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Tuesday 3 October 2023

Tory Girl Cries Wolf Once Too Often

The Tory party is not at the peak of popularity right now. It has been scraping the barrel of positive opinion for so long that it has buried out the bottom and hit bedrock. So those attending its conference this week in Manchester would know that the only warm welcome they were likely to receive was if one of the more enterprising locals was to set fire to them.

Emily Hewertson

That’s as in someone else setting their pants on fire, rather than the blaze being the result of spontaneous ignition brought on by another episode of talking well, but lying badly. But, as the late Clive James might have said, I digress. One of the more rabid right-wing fringe has now made an evidence free leap from lack of popularity to Being Thrown Out Of Bars.

I kid you not: this dubious honour goes to one Emily Hewertson, whose name may ring a bell with those who have looked in on Zelo Street. It was she who was featured in a BBC puff piece called “Party girls can do politics”. For some reason, the Beeb missed Ms Hewertson’s link to Turning Point UK, the offshoot of a US original linked to white supremacism.

But, so what? Ah well. Ms Hewertson also assertedI am sick of going into pubs to find left-wing groups, shouting at me make me feel so uncomfortable, to the point I have [to] leave. Sorry, but this has happened to [sic] many times. Tonight, I went in and a group called my name and continued to look at me - I ignored. The friend I was with then went for a drink and I got told, when I was alone, that I had ‘very strong opinions’ despite having fairly liberal ones”.

Do go on. “This is extremely intimidating and I’m glad I am confident, as others would be even more afraid. I even felt obligated [?] to leave after one drink. This isn’t the first example … I do not care if you disagree with me … What I care about is when you shout rubbish at a 20 year old, who is out and about, having a good time!” Things that never happened, take 94.

This should be borne in mind when considering Ms Hewertson’s latest fantasy outburst. “Hearing stories about people being abused and kicked out of bars across Manchester just because they’re Tories. The tolerant left!” Care to name bars plural? Sorry, singular. “Happened at The New Union, btw”. Ben Leo chipped in with a terse “Can confirm”. Who he?

Leo is a producer for Gammon Broadcasting™ News (“Bacon’s News Channel”). His Twitter/X/Whatever bio used to more specifically tell that he was a producer for Dan Wootton Tonight, but that detail has somehow vanished from view. Ms Hewertson is also a GB News presence.

What a coincidence! But then a problem entered. How would The New Union, or indeed any other bar, pub, or similar establishment know that the person they had decided to expel from the premises was a Tory? Do they all wear some form of ID? Does the decibel level emanating from their North And South define them thus? Maybe the Rotten Lefties™ grassed them up.

Guy Lambert was unimpressed. “Then name the bars and do a story about it. GB News is just leaping onto these allegations as if they are fact, and they are not until the bar(s) concerned have been questioned and their perspective given. This is hack journalism”. Correctamundo. Another Tweeter askedSo Mr Producer for Dan Wootton, how did the bar know they were Tories?

Yes, well. Meanwhile, Leo’s intervention in support of Ms Hewertson was turning out to be a campaign developing not necessarily to his advantage, as another Tweeter mocked him. “Ben, you've got GB News in your profile, you can't confirm anything mate”. Another askedWhy have you changed your bio, Benjamin? Producer for ‘Dan Wootton Tonight’ the last time I looked”.

All that his intervention has achieved is to tell the world that Desperate Dan Wootton may be on his way out of GB News. And the sum total of Emily Hewertson’s latest attempt to call wolf may be once too often. Maybe someone who also happened to be a Tory conference delegate got chucked out of a watering hole. But on the basis of political belief? No.

But good to see that paranoia, victimhood and dishonesty endure. Bless.

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gillette said...

Question. How did they know they were Tories? Were they mouthing off or similar? Mayhap.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

I don't believe a word of this.
However, if by chance it did turn out to be true then The New Union deserves to be packed to the rafters by grateful punters from now to Christmas.

Personally, I'd have chucked her out for her eyebrows.
Him too, probably.

Anonymous said...

Could have been much worse.

Every bar and club might have had a door sign
reading "No dogs or tories".

You know, as freedom of speech "banter".

Anonymous said...

Lol, the New Union Bar in Manchester is a stone's throw away from the conference centre - its on the corner of Princes Street and Canal Street - the queer quarter of Manchester - its one of the oldest gay pubs in Manchester (for those of you who dont know)

Perhaps they got shouted out because they are associated with Dan Wootton and the locals are (understandably) angry that his alleged actions as a gay man have reinforced hetreosexual/homophobic stereotypes about gay men being predatory towards straight young men

Ot perhaps they thought she was just another patronising fag-hag

iMatt said...

It's all "ME, ME, ME, look at ME" with these hard and far right types ain't it? One minute bigging themselves to be big and bad. The next making up stories about being victims.

Anonymous said...

I seem to recall Katie Hopkins passing adverse comment on Ms. Hewertson in the past.

gillette said...

Yes I'd forgotten that was a gay pub. It's been a while since I was in Manchester

Steve Woods said...

The sense of entitlement is overpoweringly strong in Hewertson.

In 2021 the Mirror carried a piece in which she bleated she'd been turned down for Live Island because she's a Tory.

Here sense of victimhood just as well developed.

James said...

The irony, is that, as a previous comment mentioned the context, is that this neoliberal Tory mob want to bring back and normalise prejudice and narrowmind-ness of years ago:

No refugees
No immigrants
No Trans
No Black Lives Matter
No Irish
No Dogs

That's the awfulness what she and others want to delight in !

Mr Larrington said...

This ∩ Things That Happened = Ø

Anonymous said...

Icing on the cake time. Lawrence Fox has been arrested for inciting gammon to destroy ULEZ cameras.
Gb news has used this as an opportunity to fire him (also Calvin "the used matchstick " Robinson). Huzzah

gillette said...

Interestingly, perhaps this is the real reason they were slung out. Several paragraphs down.

Anonymous said...

There was a post on X that was replying to a Tory complaining about him and his mates being thrown out of a bar. He said they were ejected because they were Tories. The post offered to play them the tape of them chucking stuff at the bar staff. True or not? I’ve no idea.