And he doesn’t understand the public interest defence, claiming that breaching someone’s privacy “isn’t a considered reaction, but a tribal one”. Horseshit. John Whittingdale and the dominatrix wasn’t a story until the potential for blackmail entered. Likewise, Tobes’ hero, disgraced former occasional Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, going to Bunga Bunga parties wasn’t a story until MI6 raised the spectre of Kompromat.
But the most damning feature of Tobes’ latest Not Very Clever Attempt To Remain Relevant is timing. He Tweeted out the link to his post at 0700 hours on Thursday: later that day, the weekly Popbitch email dropped, and one read through of that and the world and their dog knew what would happen if accusations had been made about a GB News presenter.
Here’s the relevant bit: “The Sun have been having a hell of a time trying to retrofit a public interest to their Huw Edwards story, pulling up any old incident of workplace misconduct they can find to pin on him now that the Police are saying there’s no evidence of any crime”. Do go on.
“It’s a shame they’ve put themselves in this position because if all they wanted was a story about a news broadcaster who has made life uncomfortable for colleagues by sending them ‘inappropriate messages’, they have a really juicy one closer to home. It will involve asking some difficult questions, but they have an excellent starting lead”. There was more.
“They should still have all of Dan Wootton’s old HR files stashed away somewhere - so maybe they could start there? There’s bullying allegations, NDAs, even a few pay-offs they could get the guys in Finance to dredge back up. While they’re doing that, they could look into why Wootton kept getting promoted while some of those who lodged complaints got sidelined”.
And yet more. “Former colleagues seem perfectly willing to chat - but hey, we shouldn’t be doing their job for them. Just start pulling at the thread. See what you find”. Well, well. Anyone who has a handle on the machinations of our free and fearless press knows that Dan Wootton is a deeply unpleasant individual, so the suggestion of serial misbehaviour come as no surprise.
What will also surprise no-one is that Wootton will most likely go after anyone asking inconvenient questions in a less than cordial manner. But then a thought enters: The Great Man is no longer a fixture at the Murdoch empire, so perhaps those still slaving away at the Baby Shard bunker may not feel duty bound to keep the zipper on the old North and South.

Whatever happens, the loathsome Toby Young will still be able to profit from the outcome: look out for another post full of weapons grade garbage telling the world something along the lines of “why The Woke Liberal-Left Blob’s pursuit of poor Dan Wootton shows the Bien Pensant Media Class and the Metropolitan Liberal Establishment is taking revenge for Huw Edwards and why it should worry supporters of Free Speech everywhere”.
In other words, he’ll still be full of shit. This isn’t a left versus right thing. Nor is it establishment versus outsiders. Those now on Wootton’s case were equally unyielding when the target was Nick Cohen, now a former pundit at the Observer. This is an exercise based entirely on merit, or the lack thereof.
Meanwhile, Wootton won’t take this lying down. Cos he’s desperate, Dan.
But, Tim, this IS a matter of Left V Right, faction fight notwithstanding.
Both Young and Wooton are on the public record as far right. Virtually all their loony ranting utterances confirm it. So does this latest saga.
Both of them are actually irrelevant in the overall scale of events. Which is why they foam at the mouth with such predictability. Tenth rate talentless hirelings both, not worth a carrot. Watching them unravel is highly amusing though.
Dan Dan the toilet man
From cottaging to flushing on shepards bush green.
I thought Young was dead.
He is.
I'm sure there was a good reason for the loathsome Wootton deleting every single tweet he’d made that mentioned Huw Edwards but I can’t for the life of me think what it is. Which coincided with GBeebies saying Wootton is on indefinite leave.
One fanboi says this is because he's at a family funeral in New Toyland, though personally I don’t reckon that's so controversial that Gammon Broadcasting™ would keep quiet about it.
Moreover, fellow Tellytubby Patrick Christys got booted off Twitter the other day, which takes some doing now Space Karen is in charge. Incitement to violence, according to my Sinister Agents.
This is an interesting development:
If those Byline allegations are true it looks like Wooton and Gammon Bullshit Nerds have been well and truly hoist on their own slimy petard.
Mind you, Wooton would be turned on given the type of behaviour alleged.
Toby young is phil collins with Septicemia
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