So it was that Nige rocked up in Dallas, TX, to address the second CPAC gathering of the year, where freelance journalist Laura Jedeed summarised what The Great Man had to say. And what Farage had to say bears close comparison with what a disillusioned and sociopathic former Corporal in the Imperial German Army had to say as his public profile grew in the 1920s.
He opened as he meant to go on. “Ladies and Gentlemen, we are under attack! The threat is not external! The biggest threat we face is from within. The biggest threat we face is the fifth column in all our countries that is attempting to destroy the family unit”. And who might comprise that fifth column? How might the great and the good recognise the threat?
Keeping that twitchy right arm under control, he declared “Attempting to destroy our constitution! Attempting to destroy our pride in who we are and what we are … The way that They are doing it … is primarily through the educational institutions. Our children are being indoctrinated … Our universities have become Madrassas of Marxism and it's got to change!”
What might those educational institutions be teaching that he finds so unpalatable? “Our kids are being told from a young age if you are Black, you are a victim. If you're white, you're an oppressor … none of this is aimed at harmony. This is not accidental”. It is, however, bullshit. So what is he going on about? The villain of the piece, it seems, is Critical Race Theory.
And he doesn’t like that one bit: “this terrible virus, worse than anywhere else in the world. This is a Marxist attempt to break Western civilization! A Marxist attempt to destroy everything we are. And we are going to fight back hard against it!” Do we get Cultural Marxism next? But the CPAC did get all the building blocks that, when assembled, made up A Stab In The Back.

You'll have to speak up, I'm a bit Mutt And Jeff
So they’ve been stabbed in the back. By “Marxists”, by Critical Race Theory. And by insufficiently conservative leaders. So now came the rallying cry. “This is the battleground If America falls, we all fall. But I know I'm talking to perhaps the most important group of people that have ever assembled in one room. Because you are the footsoldiers!” Tomorrow belongs to them.
It certainly didn’t belong to the hated MSM, which Farage lost no time in loudly denouncing as Fake News. All that was left was for the great saviour to be introduced. “To stand up against the establishment, to stand up against the Deep State, the globalists, all the things, takes man or woman of exceptional courge. And I believe that you in this country are very lucky to have [such] a man”. It could have been a warm-up for a Nuremberg Rally.
Mr Thirsty brought his audience the spectre of Lügenpresse, the bogeyman of Marxism, the paranoia of that Stab In The Back, the idea of youth unable to speak their minds through indoctrination, weak politicians unwilling to challenge this terrible new orthodoxy, with only one strong leader waiting on the horizon. He had gone full Third Reich. And his audience loved it.
Nigel Farage courting The Fash around Europe has not been an accident. He is comfortable in their company, because he is one of them. The only difference is that, even when elected as an MEP, he chickened out of actually doing anything. It was all about sounding off, then collecting his expenses. And now he’s got a career enabling The Fash elsewhere in the world.
The far right is attempting another comeback. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
The FBI "person of interest" story faded away then?
Dallas?......Well, of course.
It's the epicentre of US nazism, the City Of Hate. Always was, always will be.
There's nothing crypto about those mad fuckers.
All this Marxism in educati8on shite started off some years ago with the
guru of modern fascism, Jordan Peterson, who claims universities are run by ideological Marxists, but when asked Peterson can not name a single one.
The Texas governor has begun bussing immmigrants out of state.
I wonder where he got the idea..............
Frog-face never went to university so he doesn't what he is talking about.
I can't recall ever having done a module on Marxism in my science degree!
Nothing new to say from the toxic little biggot. Just more, "Poor us, poor us'' delusional self-pity. All in order to keep a group of non-thinking simpletons permanently angry.
But it's interesting the racist Farage claims the ''family unit'' is under attack whilst supporting the serial fornicator and adulterer Trump, who clearly is a family man role model.
If the Feds collar any of the Trump gang Farridge should be next.
A stretch in Angola prison would do wonders for his anal canal.
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