The stuff of nightmares
In the Northcliffe House bunker, the legendarily foul mouthed Paul Dacre appears to have been apoplectic: Wednesday’s Daily Mail Comment, the authentic voice of the Vagina Monologue, thundered “Instead of commenting on Britain’s disgraceful treatment of its old people, they offer half-baked thoughts on economics, attacking the Government’s austerity programme for spreading ‘insecurity and anxiety’, while (yawn!) blaming Margaret Thatcher’s market revolution for ‘fragmenting social solidarity at many levels’”.
She says she has been devout for fifty years, then says she is seriously converting to the Roman Catholic Church just because she has the hump with something? Is she really that stupid, or does she she think we are stupid enough to believe her?
Anyway, the RC Church won't have if she gives that as the only excuse for changing her religion.
Why waste your time on reading DM?,This woman has no experience of what it mean s to b poor and desperate? Just like those ignorant Britons in 18 century who couldnt understand why people would steal a loaf of bread when they knew they would be transported to Australia, she has no concept of dying of hunger as she has always had access to food?
Unfortunately these supremely Ignorant people set themselves up(acka Boris Johnson et al) as lecturers to the rest of us on subjects they know absolutely nothing about?
Would expect nothing different from an editor like Paul "Ball Acre" Dacre!
'Cultural Christianity' (you know, weddings, funerals, first verse of All Things Bright and Beautiful, B&Q on a Sunday morning etc) seems to be a growing trend. The idea that rather than being on God's side, He should be on yours if He knows what's good for Him. In a sense, the belief that faith should be about confirming one's own prejudices.
Rather similar to the old saying about the difference between patriotism and nationalism. One is defined by love of your own. The other by hatred of everyone else's.
I'll bet you anything you like that every serving Catholic bishop in Great Britain is a lifelong Labour voter, and that that has been the case throughout living memory.
Practising Catholics are overwhelmingly so, the schools turn them out like factories, and indeed those institutions employ Labour Party members on an industrial scale.
Being Australian, she ought to know all of this, even if her Home Counties editors and readers do not.
Amanda's constant blasphemous use of the Holy Name of Jesus leaves me feeling very sad.
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