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Thursday 22 February 2024

Labour’s Gaza Shame - Part 1

It was a day designated as an SNP opposition day. So it should have surprised no-one that the Scot Nats put forward a motion calling for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, no ifs, no buts, no get-out clause, no conditional statement. Then Labour put forward its own amendment, to demand an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire”. And then came the Speaker.

Mr Speaker is very sorry ...

Lindsay Hoyle waves his arms and otherwise flaps a lot. He generates significant amounts of hot air. Yesterday, he went against recent tradition by allowing the Labour amendment to go first, which, as the BBC report put it, prompted “fury from both the SNP and the Conservatives”.

So why was the Labour amendment an equivocation? Beeb again: “Labour's amendment, which called for an ‘immediate humanitarian ceasefire’ noted that Israel ‘cannot be expected to cease fighting if Hamas continues with violence’ and called for a diplomatic process to deliver ‘a safe and secure Israel alongside a viable Palestinian state’ … While the initial motion tabled by the SNP went further, calling for an ‘immediate ceasefire’ and an end to the ‘collective punishment of the Palestinian people’”. Meaning what?

Meaning this gave the Israeli Government the old get-out ploy. Also, “Sir Lindsay's decision meant Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer avoided another potential rebellion over the party's position on Gaza as Labour MPs were able to show their support for a ceasefire without voting for an SNP motion”.

Was this merely Keir Starmer getting lucky? Apparently not: as Nick Watt of Newsnight told, “Senior Labour figures tell me [Commons Speaker] was left in no doubt that Labour would bring him down after the general election unless he called Labour’s Gaza amendment”. An amendment which got round Starmer ordering his MPs to abstain on the SNP motion.

That could have caused cracks to appear in the ostensibly solid and united Labour edifice, the possibility of open revolt among some shadow ministers. It may not have been caving in to Labour threats, but you could see it from there. In any case, what was stopping The Red Team from just giving its MPs a free vote? What was wrong with just saying “ceasefire now”?

... to have let an opportunist politician off the hook

Ah well. While the BBC Politics feed told‘I regret how it's ended up... it was never my intention for it to end up like this’ … Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle says he ‘tried to do what he thought was the right thing for all sides of this House’ as he apologises for his decision”, there was uproar outside the chamber as protesters voiced their displeasure at MPs’ behaviour.

And then came the inevitable fallout. Nick Watt again: “Looking like [SNP] MPs minded to sign the Will Wragg EDM expressing no confidence in [Commons Speaker]. One Tory: When the Tories and SNP agree then something big is afoot”. Owen Jones had his own take on the matter.

Labour blackmailed the Speaker into violating Parliamentary protocol so they could shield Israel from the charge of collective punishment … Any political journalist worth their money should be clear that’s what happened … The Speaker allowed himself to be bullied and should resign”. The problem is that too many journalists were whining “look over there” at the protesters.

Who could be smeared as “extremists”, or worse, merely for wanting an end to the slaughter, and then getting justifiably angry when their elected representatives used the exercise to put the frighteners on Lindsay Hoyle, and otherwise show the world that their priorities did not include stopping thousands of women and children from being blown apart in Gaza.

Journalist Sol Hughes surveyed the wreckage and concludedI was once in some Courtroom training. A Barrister explained that if you ask a witness a question, then look away when they answer, they'll raise their voice to get your attention , so you can try make them seem angry + unreasonable. It's how Labour are treating Gaza protests”. And all for what?

The Speaker may have been fatally undermined. Meanwhile, the killing goes on. And Starmer’s Labour treats it as a game. Bad, bad mistake.

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Anonymous said...

I warned matters would not only get worse, but much worse. So it has proved. This parliamentary procedural bullshit is merely the latest example. There will be others.

Quisling "Labour" continues to be a shameful gang of tenth rate shysters and cowards, seedy betrayers of everything the party once stood for. Even the most moronic can now see how they lie and smear to keep their contemptible positions. Much more of their treachery and this "Labour" will disintegrate in the same way as the old Liberal Party and fatuous Social Democrats. Ultimately no better than far right tories. They stink out the place with their moral and opportunist corruption.

Meanwhile, the victims of their malevolence are numbered in millions at home and abroad, with yet more in the offing. That's what happens when honour, decency and truth are jettisoned in favour of cowardice, treachery and greed.

Steve Woods said...

Good ideas must not be allowed to emanate from Scotland or any of the other colonies of the English Empire administered from London SW1.

Anonymous said...

Beware, Tim. Starmer Labour will accuse you of AntiSemitism. Any excuse, it's what they do.

Gulliver said...

I see that “NOT wanting tens of thousands of kids blown to pieces” remains the ‘extremist’ position as far as the Tory’s, Labour and the bulk of our esteemed commentariat are concerned.

Likewise, a dozen or so Scottish pensioners peacefully protesting the slaughter of the aforementioned children outside labour MSP’s offices are now “Islamist terrorists” in the eyes of our sensible political centrist media and politicians.

RodJ said...

I doubt if Hamas and Likud give the slightest importance to the self-important windbaggery of Westminster. They certainly couldn't care less about the difference between a permanent ceasefire and a humanitarian ceasefire - they just want to kill as many people as they can in pursuit of security/national liberation.
The only worthwhile help we can offer is to grant asylum to as many Palestinians as we can; to send food and medical aid in very large quantities, and maybe to offer support to the Israelis who are against the war and who despite years of ugly extreme right propaganda from their deplorable government still hope for peace and a fair settlement with the Palestinians. I'm not holding my breath.
Yesterday's farce in the Palace of Varieties makes me think the best thing we could do is to take the inmates to a safe place where we can ignore them and then send in Thomsons of Prudhoe.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

The pantomime season used to run til Easter and it looked yesterday as if our elected grotesques were attempting to revive the tradition. Nauseating though it was to watch, it wasn’t half as embarrassing/chilling as watching the most recent UN vote on a ceasefire as 'our' UK representative couldn’t decide whether a Gaza ceasefire was a good idea or not and trashed our international reputation yet further by joining the US in not voting with the other 13 countries in favour of one.

As for the trivial matter of Lindsay Hoyle’s position, he’s always seemed like a weak and ineffectual old geography teacher unable to control the yobbos on the Tory terraces except by hopelessly repeated threats that they’ll be sent out for ‘an early coopa tea’. No great loss if he goes.

But now he seems to have found a range of unexpected new friends as he’s been defended today by the likes of Mark Francois, Robert Buckland, Penny Mordaunt and Sir Edward ‘Sunlamp Malfunction’ Leigh.

As Dame Anna Neagle might have said: with shits like these, who needs enemas?

Anonymous said...

You’re out on the streets with your little placards
Marching up and down saying: “Tear it down!”
I don’t think you’re really seeing what you’re talking about
Except for the tourist version no doubt

You’re too busy fighting your irrelevant battles
To see what’s going on in your own backyard
You’re too busy fighting your irrelevant battles
To see what’s going on in your own backyard
‘Cause some of us are having a hard, hard time
You know that some of us are having a hard, hard time
Because some of us are having a hard, hard time

Patrik Fitzgerald, The Paranoid Ward EP, 1978.

Anonymous said...

I've tried (all the obvious news sources, UN website etc) without success to get the actual text of Algeria's draft resolution to the UN Security Council earlier this week.
Does anyone have a link?

Anonymous said...

RodJ at 15:10 - thank you for providing a rare, sane and sensible comment on this blog.

Anonymous said...

Burlington Bertie - Hoyle is just biding his time until he can join Daddy in the Lords. Neither Bercow or Boothroyd would have tolerated the behaviour that now seems common in the Chamber.

Anonymous said...


The Toffee said...

Most likely the JLM, JC & BoD will try to call it antisemitic, and then akehirst - fat bespectacled ginger shitehawk that he is - will trot off to keef, having the screaming abdabs, and get permission to launch the usual bullshit hate campaign

Anonymous said...


Innocent human beings have lived in the same locations for generations. They simply wish to stay in their homes in peace, not be turfed out to suit some crazed theocratic notion.

Displacement to a declining racist xenophobic country with a quarter of its population in inflicted poverty is unlikely to be a preferred option.

Anonymous said...

Lindsay Hoyle?

Not the sharpest knife in the box.

Which is why he was appointed in the first place.......