The revelation of the acronyms came from an unlikely source: Alex “Billy Liar” Wickham, formerly teaboy to the perpetually thirsty Paul Staines at the Guido Fawkes blog, and now for some reason at Bloomberg, brought forth what he might have thought was great news, and for those out there on the right unable to inhabit the real world, it probably was. But not elsewhere.
“[A] Truss backer said three acronyms would be fundamental to her administration: CTF, IEA and ERG”. CTF is Crosby Textor Fullbrook, domain of strategist Lynton Crosby, who helped Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson to be imposed on the unfortunate people of London. IEA is the Astroturf lobby group exposed as paid lobbyists for Big Tobacco. And ERG is the wacko Europhobic Tory fringe that is slowly destroying the wider party.
Crosby and his gang are good at attacking their clients’ opponents, but after years of Tory cluelessness, a country that has seen very little invested in most towns and cities since 2010, and the growing realisation that “Getting Brexit Done” has harmed the UK to the extent of making the country an international laughing stock, voters may no longer be prepared to listen.
By the time the next General Election comes round, an opposition offering their particular version of FDR’s New Deal, free of confected culture wars, picking fights with neighbouring countries, and lousy trade deals that have screwed over our farmers, but with a commitment to listen, and to help the 99%, will be difficult to demonise. They will also need to promote Ms Truss.
And whether it is Keir Starmer, or any other Labour leader, the constant spectacle of seeing a Prime Minister worked over at PMQs to the point of weekly humiliation will be there in the mind of swing voters. Sneering at human rights and going WOKE WOKE WOKE isn’t going to work.

All that they will be able to urge will be cuts: they want to cancel HS2, as they want to cancel any prospect of Crossrail 2 being built. All they can offer is a pie in the sky reheating of the discredited idea of turning railways into roads. The IEA way of satisfying demand for more freight paths on the West Coast Main Line is to increase the lorry weight limit and dump it all on the existing motorway network. Their answer to transport problems: MORE ROADS!
And then we come to the ERG, a party within a party, eating away at the Tory monolith from inside, under the leadership of Mark François (note cedilla under the c). Cooperate with the EU? TRAITORS! Das ist Streng Verboten! The idea of the Tories as a paternalistic broad church, a party that can take a pragmatic view and do what is best for Britain, is for them long gone.
Under the less than benign influence of the ERG, the Tories are rapidly becoming a UK version of the US Republican Party: cultists, driving out those of less than desirable purity, intolerant of cooperation, intolerant of opposition, intolerant of inconvenient rules and indeed laws - backed up by a media always prepared to argue that this show of intolerance is somehow righteous.
Behold the alleged leading lights of the Truss premiership: propagandists who won’t be able to gaslight the people when the shit really hits the fan, an economically illiterate lobby group which doesn’t have the solutions to the onrushing problems, and a Europhobic cult that has nothing to offer except more flag-waving, hatred of The Other, and maybe a little ritual incantation.
You thought Bozo was the worst PM ever? Liz wants you to hold her beer.
Whereas the only acronym that springs to mind when confronted with Liz Truss is WTF
Ah yes, "Milton Friedman".
The Chicago "economics" gangster whose every touch turned (and turns) whole nations into basket cases of greed, thievery and mass poverty. A nineteenth century throwback. Think of the same kind of dry rot fruiting body growing steadily inside the M25. Think of the worst capitalist depression in three centuries.
That's where we are headed, Truss/Sunak or no Truss/Sunak, Starmer/Reeves or no Starmer/Reeves....whoever "wins" the next general election you can be sure it won't be the innocent populace. You need only look at the hapless troupe of performing monkeys that make up the vast majority of the Parliament Zoo.
Squabbling over office does not a democracy make. The wellbeing of our citizens does.
The unpalatable fact is that this country faces a serious constitutional, philosophical and cultural crisis, and there is no sign whatever it has the courage to confront it. It has been that way since 1979.
Any day now we will hear the usual tedious whimper begging for a "strong" figure, someone "not afraid to take difficult decisions", someone to wave the Butcher's Apron, someone to "make Britain competitive", all of it accompanied by the usual guff about "hard-working" and "aspirational middle class", most of all someone ready to tie us even more tightly to the ankles of a militarist American Empire.
And then we really will become Airstrip One.
@Esmond: I was thinking “FFS”.
No matter what Wikinaccurate claims, a run of Cameron-May-Johnson-Truss has to be one of the strongest hands ever dealt in a game of “Consecutive Shit Prime Ministers”.
There's another one: WTAF
With the Tories seemingly fans of the ENRON approach to energy supply etc., we'll see Britain going from SNAFU to FUBAR.
And now she's “too busy” to do an interview with, of all people, the former President of the Oxford University Conservative Association. Perhaps she’s worried he might bring up the awkward fact that Cheesoid is a former President of the Oxford University Liberal Democrats. Or perhaps she’s just hoping to send Slithy Gove to stand in.
Mr Larrington, i would think that Truss has an obvious riposte there: "we all change since university, you were head of the Conservative Association at university weren't you Nick?"
She won't think on her feet like that. I have a writer's brain, she is rather plodding, like Corbyn.
@ 08:13
Likening Truss with Corbyn whilst praising self.
But not as obviously far right tory as you.
A 2 second Google would show you that I am a long way from far right.
Far right is liking Corbyn after he gave the tories an 80 seat majority
Nah. You're a far right propaganda clerk who hates Jeremy Corbyn. You just haven't the guts to admit it.
Which is why your posts aren't worth a carrot.
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