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Monday 9 November 2020

Darren Grimes Smears Combat Veteran

Already well versed in the art of opening mouth and inserting foot, Darren Grimes, the world’s most inept form-filler, has once more scored a monumental own goal while trying to leverage a news event to generate More And Bigger Clicks For The Benefit Of Himself Personally Now. This time, Dazza has decided to go after the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, but not because it might impress his press pals, you understand.

There's one in every family

Hal and Megs commemorated Remembrance Sunday in Los Angeles, probably because there is a pandemic raging and that is where they happen to live. So they made a personal visit to Los Angeles National Cemetery. Chris Ship of ITV told that “Harry and Meghan laid flowers picked from their garden at the graves of two Commonwealth soldiers - one from the Royal Australian Airforce and one from the Royal Canadian Artillery. And Harry laid a wreath. He wrote ‘To all of those who have served, are are serving. Thank you.’

Darren who?

Some photos were later released via the couple’s office. There was the routine outpouring of bile that was not racist at all, honestly, by those wanting to express their disgust at a very personal act of remembrance, not that any of them had been conditioned or radicalised by gratuitous abuse from our free and fearless press.

That may be what spurred Grimes into action, attempting to take the moral high ground and failing spectacularly. “There’s something really quite tasteless about Prince Harry and Meghan at a cemetery in California, with a photographer that just happened to be there, to make sure they can get in on the action too”. Darren is too stupid to realise that, had there not been a photographer present, he would have said they didn’t really make the visit.

And it soon became clear that this was a campaign destined to develop not necessarily to his advantage, as comments like “There’s something really quite tasteless about criticising a veteran paying respects on Remembrance Sunday especially when British legion encourages people to do their own commemoration events & you have no problem with his relatives having photos of them doing exact same” came back in response.

There was more. “There’s something really quite tasteless about Darren Grimes criticising an actual veteran paying respects at a cemetery in California and remembering his fallen comrades … The man served in the British army for 10 years and continues to support veterans through the Invictus Games and Endeavour funds, if he wants to bring a whole film crew he can, what have you done lately for veterans besides insult one of them?

One Tweeter included a photo of Harry with his comrades out in Afghanistan, and put Grimes straight in short order. “Regardless of anything, He was a serving soldier. He, unlike you, served on the front line, he has brothers-in-arms who have died whilst serving our County. Whatever we may think of his current situation he is a VETERAN! Give him that respect”. Dazza tries to be smart and ends up being handed his arse.

Darren Grimes may not be totally useless. But you can see it from there.

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Anonymous said...

Has Dozo ever served in the military?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but you're ignoring the fact that, for Grimes, failing to get a degree was 'his Afghanistan'.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

Grimes was a Sixer in the Cubs.
Apart from that, his only connection with military service was when his father attributed the fact of his birth to a 'dishonorable discharge'.

AndyC said...

'There’s something really quite tasteless about Darren Grimes....'

Enough said.

Gulliver said...

@anonymous 17:06

Even if he wanted to, the application form is 19 pages long so he'd have fallen at the first hurdle I suspect.

Unknown said...

Nope, he wasn't even in the army cadets

Arnold said...

No poppies on Harry and Megan's wreath: Royals' tribute at LA cemetery lacks distinctive flowers of Flanders Fields

I wonder why not?

The poppy is the the traditional symbol of Remembrance in the UK and Commonwealth, having featured in the John McCrae poem 'In Flanders Field'.

Oh, I see.


PK said...

Some say he tried out for the hairdressing corp.. but didn't make the cut.

Anonymous said...

Little turd. Nuff said.

Johnspartacusanonymous said...

Darren wouldn't have made the grade for "It ain't half hot mum" !

Malcolm Armsteen said...

He's just grifting. You'd admire the grift but it seems so easy.

It really is playing politics on easy mode being right wing isn't it?