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Monday 19 July 2021

GB News And Anti-Semitism

If anyone behind the scenes at Gammon Broadcasting™News (“Bacon’s News Channel”) was thinking through potential courses of action, and properly assessing the risks of those actions, it must have got lost in the panic following the realisation that, at some points during its daytime programming, there was no-one actually watching.

So it is that the channel appears to be winging it, and doing so to no discernible purpose: first, figurehead host Andrew Neil leaves for his Petite Maison on the French Riviera, with no sign of when he will return. Then, stand-in host Guto Harri is hung out to dry and later sacked for an expression of free speech (Harri is now consulting lawyers).

And to top all of that, GB News has, in its desperation, called in former Brexit Party Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage in an attempt to bring back the few viewers that had given up and gone elsewhere. But this may not be the genius move that the channel’s decision makers might have thought, because Farage also means baggage.

When Nige still had his LBC show, he trotted out this gem one evening: “there are other very powerful foreign lobbies in the United States of America, and the Jewish lobby with its links to the Israeli Government is one of those strong voices … Well, in terms of money and influence, they [the Jewish lobby] are a very powerful lobby … There are about six million Jewish people living in America, so as a percentage, it’s quite small, but in terms of influence it’s quite big”. Jews equals Foreign. Jews are all rich. Oh dear, Nigel!

The problem for anyone wishing to excuse Mr Thirsty’s swerve across the anti-Semitism line is that this was not an isolated occurrence. As the Guardian reported last year, “The Board of Deputies of British Jews said Farage’s airing of claims about plots to undermine national governments, and his references to Goldman Sachs and the financier George Soros, showed he was seeking to ‘trade in dog whistles’ … [he] was also condemned by the MPs who co-chair the all-party group against antisemitism”. There was more.

Farage had claimedOrbán's Hungary is standing up to George Soros and closing him down, I wish we all did the same … Another anti-Brexit plot backed by George Soros. This man will stop at nothing … The Soros-funded attempt for a second referendum has failed”.

Then came those dastardly Globalists. “London is ranked the best financial centre while Frankfurt is 11th. We're all sick of the constant threats from Goldman and the globalists … We are heading towards a world where the democratic nation state has made a comeback against the globalists … We are beating the globalists! … Obama and Merkel are holding a losing party for the globalists! … The globalists are sticking together”.

Someone say “Goldman”? “Goldman Sachs and big business lost the referendum … If Goldman Sachs are leaving London for the US, why aren't they going to their beloved European Union? … Goldman Sachs Chairman thinks those who want border controls are 'xenophobic'. Badly out of touch”. Whistle those racist doggies, eh Nige?

Nigel Farage’s arrival at GB News may, in the short run, bring more viewers. The problem for the channel is that it will also bring pressure on advertisers to move the other way.

Importing the stench of anti-Semitism to a dying media brand? This will not end well.

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Andrew Barker said...

All GBeebies needs to do now is to hire the newly deported from Australia, Hatie Katie, and their transformation into a pathetic emulation of Fox News will be complete. Ofcom, take note.

AndyC said...

It would be nice to think that the channel has virtually no viewers because it is an obnoxious right wing sewer. Sadly I think the reason for its low viewer figures is that for many it isnt sufficiently the obnoxious right wing sewer the country's Gammons had hoped it would be.

Anonymous said...

Farage is of course a far right racist xenophobic antisemitic paranoid.

That doesn't mean everybody should stop criticising an Israeli government that is plainly an apartheid-driven theocratic expansionist colonial gang of mass murderers. Or identifying organisations or individuals who promote the interests of that gang. Or condemning criminality - the Meyer Lansky mob anybody?

Simply being Jewish doesn't exempt you from being evil. That's the kind of "exceptionalism" and "indispensable" nonsense which has brought such horror and misery on the human species.

Which is why it's possible to reject both cynical poisoned opportunist Farage AND the lunacy of superstitious religion - ANY RELIGION.

Mr Larrington said...

My Sinister Agents tell me that colossal bellend Piers “Morgan” Moron is also in negotiations with Gammon Broadcasting. Deep joy!

gillette said...

From the BBC site. How appropriate
"Meanwhile, another GB News presenter, Alistair Stewart, will be off air for a while after one of his horses bolted and knocked him over, breaking his hip."

Anonymous said...

Thing is with Farage is that nothing seems to stick.
What happened to the FBI person of interest investigation?
There also seems to be very little in depth discussion about his time as an MEP and all the votes he never turned up for.
Also, most of the video clips available are headed as him being the discussion winner.
His show on GB News will just boost his ego even further and his fans will love it.

Jonathan said...

Imagine Farage,Moron & Hatey Katey all on GB News, the Gammonistas, would be foaming at the mouth being thrown the usual tropes ..EU bashin' , Meghan bashing & Refugee bashing..

Except, the pressure on advertisers to pull their ads will be overwhelming, that GB News could be sunk before Xmas.

Anonymous said...

After this, there are only two alternatives left for the Gammonies:

1. Sniff lighter fuel


2. Drink lighter fuel.

After which...set it alight.

I'll bring the matches.