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Thursday 18 May 2023

Piers Morgan - Shame On You

Not so long ago, Prince Harry considered the less than totally ethical, honest and good faith reportage dished out to his wife and concluded that our free and fearless press would only desist from the constant barrage of hateful knocking copy when she was dead. In this, he immediately struck an echo of what happened to Diana, and their relentless pursuit of her.

Evening all

Then came an incident with further echoes of Diana: Haz and Megs attended an awards ceremony in New York City on Tuesday evening. As the BBC has reported, “Prince Harry, Meghan and her mother were involved in a ‘near catastrophic car chase’ involving paparazzi, a spokesperson for the couple claimed”. The chase happened after they left the event. There was more.

And what's more, Ron ...

In a statement, their spokesperson said the ‘relentless pursuit’ lasted for more than two hours and resulted in ‘multiple near collisions’ … The NYPD confirmed an incident took place involving Harry and Meghan and said numerous photographers ‘made their transport challenging’”. Even Mail Online has since taken down photos that were taken during the pursuit.

At one point, the couple used a Yellow Cab to try and shake off the paparazzi, having by this time taken refuge in a Police Station, but this idea was abandoned after ten minutes. The taxi driver said that in his opinion Haz and Megs were not in any danger during that ten minute segment of the two hour whole, and this was enough for a particular sick media obsession to restart.

To no surprise at all, former Screws and Daily Mirror editor Piers Morgan, now for some reason being paid an obscene amount of money to broadcast to very few viewers on Murdoch noise floor occupant TalkTV, was not backward in coming forward to continue his sneering dismissal of anything and everything from the Sussexes’ camp, and with the usual lack of style.

Off he went. “Hmmm … A tale of two statements … one from the Sussexes, the other from the NYPD. One says 'near-catastrophic', the other says 'challenging' but no significant incident. Are recollections varying again? We'll have all the latest on [The All New Percy Moron Show] live at 8pm”. So he’s already one step from calling liar on the Sussexes.

This despite the two statements being not necessarily exclusive of one another. Then came the taxi driver’s statement, which to no surprise at all was taken out of context. It only took another Tweeter to claim that a two hour chase in central Manhattan was unlikely for the mask to slip: “There was no 2-hour chase, their story is unravelling by the minute”. LIAR! LIAR!!

And just to wrap up this latest sad chapter in Morgan’s obsession with the Duchess, he “interviewed” the taxi driver. Who was involved for ten minutes out of two hours. The same Piers Morgan who claimed to be pals with Diana, though what is being alleged in the latest court action suggests that she, like so many who came into contact with The Great Man, was not really a friend.

But he is confirming what Haz had claimed. The sneering, shouting down, and above all the sick obsession are so much part of Piers Morgan’s DNA that he will not be able to stop himself, no matter how much danger the couple and Meg’s Mum were in, no matter how close it all came to physical contact between the vehicles involved, no matter how close to injuries, or worse, they or their pursuers came. He is that far gone.

All that it takes is for one of his followers with a few hundred Twitter followers and who may well have paid for their blue tick to gainsay the Sussexes, and the red mist descends even further. Sad to say, though, that his piss-poor ratings mean hardly anyone sees the meltdown, and even fewer care.

An obsession that won’t stop until there is a body count. Sad but true.

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Anonymous said...

Moron is well beyond "controversial" now. He's absolutely sinister and malevolently obsessive. Seriously ill.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree with you. He needs locking up.

Anonymous said...

I don’t understand the level of hate people has for Harry and Meghan. They want to be able to live their lives how they want, why is that so hard for people to understand? Piers, Just leave them alone.