Zelo Street described Vance as a moron, because he is a moron. This skill was on full view as the world’s media assembled to see just how much successful softening-up had been performed on Trump earlier in the week, only to discover that the answer to that one was None At All.
Worse, it was clear that the sole reason Zelenskyy had been invited to DC was to humiliate him in front of the assembled media representatives. The problem for Trump and Vance was that he declined to be humiliated, and instead remained in combative mood when confronted with the onslaught of weapons grade stupidity from two individuals more ridiculous than Laurel and Hardy, but without any of the talent, or, indeed, any of the laughs.

Kaitlin Collins of CNN noted “What just happened in the Oval Office was nothing short of remarkable. What began with questions about security guarantees for a ceasefire with Ukraine turned into an angry shouting match between Trump, Vance and Zelensky. Trump was fuming, ending with, ‘We have empowered you to be a tough guy…You either make a deal or we are out. You don’t have the cards.’” What deal would that have been?
Aaron Rupar had more from Trump: “Don't tell us what we're gonna feel. You're in no position to dictate that. You're in no position to dictate what we're gonna feel. We're gonna feel very good and very strong. You're right now not in a very good position. You're gambling with World War 3”.
Who was dictating to whom, though? Clearly, more sneering humiliation was needed to show the foreigner who was boss. And so it was that a deeply stupid questioner called Brian Glenn piped up “Why don’t you wear a suit?!? Do you own a suit?” Who is this Brian Glenn? As if you needed to ask.

It got worse: the Trump gang then asked the Ukraine delegation to leave the White House, a move which was briefed to Fox News Channel (fair and balanced my arse) as “kicked out”. At FNC, Bret Baier, formally one of their more sane pundits, suggested to Zelenskyy that he should apologise to Trump. But for what? A deliberate, crude and pointlessly stupid ambush?
Ron Filipkowski of Meidas Touch concluded “Trump and Vance needed to create an incident to provide a justification for their pre-planned abandonment of Ukraine now, then separation from NATO in the near future. That’s what that was all about, and that was always the way a second Trump term was going to go”. And the free world needs a new leader. Sharpish.
The USA is now in the hands of deeply stupid people. As in, more deeply stupid than any of their predecessors. Be afraid, people. Be very afraid.
Someone else short of a suit?
This is where Starmer comes in....a useful letters delivery postie too.....
Trump gave the world a masterclass in how 'not' to conduct peace negotiations. A 'real' negotiator, does not choose sides. They do not hector one of the sides, nor do they openly insult them. Impartiality is the key. Alas, zelensky told the truth, that Putin cannot he trusted, and thus Trump leapt to his masters defence.
What followed was an exercise in bad faith, poor diplomatic skills, rudeness and idiocy. So, all the Orange Goblins trademarks. A fiasco that could only be defended by Trumps army of 'approved' journalists (what was that Vance was lecturing Europe over?) and of course, the MAGA moron army.
Who, to the shock of none, were indeed thrilled. "Trump owned Zelenskys ass" was the thousands strong response from those who don't like to tax their mental stamina too much. I wonder though, if the real message has sunk in, even to Starmer and Macrons dim brains? Donald Trump cannot be trusted. Not now, not ever.
Realpolitik says Zelensky is irrelevant. Always was, always will be.
The centuries old mass-homicidal "Great Game" goes on.
It was J.P.Morgan who said, "The working class? I can always hire one half to kill the other half." There are still enough suicidal mugs to fall for it too.
Can't trust any of them.
Merkel and co have since admitted the Minsk Agreement was a deception. And on their behalf Bozo's set task was to persuade Zelensky to tear it up anyway and continue the war.
None of them will be happy until the war is intensified, more bodies* strew the landscape, and World War 3 is threatened.
All of it was and is avoidable except to homicidal maniacs and their apologists.
*Not their own of course. Perish the thought.
Petition here:
And another:
Please sign and disseminate.
Go on, Anonymous Tankie. I know it's been an embarrassing 36 hours for you and I know he's the chum of your chum, but, just for me.
Tsk tsk.... Long ago beat you to it me old warmonger Micawber. As usual.
Do try to keep up. But try not to trip over your own far right propaganda or other alter egos.
'The visit of the head of the neo-Nazi regime, V Zelenskyy, to Washington on 28 February is a complete political and diplomatic failure of the Kyiv regime. With his outrageously boorish behaviour during his stay in Washington, Zelenskyy confirmed that he is the most dangerous threat to the world community as an irresponsible warmonger. Russia’s unchanging goals remain the demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine.'
Was the above statement made by:
1. Russian foreign ministry spokesperson, Maria Zakharova?
2. Donald Trump?
3. A regular contributor to a UK political blog hosted by Tim Fenton?
4. All of the above?
Answers in green and purple ink to:
17 Micawber Buildings,
Curtain-Twitchynge Lane,
Inside the M25,
Airstrip One,
(In the interests of hygiene, please remove all traces of spittle, phlegm, gob, flob, saliva, expectorant and sputum before posting)
In fairness, rubio looked half dazed by the rantings of the two twats to his right.Almost as though his conscience was telling him he'd be best keeping his own counsel.
..Which is exactly what he did. But he made his bed, so fuck him as well.
Used to have little time for zelenskyy, but by Christ he's gone up a quintillion-fold in my estimation.
If only keef had the stones to front the beta-carotened blurt.
Good grief. Failed your own test in the final paragraph there.
Tremendous imagery of you racing from "subversive" website to "subversive" website listing their "subversions" (© Stanley Kubrick/General Jack D. Ripper), then racing to the local police station with the list. But only after removing "all traces of spittle etc.."
Your latest unintentional comedy gold. A majestic own goal.
Nope. That is not the correct answer. ( But, thanks for, as your penultimate sentence implies you have, investing your time in following me and taking the time today to offer your feedback xx).
Rubio is actually a politician, repulsive though his choices are. Thus the two morons behaviour was doubtless as mega cringey for him as the rest of us.
As you say, Zelensky was never one of my favourite political actors, but compared to the orange Goblin and dumb dumb Vance he's positively loveable.
The big twist people have not grasped is that Bozo, heavily tied to the Russians, may well have scuppered peace talks in 2022 at the behest of Putin, given his stay in that Italian villa with a KGB agent.
AND he refused to wear a suit. The bastard.
Rather than ask Zelenskyy about his dress style, when said at the beginning of the Russian invasion he's wear the same military grab as the ordinary Ukrainians fighting for freedom, the idiot ex=Fox goose should have asked Trump why he wears orange pancake makeup and Vance why thge black eyeliner !
Europe is divided over Israel and Gaza, a few countries political parties disagreeing but the public generally opposing to Israel's actions; there is mass support for Ukraine, with the nations and their people and now...a great number of nations, with their populations and parliaments opposing Trump and Musk...should that be a sign that we see the US as a threat as well as Russia ?
Never post after you have visited the ale house. Makes you look daft, quite apart from the Joe McCarthy mimes.
Tut tut.
Starmer could have lent him one of his new suits.
Doubtless he has a rack of them courtesy of the Man In The Luxury Flat (for study only of course).
For the most part Trump is an idiot, and most of his policies will do nothing but harm to the US body politic (and economy, health, infrastructure, etc, etc). His treatment of Zelensky shows that he's is a vulgar yob, a nasty bully. However, he recognises something that Biden & Co and Europe cannot or will not recognise: Ukraine cannot defeat Russia unless there is a full-scale NATO-Russia confrontation -- and who really wants that? So the war has to be brought to an end, even if this means that Russia keeps a fifth of Ukraine's 1991 territory and is kept out of NATO.
What will Europe do? Trump is saying to Europe what other US Presidents thought but were too diplomatic to say: 'We're the big fish in the pond, you do as we say. We run NATO; if you want to be in it, you'll have to pay higher dues, and do what we say.' Will Europe really keep this war going when Washington wants it to stop? Will Europe really go it alone? Especially when it means a de facto war against Russia, with which the USA is trying to forge a deal. Trump sees Russia as potentially some sort of partner, or at least neutral, in the great game that is its campaign against its only real challenger, China.
I reckon that within a few weeks or months, Europe will make its peace with Trump, and all the brave words we're hearing at this afternoon's defence summit will be forgotten.
Never mind all that nonsense, Tim.
Did you know Starmer's dad was a toolmaker, and Starmer himself had no "emotional space" because once upon a time their phone was cut off. Just think how that information could have helped the tangerine spiv perceive the Downing Street barrow boy tenant.
Suits or no suits.
Depends on who you mean? The politicians are totally united over Gaza and Israel - they 100% support Israel. The public by contrast is indeed divided. On the one hand the right defend Israel on the basis that they aren't to keen on Muslims, while the liberal left aren't keen on white european settlers displacing yet another native population.
Unfortunately for the latter, history indicates that they aren't going to win this one. Just ask the few remaining native peoples in both Americas, Australia and New Zealand. Plus of course, the Zionist cause in Israel is backed by the Gawd squad, so money pours into their coffers to aid in ethnic cleansing.
The Ukraine is the opposite. The politicians are divided, with the 'strong men's leaders aiding with Russia, while the rest, realising the danger Putin poses, back, if a tad reluctantly, Ukraine. The public though, were pretty much behind Ukraine. The extreme left swallowed Putin and his apologists bullshit whole, but everyone else was happy to grit their teeth about Ukraines dodgy militias in the face of Russian aggression. As a certain personon here said, a good example of realpolitik - by the public.
Now, with Trump looking to shore up the US's flagging economy by looting the Ukraine of its mineral wealth, plus his desperation to win a nobel prize, driving so called 'peace talks', the far right and far left have come to each others arms over Ukraine's future. United at last by the self serving lies of two truly evil men.
Tremendous possibilities here.
Trump's USA fucks off NATO, Europe, Britain and Ukraine. Europe sends sacrificial military into Ukraine despite warnings not to - a ploy to draw the USA back into the mayhem. Russia destroys European military.
Hey presto, Yanks back in, World War 3 begins!
What's not to like for homicidal maniacs everywhere?
"Two Mortgages" Mandelson, close friend of Jeffrey Epstein, appointee of the Quiff Quisling, doing a bang up diplomatic reconciliation job there. Or maybe not.
Nice expensive suit though....
Good job your black comedy "analysis" will be ignored.
Don't give up your day job.
Starmer playing a blinder here. Britain's final bill for the Aghanistan débacle alone was over £50,000,000,000, plus just under 500 dead Brits. So feeding the Ukraine mincer for less than 10 bill and no dead Brits (not officially anyway) is cost effective. Of course dead Afghanis and Ukrainians don't figure in the balance sheet. Capitalism at its finest.
Meanwhile, the US orange balloon will be out of office by the time minerals extraction gets going, if at all. Might get a good pension out of it though.
So warmongers of the world rejoice. The ledgers might be cooked, but they'll be plausible for naifs.
Of course Mr, 'no answers but plenty of empty slogans', that was bound to annoy you. Reality has a habit of doing that...
Europe is fully aware of all those things - and more. However, thanks in no small part to the far right, it's too divided, and too focused on 'keeping out the Muslim horde' to do anything more than bluster. When Starmer is talking about 'boots on the ground', Ukraine knows the game is up. You can't trust Starmer to honour his word on anything.
Trump though, is given too much credit in that analysis. He hasn't thought, even if he was capable, that far. All he wants is his slice of Ukraine's economy wealth for his pals, and the kudos of ending the war. He's made it clear NATO is of no interest to him, either way.
As for China, it's unlikely Putin is going to risk falling out with Bejing just to keep an ally as unreliable as Trump happy. He'll play Trump as long as it suits him - then invade Ukraine again once his forces have been restructured.
Meanwhile the EU and NATO will make lots of noise, just as the LofN did, but, ultimately, as you say, do nothing as Trump and Putin carve up Ukraine and place a puppet leader in charge.
Reality definitely dawned in the East decades ago. Hence your far right warmongering paranoia.
Have a nice day admiring Starmer's suits.
An unwelcome dose of reality for all the far right warmongers out there.
Starmer's Coalition Of The Killing to follow Bliar's mass murders in the Arabian Peninsula.
That's the Bliar appointed "peace envoy to the Middle East". While supplementing his millionaire loot at £50,000 per "lecture".
Government by Quisling.
While I despise Starmer, let's point out a few issues with the eternally daft verbiage here.
First, Blair led an invasion, lied to get the UK to sign up to it, and may well have caused the death of an official who called him out for it. Starmer, by contrast, is calling for help to resist an invasion.
Two, yes, despite the empty rhetoric, and endless bluster, Russia did invade the Ukraine. You can come up with as much childish nonsense as you like (and you will), nothing changes the fact tanks rolled into the Ukraine, Russian troops have destroyed hospitals, schools etc, and all so putin can slowly but surely rebuild 'old Russia'.
Yes, it's all 'quisling lies' or whatever silly slogan you use, but in the real World, people in Finland, the Baltic states and Poland all fear Putins very real ambitions on them.
Of course all of the above mentioned populations are victims of the 'western war mongering propaganda machine', and not one single person can think for themselves, but whatever.
That's the bit I love the most. The far left and far right, both contemptuous of anyone's ability to think bar themselves...
Ah yes.... the ol' self-styled "centrist" ploy. The one that wants the killing to go on endlessly. Perpetual war for perpetual peace. The policy of continuous Holocaust. The "free market" of mass murder across the world. Mass murder that will never be forgotten or forgiven.
Put that in your war pipe and smoke it. And don't forget to inhale it with all your other Murdoch/Rothermere fascist propaganda.
Save your breath, mate. The old Tankie probably just thinks that you're me in another one of the 'alter egos' he tells me I post under on here.
I think he does this because he fears making the obvious deduction that a large number of contributors to Zelo Street think he's a twat, (as a large number probably also think of me). It's much more comforting to him to imagine that only the Quisling -Micawber-M25-dwelling-barrow-boy-adjacent Bertie, trolling him between plates of jellied eels from a Pearly Palace in 'the-most-corrupt-city-in-the-world', could possibly be calling him out for posting his throwback idiocies.
He's actually very well-read it would appear and very keen to show it. But he doesn't seem to realise that it's what you *do* with all the reading and the obsessive online 'research' that counts.
Over to you,Tankie:
See, there's your problem me old Micawber. You keep putting through your own goal then running back to the centre circle in "triumph" before reality dawns.
Unintentional ironic light entertainment though. But not for the victims in Libya, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and Ukraine, to name just a few.
But have a nice day with jellied eels from the Alf Garnett supermarket (white christians only).
There you are 17.54. Even more lurid and ridiculously juvenile than usual .
But I think he's feeling pressured at the moment as he realises that his line becomes daily more indistinguishable from that of Putin/Trump/Vance/Orban/Farage.
And don't let his 'warmongering' crap con you. Churchill was a warmonger to Molotov and Ribbentrop and good old Uncle Joe in 1940 (as all the 'freedom-loving peoples of the world' could see).
As I say at 19.16 below, you're wasting your breath with the old Tankie.
@bertie, he thinks, as do all his ilk, in their divine arrogance, that anyone who doesnt subscribe to their World view is a 'quiff quisling', and unable to grasp what they see as obvious truths.
Exactly the same then, as their far right pals. Their beliefs (on some issues) may differ, but the mentality is the same.
It is however, quite fun seeing if he can escape the prison he's made for himself. Can a bit of rationality seep in, or will we only ever get empty slogans that long since failed to have any meaning or effect?
As you say, the information is there, but the interpretation is done through a lens so narrow only gibberish appears on the other side.
Likewise, I'm sure many of my posts will get on peoples tits, but at least I try not to repeat the same dreary, 'comrades, we must resist the quiff quisling' line every single day..
Nah. You're just another ranting rightie troll. Like the "other" one, full of polysyllabic bullshit straight from the Rothermere Daily Heil with a an occasional dollop of the Grauniad. Self deluded ale house sophist nonsense.
But have a "nice" day anyway. Don't let the fascist warmongering, genocide, racism and thievery spoil your late night Horlicks and TV soap operas.
That was impressive! So many slogans crammed into one sentence you must have needed a lie down.
Oh, and yes Horlicks is great.
Trolls need Horlicks. Either that or keep taking the tablets. Meanwhile, all your heroes are lying and killing their way across the planet.
No big words please! He's just said big words are a sign of bull shit and a far right bent. So no big words so far for him from me.
Though I have to say it's quite hard to find a way to say 'Putin's useful idiot' in mon o syll a bles.
So I won't try.
Try saying, "Far right warmongering genocidal racist dickhead, me" to yourself.
There, suits you and the Quiff Quisling perfectly.
Thank me later.
Bertie, it's so much fun reading his responses, I couldn't possibly oblige. Apologies for that, but his woolly cardigan brigade, Socialist Worker, nonsense takes me back to having, um, 'fun' with one of his comrades many years ago.
He asked me, 'what is the point' of Unions (he was our works rep)? Naively, I said, 'to defend the workforce both individually and collectively'. 'Wrong' he thundered! 'Its to take on the established order, and enforce the will of the masses'. Err, yeah.
Against such dogma, such indoctrinated nonsense, all the empty slogans, and total inaction (the useless git sloganed our bosses to death, but achieved nothing), you can only respond with a wry smile.
By contrast with our soapbox Socialist, our 'horlicks drinking' welfare officer pinned them to the floor at a key meeting where she forced them to admit we'd been shafted, something he'd failed to do in five years.
Since that day, I just can't take our 'quiff quisling' hating friends in any way seriously...
Gosh. All that "centrist action" and we STILL ended up with the far right warmongering Zionist-without-qualification racist Quiff Quisling and attacks on our most vulnerable citizens.
See, that's the problem for you rightie Grauniads. You're always wrong and you always run away from the issues. Must be something in your camomile tea.
'Booooring. As for 'taking action' from past experience, I doubt very much, beyond standing in Guildford town centre with your woolly jumpered chums, chanting slogans, you've moved from behind that keyboard in your life. Good luck with that btw.
Nah. Only you Grauniad apologists wear wooly jumpers. It's what you do for the far right.
0/10. Must try harder in Guildford and elsewhere.
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