Tuesday 7 May 2019

UKIP Enlists Disgraced Paedophilia Advocate

The far-right is not having a happy time of it right now as campaigning for the European Parliament elections gathers pace. Nigel “Thirsty” Farage and his Brexit Party are coming under pressure to explain why they ejected - seemingly with more force than was necessary - a respected local blogger from their gathering outside Chester yesterday. And his old home, UKIP, is about to face yet more of those difficult questions.
At the behest of new leader Adolf von Batten, the Kippers have signed up several social media wannabes, not least Paul Watson of InfoWars (just banned by Facebook), Mark Meechan aka Count Dankula, famous for getting his partner’s dog to respond to the command “Gas the Jews”, and Carl Benjamin, who styles himself Sargon of Akkad. And it is Benjamin who is once again making the running this week.

Those who look in regularly on Zelo Street will know that Benjamin, among all the other unfortunate remarks littering his back catalogue, produced a podcast where he was in conversation with The Justicar. Here, the two decided to talk about the age of consent, with The Justicar proffering “I was well under the age of 11 when I started having sex.. Please convince me that I didn't know what I was doing”, then adding “I can tell you I think one of the reasons that, erm, the adults I was screwing around with liked me was because.. their dicks looked so much bigger in my tiny little hands”.

So what was The Great Man to say in reply? “Yeah, I think.. it depends on the child really, doesn't it.. it should really be a case by case basis”. In case you missed that, UKIP’s number two candidate for South West England and Gibraltar just said he had no problem with the age of consent being lowered to 11. Eleven. On a case by case basis. Perhaps this is to “trigger the libs”. Perhaps, also, it was not an isolated incident.
Because Benjamin had also taken part in The Thinkery Podcast, with Singaporean blogger Amos Yee. Who he? “Yee truly believes that the age of consent should be abolished, and he remains genuinely perplexed on why believers of free speech aren’t taking his side … After months of continued questionable content published on his YouTube channel, the video-sharing platform finally gave him the boot”. So could it get any worse?

As if you need to ask: tomorrow, flying in from the USA, probably with someone else footing the bill, to assist UKIP, is Milo. You think I jest? “I am coming to London for a week May 8 - May 14 to join Sargon of Akkad on the Ukip campaign trail”. Milo Yiannopoulos. Whose fall from grace came soon before he was due to give a keynote address to last year’s CPAC gathering. And we all know what precipitated that fall.

Yiannopoulos was caught on video talking about the P-Word. After talking about older men having sexual relationships with “young boys”, he asserted “You’re misunderstanding what paedophilia means! Paedophilia is not a sexual attraction to somebody 13 years old who is sexually mature”. And with that, the house fell in on the repellant man-baby.

But he is still welcome chez UKIP. A paedophilia advocate coming to support a candidate who had apparently had no problem with the age of consent being lowered to 11 “on a case by case basis” and who shares a platform with another paedophilia advocate.

Anyone would think UKIP have a paedophilia apologist problem. And they’d be right.
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  1. Sargon may be about to have his collar felt.

    "Police investigating Ukip candidate for Jess Phillips rape comments"


  2. Even if his collar is felt, its doubtful if it will result in his name being removed from the ballot form. God knows what you have to do to be disqualified.

  3. Milo coming to help out on the Kipper campaign,they must be desperate,Milo will no doubt end up leaving a trail of unpaid bills for the Kippers to pick up.
    Time Benjamin was questioned by Inspector Knacker for his disturbing and threatening comments. How he is able to stand beats me.

    Well the only good thing about Benjamin and Co, is their very disturbing and dangerous views about sex are being exposed.
    Another bonus Adolf Van Batten is throwing in the towel and stepping down as chief Fascist. Hopefully he''s final act is to split the right-wing vote 3 ways..
