachel reeves is an economist.
The problem is the rest of the gutter press are not doing any proper investigation and just repeating verbatim the bullshit that is published.
So we can await the next bullshit from the convicted drink drivers website
Thank you, Anonymous, for daring to claim that there might possibly be a difference between what we've got, what we had and what we're likely to get next.
Not a popular view with the correspondents here where life is a lot more simply binary and purity is all.
totally agree. you dont even have to like or support this sack of shite to know that the entire media circus is against them, whereas fatbollok, comdomhead and compadres could do absolutely nothing wrong by comparison.
Yeah. Outrage at a far right government killing pensioners by hypothermia and starving children in poverty is "simple binary and purity". Of course it is.
Gutless Micawberist bullshit will always delight the Starmer Quisling conmen, conwomen, liars and hypocrites. And their blue tory chums. "Well" done.
George Osborne wasn’t, and indeed still isn’t, qualified to do anything more cerebral than towel folding.
Indeed. But then I cannot remember a Tory chancellor who wasn't a walking disaster area if he was required to do anything more advanced than 2 + 2. Hence Clarke got away with it. Tory chancellors have created recession after recession, yet the public still see the Conservatives as the 'party of the economy'.
That's unsurprising given the state of the gutter press. Even with their century long habit of attacking the Tory's opponents without question and making it up as they go along, the current crop are even further divorced from reality. This however, is in a large part down to what the press has become.
While we rightly question the wisdom of getting information from right wing half wits on YouTube and X, the press itself is not what it once was. Massive redundancies across the entire spectrum of titles, and the emphasis given to the online version over the print editions, has meant severe dumbing down has taken place.
How can the press possibly dumb down you ask?? Well, when they are now reduced to sweeping the web for stories, in other words picking up threads from, yes, you guessed it, social media, then we are getting bullshit from both the source 'and' the mainstream media.
There are still some decent journalists being employed, some proper journalism taking place, but increasingly editors want hits, not quality news.
A I-quality outrage right on cue! Thanks, Anonymous.
But merely 'far right government'? Only a few weeks ago you claimed that they had imposed 'Outright Fascism' on the country. Have they improved just a weensy bit?
Or are you going soft?
Of course you'll never feel outrage at anything including genocide, mass murder, US client warmongering, let alone killing by hypothermia and starvation of children.
That's because the Micawber mindset is incapable of human feelings and decency. Like the Quislings right on cue. Again "well" done.
Did really well creating the 2008 Great Depression and all the "austerity" (read: theft for their chums) and poverty since. And all the other Depressions of the last three centuries. And others still to come.
Bought-and-paid-for bean counters for the one party capitalist state. A sort of combination of Uriah Heep, Micawber and Quisling, never better exposed than the Ayn Rand groveller Greenspan explanation for the latest Depression as "Irrational exuberance".
Just months before the 2008 Great Depression the far right "economist" Brown declared he had "abolished boom and bust". Like all the other bullshitters he's disappeared up his own arse since.
Reeves is just the latest here-today-and-gone-tomorrow liar, thief and hypocrite. There'll be another one along in a minute. That's what they're paid for.
I question whether it's a case of a journalist who is either crush obsessive or has been rebuked.
Piers Morgan and Meghan Markle.
Alex Phillips and Nigel Farage.
Nadine Dorres and Boris Johnson.
Most of the female middle market press and Prince Harry.
British Reeves-type "economists" have formed the funding for this mass murdering atrocity, as for many others.
Bertie, I know you're better than this. Better things, as in not just mildly better, are possible. Look inside yourself man.
If Reform claim victory in 2029 it will be because of 3 things:
1. Media favourability towards them
2. Reform's tactical (and I must separate tjos from the strategic) wins, such as their comms strategy on less traditional platforms
3 The policies of the incumbent government
To mention 1 without at least hinting at the other is wrong. You fail to push better from labour, you replace horse dung with dog poo.
You're better than that Bert.
Never mind all this trifling nonsense about genocide, mass murder, perpetual war, ethnic cleansing, a far right corrupt one party racist state and its media, false economists, inflicted poverty and suicide.
Corporate media has decided it's far more important to headline the pathetic figure of a kitchen worker who can't keep his hands to himself.
Priorities, Tim, priorities.
Indeed. However, the fact that Wallace works for the BBC outweighs all else as far as the media are concerned, and beeb bashing is high on their list of 'things to do'.
Thank you for your continuing faith, Ed.
However, I'm not sure what exactly it is in my comments here that you are getting exasperated about.
@17:37 Masterchef comes from an independent production company that flogs programmes to the BBC but the Beeb-bashers are not unduly bothered by those pesky facts.
Actually, he isn't "better". Anymore than the Starmer Quisling.
For the latter gobshite, get a load of him schmoozing with the racist fascist Farage in the HoC. Just as he schmoozed Sunak. The pictures speak for themselves.
This is how much "better" the Starmer/Reeves Quislings "economists" are. Disgusting people.
Please stop mentioning G**** W******.
It could be triggering for certain sensitive correspondents with an aversion to laaaahd maaaaafed cocknay baraaaah boyz.
'Ere, wot's orl vis abaht Greg Wallis. Lye off I sye. Eez from Peckham so eez wanavus innit like wot that Jim Nick Nick Dyvisin gryte pytreeut iz.
Noze orl abaht jelleed eels ee daz. Propah geezer cook ee iz.
Ere, yew wanna bye a trackie, onny worn once t'meet Nigel Farage. No income tax, no VAT.
Gawd bless Prince Andrew an iz footman Starmer.
Now look what you've done, Ed.
You've gone and got Anonymous into a right old state just as he was getting himself used to Starmer's Outright Fascism and easing himself into a mellow and restrained Advent mood of goodwill to men and general ho ho ho-ness.
Levels of malice and misanthropy are going to go through the roof now, you mark my words. It'll be gutless gobshites, traitors, Quislings, turncoats and the M25 cesspit meffs from now til the King's speech.
We should view his next emissions with trepidation.
Bertie, contrary to your protestations, I am not getting exasperated. Merely disappointed after your excellent response on Palestine.
Though, I am aware that those who say they are not mad are usually as mad as hell. But, I promise you dear boy, I can take it some more.
Worry not me old Micawber.
Your level of malice takes priority these days, especially in murdering Palestinians, killing pensioners, starving children, warmongering, supporting Israeli apartheid, and brown nosing the Von Windsor Von Saxe Coburg und Gothas. All while wrapped in the Butcher's Apron.
Tough luck. You'll just have to live with the blood soaked reality every time you look in the mirror. "Well" done yet again.
Don't say I didn't warn you.
@mrlarrington, as does most of the BBCs programming nowadays, courtesy of death by a thousand cuts, and the 'private sector is better' dogma of the last forty years. As you say though, why let anything as obscure as a programme being directed, presented and edited by an independent company get in the way of beeb bashing?
12:44, 'Ere, wots rong wiv dress trackies, noffink. Got some dress tryneez too. No income tax, no VAT.
Syme wiv sam Storm Shadder big uns. Hands free, bye as seen, byer responsibility. Ded kosher.
Gawd bless Prince Willie an iz teef. Wanderful combo dey ar.
14:18, but it's NOT Starmer V Farage.
It's Reeves being a shithouse.
Just to set the record straight.
(Or perhaps, ON cue E D)
But seriously, me old tankie, if you have a genuine suspicion that I have killed any pensioners, starved any children, supported any Israeli apartheids, mongered any wars or rimmed any ‘royals’ then I think you should furnish the appropriate authorities with your evidence asap.
As for murdering Palestinians, I’m assuming from the above that you speak on this subject from a position of invincible rectitude deriving from your positive actions in doing your bit to help halt the genocide in Gaza. You no doubt make frequent contributions to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign fighting fund; I’m sure you’ve contributed by buying their t-shirts, badges and other merchandise (including the 2025 wall calendar); I’m confident that you ensure that the Israeli foods in your local supermarket are regularly covered with Free Palestine and Boycott Israel stickers, that you’ve bombarded your MP with correspondence and, most importantly, I just know that you have attended as many as possible of the PSC marches and demonstrations in your area over the last year. (I’m pretty certain that I haven’t seen you on any of the London ones so far, but of course I only have the vaguest impression of what you probably look like.)
Anyway, well done, keep it up, you can feel proud of what you do. Just don’t be so hard on those who don’t measure up to your high moral standards.
(But just in case it’s actually *you* who doesn’t measure up to your high moral standards, you might find useful this link):
Compliments of the Season to you.
Bloodstained Bertie
(Or perhaps, ON cue E D)
But seriously, me old tankie, if you have a genuine suspicion that I have killed any pensioners, starved any children, supported any Israeli apartheids, mongered any wars or rimmed any ‘royals’ then I think you should furnish the appropriate authorities with your evidence asap.
As for murdering Palestinians, I’m assuming from the above that you speak on this subject from a position of invincible rectitude deriving from your positive actions in doing your bit to help halt the genocide in Gaza. You no doubt make frequent contributions to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign fighting fund; I’m sure you’ve contributed by buying their t-shirts, badges and other merchandise (including the 2025 wall calendar); I’m confident that you ensure that the Israeli foods in your local supermarket are regularly covered with Free Palestine and Boycott Israel stickers, that you’ve bombarded your MP with correspondence and, most importantly, I just know that you have attended as many as possible of the PSC marches and demonstrations in your area over the last year. (I’m pretty certain that I haven’t seen you on any of the London ones so far, but of course I only have the vaguest impression of what you probably look like.)
Anyway, keep it up, you can feel proud of what you do. Just don’t be so hard on those who don’t measure up to your high moral standards.
(But just in case it’s actually *you* who doesn’t measure up to your high moral standards, you might find useful this link):
Compliments of the Season to you.
17:55 and 17:57.
Tsk tsk, me old Micawber. Look what you've gone and done in your trembly haste..... double posted. Never mix posts with John Barleycorn. It makes you look even far right dafter.
Meanwhile, check out Amnesty International and the International Criminal Court for their opinions on the Palestine genocide and morality. I know this will be uncomfortable for you, but tough luck you for supporting a warmongering Zionist-without-qualification and his creepy war criminal minions.
While you're at it check out said Zionist's lethal attacks on our pensioners and children in poverty. Plus his litany of lies, hypocrisy and broken promises.
Then launder your clothes in the full knowledge you'll never wash away the blood. That's what far right red toryism and fascism does to you.
Well, it looks like even double posting is insufficient for you to actually GET THE POINT. Too subtle and, dare I say it, nuanced (!) was it? Maybe UPPER CASE will help. Or triple posting.
OK. Here is THE POINT:
apart from personal attacks and the crude mis-ascribing of dodgy views and non-existent allegiances to those who don’t share your simplistic view of the world, and with particular reference to the genocide in Gaza and the attempts by millions of people worldwide to put pressure on Israel and colluding governments to stop it, what PRECISELY, apart from a year’s worth of sour, isolated scribblings on here, have you ever actually DONE about it?
An actual ANSWER would be nice, though the absence of one so far has already made pretty clear what the answer in reality is.
(Skip the insults. I’ll take them as read.)
Tsk tsk, me old Micawber. You're shouting.
A bad sign, that. Beware nearby pigeons and vehicles.
As I thought. Nothing.
Now maybe you should lay off the generalised scattergun insults directed at people you know little about. The world is more complicated than you imagine.
Nah. The real world has less wet wipe bullshit in it than the attempted constructions of corporate media and the mugs who fall for it. And those wannabe Joe McCarthys who peddle it.
Watch out for dive bombing pigeons.
17:07, seems like George Carlin's got your number too.
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