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Sunday 14 January 2024

Graham v Lennon - Seconds Out

In another of those Hamilton v Fayed moments - meaning you wish they could both lose - two of the most unappealing loudmouths on the right may not yet have come to blows, but have not seen eye to eye. This minor tiff concerns Mike Graham, the Mr Blobby of Murdoch noise floor occupant TalkTV, and Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson.

In one of Muskrat’s less wise decisions, The Great Man decreed that some of those previously banished from Twitter, X, or whatever he’s calling it this week, should, for the purposes of FREEZE PEACH you understand, and nothing to do with promoting the far right, honestly, be allowed back into the fold. And so it came to pass that Lennon was one of the lucky ones.

He has, since his return, been ploughing the same furrow, bashing those out there who do not concur with his world view, and ranting about the Scary Muslims™, while letting anyone and everyone know he’s not at all racist, honestly, and if you say he is, he might just want to rock up on your doorstep and engage you in one of those allegedly polite conversations.

So what happened between him and the deeply unpleasant Graham? Simples. Someone asked the TalkTV feed “Can I ask and hopefully you will respond! Why don’t you interview [Tommy Robinson] onto any of your shows?” Graham was the one who bit. “Because he’s a nasty little individual. I have no time for him”. What say the individual who started the conversation?

I think stating a nasty ‘little individual’ is not a good thing to say! Given some of the awful peeps you have on your show! Would you say that? Or is it just producer/ Ofcom thing free speech is free speech you are clearly accomplished at debating so do it! It will be massive”. Come on Mike! “No it won’t. He’s got a small following of people who think he’s great. I’m not one of them. Sorry”. He later addedI’m not a crook, or a felon, or a liar. I stand by my reputation. He doesn’t even use his real name ffs”.

That’s what they call Farting Talk in the Deep South. So away went Lennon. “Mike the coward Graham”. What say The Great Man? “Are you going to threaten me again Steve? Do f@ck off”. Ah, but it wasonly a debate”: “I’m talking about a debate Mike don’t be a Pansy”. All friends together, eh?

Maybe not Graham: “You couldn’t debate a bloody cat mate. You’re yesterday’s man. Give it up. No one cares what you think”. One of Lennon’s fans tried to goad Graham. “He's got a much bigger following so why would [Lennon] go on a show to debate a nasty little man with a small following”.

After all, “It's not worth Tommy's time”. Which is why “Tommy”, as this poster calls him, wants to “debate” Graham. Who pointed out the obvious: “So why is he begging to come in then?” What was Lennon to do? Of course! He would do what he’s done with so many others - smear them as paedophiles, or at last make a few not at all subtle hints in that direction.

Following his last desperate attack on Graham - “Mike, for someone who doesn't want me on his show, you sure do have an obsession with me. Why have you posted about me nearly 50 times on your Twitter feed? You sure you don't want me on your show? You're just another media establishment shithouse coward, a simp who likes to talk shit about people, but only if you never have to face them on the battleground of free speech” - off he went.

Why don’t you get off Twitter mate and spend some time with those kids you’re always saying you lovejibed Graham. And that opened the door to Lennon. “Why is this strange old man trying to bring the conversation to my young children”. Paedo smears are never far away with “Tommy”.

He might think that’s dead clever, but Lennon needs to stop and think, if such a thing is possible. If he rocks up chez Graham, as he has done with so many others, he’s trying it on with the Murdoch mafiosi, even if it’s a rather fringe part of it. That’s not an ideal way to get some positive media exposure.

But Stephen Lennon is one of those who generates a lot of hot air, then never learns the lessons. It would be wise to drop this one. Sadly, he is not wise.

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Anonymous said...

Graham (2024): "I'm not a crook."

Nixon (1973): "I am not a crook."

Meanwhile, a mud wrestle between two far right racist morons.

Anonymous said...

"He doesn’t even use his real name ffs” said Archibald Graham.

Anonymous said...

I see Katie Hopkins has also been allowed back onto Space Karen's platform.

iMatt said...

Debate? I wanna see a fight in a ring! May the last bigot standing be the winner!!

Mr Larrington said...

Concrete Mike Graham in Stopped Clock Moment!