Thursday 4 July 2024

Election Day Press Shame

The day has finally dawned, when, if the latest poll is to be believed, Labour will sweep to a tally of well over 400 MPs, with the Tories facing something between annihilation and wipeout. The conclusion to the election campaign is as obvious now as it has been since Rishi Sunak went to see Brian in late May, his pals bet on the election date, and Labour were thereby alerted.

Turnout looks as if it may be on the high side: good. Sunak might, just might, provide the ultimate Portillo moment of the night as it looks possible that he could lose his seat. Five-figure Tory majorities are set to fall across the country, with at least one poll suggesting that Esther McVey in true blue Tatton could be a casualty. The Tories may end up with fewer than 100 seats.

If The Blue Team does worse even than that low bar, we could be looking at their being replaced as the official opposition by the Lib Dems. All of the foregoing is shaping up to provide excellent spectator sport after polls close at 2200 hours. But for one group of observers, there is a fear and foreboding in the air. They are the right-leaning part of our free and fearless press.

While the Murdoch Sun has done a screeching U-Turn during the week, going from attacking Labour to telling their remaining readers that Keir Starmer and his pals are actually the winning team, and the Sunday Times has also backed The Red Team, the daily title under the editorship of the deeply unpleasant Tony Gallagher has gone into fence-sitting mode.

Not so the Daily Brexit, still called the Express, which is pleading with any readers not yet asleep to back the Tories. The increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph has invented a Labour council tax raid. The Mail is trying to get readers not to back Reform UK. It is in a blind panic.

Soaring taxes [no citation], uncontrolled immigration [no citation] … rampant wokery [meaningless drivel], betrayal of women’s rights [should be right up the Mail’s street, then], Net Zero mania [there is no mania], weaker defence [no citation], surrender of our Brexit freedoms [what ‘Brexit freedoms’ would those be, then?] - and votes at 16 to ‘rig’ future elections [is that in the Labour manifesto? I blinked and missed it]” And the “Supermajority” crap, too.

As well as the blatantly dishonest “You can stop it”. Right now, those Daily Mail readers with whom the legendarily foul mouthed Paul Dacre had his imaginary “conversations” are queuing up at polling stations to vote out his preferred party of Government. After 14 years of ineptitude, corruption, waste, cronyism, cruelty, gaslighting, dishonesty, and rampant self-interest.

But what frightens the press more is that they have thus far failed to coax any assurance out of the Starmer team that there will be no return to Part 2 of the Leveson Inquiry, and the associated prospect of properly independent press regulation. No assurance that the press will be able to carry on behaving as badly as they see fit. Hence the panic, more lying, and scare stories.

Because a Government with a three-figure majority need not fear what all those obscenely overmonied hacks and pundits do in their efforts to derail whatever agenda is put before Parliament. If Labour triggers Leveson 2, not all the press lobbying in the Western world will stop it. Seeing what the press got up to for all those years will begin to turn the public’s heads. Good.

Worse for the press, the proliferation of poverty, those thousands of food banks, many working full time and still unable to make ends meet, will count against them. Why buy a paper when those who contribute to its production have so little understanding of how difficult life is for those hardworking people whom they claim to champion? They don’t care. Like the Tories.

The voters listened to the press, and their pals in all those Astroturf lobby groups. It got them a country that is in serious decline, a health service that is on its knees, roads that are literally falling apart, public transport that is either absent or expensive, a Police service that is mostly ineffective, and all they see is rich people filling their pockets. Then they see the press.

A press supporting more cruelty and more poverty. Don’t forget to vote.

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  1. A Quisling "Labour" "win" was forecast within months of the 2019 election. Only its scale was/is in question - dependent on just how corrupt and British the blue version became. As it transpired, the descent was near vertical and took the red version with it in a tailspin of utter corruption.

    As forecast, and as in 1997, Quisling "Labour" will move into Downing Street merely because it isn't the blue version. Even though its policies are virtually identical and it's frontmen and women are just as corrupt and hypocritical, and just as guilty in inflicting war criminality and mass murder wars and genocide.

    Blue, red and yellow tory capitalism varies only in its pr bullshit and lies and thievery methods. Typified by the Starmer Quisling grotesque grin and his "no emotional space" dishonest face.

    Quisling 'Labour" is just another far right malevolent soap opera scripted by the same old sociopaths and psychopaths.

    Britain 2024.

  2. Burlington Bertie from Bow4 July 2024 at 15:12

    'But for one group of observers, there is a fear and foreboding in the air.'

    They're not alone, Tim. Read some of the regular comments on here. Incapable of enjoying even the schadenfreude of Blue Team humiliation (or ever enjoying anything much else in life, I suspect) they now have nothing to look forward to except the prospect of Portillo moments for the 'Red Tories' in five years time.
    Ah well.

    I like to imagine one of them in particular shuffling home from Cloggy County Infants on July 6th 1945, ripping to shreds his last packet of 10 Park Drive and cursing the successes of 'far right' Herbert Morrison, war-mongering mass-murderer Ernie Bevin, Eton-educated Zionist Mosley-botherer John Strachey, A-bomb lover Aneurin Bevan and sharp-suited public school, metropolitan elite wild-eyed legal shyster Clement Richard First Earl the Right Honourable Attlee.

    And then shouting at anyone prepared to listen: 'It'll only get worse. Much worse'.

    Anyway, Tim. Your contribution to the Fall of the Tories deserves a mention. Thanks for all the work you put in and I hope you get a huge amount of deserved satisfaction from seeing it come to (if only partial) fruition.

    1. Something to help you through difficult moments 15:12.

  3. A COCKNEE TAXI DRIVER RITES.4 July 2024 at 18:58

    'Ere, wot's orl vis abaht Lyber winnin.

    Evrywan noze Strammer stole gud owld Borisz ideas. An dat Reeves stole Jermee Ant's munny stytmints. S'long az it daznt affect the entrypreneweral jellied eels an pearly kween tourist industreez itll be bizness as yewzyeral. Gud owld Nyjil will keep it orl in line an elp keep orl dem swarms of Bangladesheez forrins aht of Essex. An we kin sellybryte orl d'gud wer dewin in d'Middl Eest wiv nice Joe Biden an Dan Trump, proper beezers bowf.

    I ad dat Lewk Ikeyerst in the backer me cab once. Proper tory geezer ee iz. Imm an Nyjil myke a rite per. Fewcher pryme ministers dey ar, an a gud fing too.

    Gawd bless prince Willy, Alf Garnitt an Kween Camel. Proper royle tory geezers wot dey are.

  4. As long forecast, Quisling "Labour" aren't winning. The tories are losing. Badly, very badly, also as forecast. 1997 reprise.

  5. I don't see anything in what Starmer, Streeting, Reeves and co are offering that fills me with any confidence at all. But then, if a poll done today is correct, nor do 75% of those voting Labour. Only 10% of those asked thought Labour were offering anything worthwhile. The rest are voting Labour - to give the Tories a well deserved kick up the arse. One person who summed up perfectly what's to come, is Tom Watson, an utterly vile 'Brownite' who once bragged it was he that forced Blair to step down. Charming. Having made false accusations against a former MP, that once proved to be incorrect - he refused to retract. It was he who told Corbyn, 'accept the second referendum or we'll mass quit just before the election'. Thus handing Labour a suicidal policy, that cost the party dear. Today, this utterly excrebale man, spent campaigning against Corbyn. A shit to the bitter end. Yet he served at the highest levels of the Labour party, and was seen as so poisonous he was selected to Corbyns cabinet on time honoured, 'keep your enemies closer, approach. When a man is seen as a nasty piece work even by the Torys, you end up asking, what did we vote for? Doubtless Akehurst and co will have us asking the same question should Labour win.

  6. What i found stomach churning was tge tv converage after 10 pm. Lots of talk of strategy and swing and speculation on what kind of leader would have managed to turn around the Tory fortunes with absolutely no memtion of "ineptitude, corruption, waste, cronyism, cruelty, gaslighting, dishonesty, and rampant self-interest". No mention of the economy flatlining for 14 years. Nommentiin of rising poverty. No mention of waste water pollution affecting the entire coastline. It's all as if politics is happening in some sort of abstraction, and they are working hard for NEVER explicitely starting the direct link between how much we struggle to pay the bills and who is occupying number 10.

    1. Exactly. Politics is just a game now, and elections just a moving around of deck chairs. Neither channel saw fit to point out the real problems facing the UK, instead we were treated to the 'Tory' reasoning - not enough whipping of the unemployed and disabled, he govt not mining the channel, and the rich just not getting enough tax cuts. Which then led on to interviews yesterday with reform voters agreeing wholeheartedly with that analysis. Meanwhile Labours first cabinet has me feeling something I've never felt with a Labour govt before - dread.

  7. Starmer announces his first cabinet, and I'm already dreading the next five years. Liz bloody Kendall as the head of the DWP. So, more misery and bullying for claimants, and no change in the 'disabled scroungers' rhetoric. The same 'cuts to public spending' and 'more investment in the private sector' from Reeves, and the same private sector promotion bullshit from Sweeting. Did we just have an election, because fuck all has change?

  8. Too late, too late
    Poor country cried
    They've lied about 'the middle'
    So now they'll steal
    And sell their wars
    To manufacture riddle
    'Twas always thus
    And thus will be
    For those who lie and fiddle

  9. Outstandingly stupid pr first stroke by the Quiff Quisling:

    English flag festooned on railings.....The Scots, Welsh and Irish will have an opinion on that.

    Meanwhile, the total Quisling "Labour" vote considerably LESS than 2019 and especially 2017. Barely above the last vote percentage. And that despite an atomised "opponent" of blatant evil corruption.

    So, as forecast, more far right gangsterist "government" rackets and mass murder wars. This time coloured red.

  10. The REALITY:

    Labour vote share:
    2017 - 12,877,918
    2019 - 10,269.051
    2024 - 9,634,399
