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Sunday 1 September 2024

Anti-Migration Fan Now A Migrant

Some have left the UK for well thought out reasons - and with all due modesty, I include myself in that category - while others have departed for reasons dependent on their ability to reinvent reality. In the latter category, we see Plastic Padré Calvin Robinson, who is staunchly, even virulently, opposed to immigration, making an exception for Himself Personally Now.

Calvin Robinson

Robinson, an appallingly immodest being with much to be modest about, has had a chequered recent career: he was a governor at the Michaela School in Wembley (yes, the one where Katharine Birbalsingh is head teacher), but then he wasn’t; he was a senior fellow at wacko right-wing lobby group Policy Exchange, but then wasn’t, and trained for the clergy with the C of E.

But then he wasn’t C of E either, ending up in the Nordic Catholic Church, which really exists, but very few have heard of. He espouses the kinds of views that get folks an entry to media outlets like Gammon Broadcasting™ News (“Bacon’s News Channel”), but they sacked him for siding with the deeply unpleasant Dan Wootton. The press still likes him, though.

That includes the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph, the Mail titles, and online outlets like Spiked, so named because it should have been long ago. He has espoused Islamophobia, passed severely adverse comment upon anything he can label as “woke”, and above all he has opposed immigration. Then came his defining moment of rank hypocrisy.

Yes, he was about to do a little immigration of his own. Here’s the schtick, first the Tweet: “It is with a heavy heart that I announce I am leaving the United Kingdom. Starmer's dark Satanic Mills are not for me. But I will be back. For now, it is time to regroup. I will not cease from mental fight, nor shall my sword sleep in my hand”. Full of crap as usual. And the longer version?

I mentioned at the end of the last show … that I am looking to leave the United Kingdom … I have been called to a parish elsewhere. I will announce where when it’s appropriate … it’s been accelerated by the current state of affairs in the United Kingdom … it doesn’t feel like people are ready to fight yet, there aren’t enough people awake yet”. Wow! Zap! DULL!

And there is more. “It feels like, in other parts of the world, there are people who still believe in freedom, still believe in Christ, and are willing to fight for what’s right, and I’m hoping that in joining them, and becoming a soldier among many, that we can regroup, we can build an army (speaking metaphorically). We need to be stronger, as Christians, as Brits”.

Sadly, he may be back. “I will make a stand in the next General Election, but in the meantime, I’m going to work as a full-time parish priest in a parish elsewhere. London is no longer safe [no citation], I have moved out of London, I’m a nomad at the moment, floating around without a home, but I’ve been offered a home, and am going to serve and administer to good people, good faithful people [and] hope to come back stronger”. Yeah, right.

Not so much giving one another a sign of peace as peace off. So where’s he going? Ah well. That we do not get to know - yet. Maybe he’s just having an extended visit to Ireland; after all, they (mostly) speak English, so he won’t have a language problem. Perhaps he’s off to mainland Europe.

Well, so long as he doesn’t rock up anywhere in the Greater Lisbon area. One rumour currently circulating is that Calv is bound for Spain; perhaps he will minister to the likes of Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, who does appear to be indulging in the kind of sinful behaviour which may be tempered by a little more confession, and a little less grifting.

But few in the UK will miss him. The media opportunities will all too rapidly be taken over by another in the seemingly endless line of far right gobshites; one more stinking hypocrite only serves to show how full of the proverbial so many out there on the right really are. Immigration, for them, is the reddest of red lines, except when they choose to rewrite the rules in their favour.

One more rabid rat is now leaving the sinking ship. Just rejoice at that news.

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Anonymous said...

I'll have a whip round for his bus fare.

Good riddance to the itinerant meff. A down market Elmer Gantry.

Pity the poor sods about to be inflicted with his "charismatic" presence.

Burlington Bertie from Bow said...

'Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand'. Shades of Jonathan Aitken, eh? The only Blake that I would associate with Robinson would be that conman boyfriend of Amy Winehouse.

What a twat.

J said...

"there aren’t enough people awake yet" wait, so now he's complaining that people are not woke... I wish the thick c**ts would make their f**king minds up.

Anonymous said...

"God told me to deport myself" ...

James said...

Spot on. Quotes Blake but doesn't get Blake. Probably thinks William Morris was right wing as well.

James said...

In his mindset, Jesus joined the money lenders into conning people, and the good Samaritain walked on by, because the unfortunate victim was woke.

Mr Larrington said...

If we of the Democratic Ruthless Bastards Party had any say in the matter the fact of a migrant of fighting age banging on about wielding a weapon ought to be enough to keep the pastor of muppets in some kind of stateless limbo for a very very long time.

Anonymous said...

Can't think he wants to leave Britain after money-changer Justin Welby threw Christ out of the temple.

Seems Calvin decided not to shape up so he shipped out. He wants only to talk to "good people". A peculiar notion of religious ministry. Then again, superstitious religion has always been a load of irrational bollocks.....

Anonymous said...

Any day now he'll come up with the equivalent of "Deutschland Erwacht!" Which wouldn't be a surprise since the first Nazi diplomatic agreement was the Vatican Concordat. Almost all organised religion supported fascist movements, even participating in the Holocaust and rescuing fleeing Nazis on the ratlines to South America. Robinson thus holds to right wing "religious traditions" and ritualistic poison. Quelle surprise. Not.

Anonymous said...

The confusion that exists in some peoples minds often baffles me. Robinson is the grandson of Windrush immigrants. Braverman, Patel and Bedenoch are all descendants of recent immigrants. All of these people know there is no such thing as 'unlimited immigration', yet all are happy to sell their souls purely to climb the greasy societal and political pole by plugging this bullshit.

Another baffling aspect, is do they not realise that there is no such thing as a 'good immigrant' to the far right? Are they so stupid that they really think that being a vocal anti immigration talking head, means they won't be among the first that Tommo, Nige and Kendrick throw out?