But, so what? Maybe this is an industry wide thing? Well, no it isn’t: the Guardian, which covered the parting of the ways between Desmond and the Rest, brings up lots of PCC related stories when its site is searched. Likewise the Maily Telegraph. And a good sheaf of results, too, from the Independent.
Even Rupe’s downmarket troops at the Super Soaraway Currant Bun will serve you up plenty of PCC hits, despite their typically poor grasp of English. And the domain of the legendarily foul mouthed Paul Dacre, despite their often tenuous relationship with facts, will at least record decisions of the PCC, even the Stephen Gately one.
So why no trace of the PCC at the Desmond Press? It must be pure coincidence – after all, Richard Desmond never interferes in the running of his newspapers. We know this because he said so in court. Under oath.
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