Wednesday 3 July 2024

Behold The New Entitled Elite

One word that endures, whoever is in power, is Entitlement. It was on display throughout the tenure of disgraced former alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson; this, sadly, continued through the blessedly brief interregnum of batshit and utterly inept Liz Truss, and has been maintained by the self-promoting failure that is Rishi Sunak.

The New Elite 1 - Luke Akehurst ...

What has become clear, furthermore, is that, in its own way, entitlement will be the name of the game for Labour when, as now seems inevitable, the Party clears out the Tories tomorrow and takes power for the first time since 2010. The new entitled elite will not be Something In The City, and nor will they have a berth in or near 55 Tufton Street. But they will still be entitled.

And they will still be elite, although in a different way. Not for the up-and-coming Labour entitled elite the moonlighting on Gammon Broadcasting™ News (“Bacon’s News Channel”). Not for them the column in the Mail, Telegraph, Express, or indeed the Spectator, the latter’s summer parties about to become a sad irrelevance, and deservedly so.

No, the new Entitled Elite of Labour will show their entitlement through their hold on power, on the party, controlling who is in, who is out, who is to be praised, and who has incurred their displeasure. Availability of directorships is out. Ennoblement may only be temporary, unlike the Tories. Seats in the Commons, SpAd appointments, vacancies for backroom plotters, are in.

They will be featured in the Guardian (BTDTGTTS), or in some cases, they already have been, such is the swaggering confidence bordering on downright arrogance. We’ve seen Spreadsheet Shitlord Extraordinaire Luke “Arthur Putey” Akehurst described in almost fawning terms - “Really Nice Guy” - before he was imposed on the constituency of North Durham.

Also given a fawning write-up in the same paper has been Morgan McSweeney, readers told how he is supposedly considering only allowing sitting MPs to vote on a new Labour leader, should the need arise between General Elections. Which sounds like a reduction in democracy. So does the implication that General Election manifestos be effectively imposed.

... The New Elite 2 - Morgan McSweeney

He, the Guardian feature suggests, will be entitled to A Big Job, come the expected victory. After all, he and Uncool Hand Luke stayed and fought the dastardly Rotten Lefties™. One sincerely hopes that staying and fighting also included backing the party in the 2017 and 2019 General Elections. Because it is all too clear that some others did not. And that is beyond unforgivable.

This may induce in some readers a sense of Déjà Vu, that we have been here before. So we have. It was a baffling attribute of the New Labour project that the control freakery extended to imposing Their Selected People on electorates such as those in Wales, and Greater London.

Hence the digging in of heels to stop Rhodri Morgan becoming First Minister of Wales. This did not go well, Ron Davies embroiled in a scandal, and Alun Michael departing before a no confidence vote. Also not going well was Frank Dobson’s candidacy for Mayor of London. After Ken Livingstone left Labour and stood as an independent, he won. Dobson came third, behind Tory hopeful “Shagger” Norris. Control freakery has a record of not working.

What is also clear is that the new Entitled Elite has no problem with the bouts of flat-out lying that have come with Starmer’s leadership. The current leader made all manner of promises to get the job, and has since reneged on every one of them. But this does not concern the new Entitled Elite, for the same reason that right-wing lobbyists don’t care that they lied too.

That reason is that, as with Vote Leave and subsequent Brexit negotiations, too many people in that party bubble see it all as a game. Lying to secure the EU referendum vote? It’s only a game, we won, you lost, tee hee hee. So it is with the new Entitled Elite. Candidates kicked out in favour of loyal bag carriers? We won, you lost, tee hee hee. But here a problem enters.

It’s not a game for tens of millions of screwed over voters. Just a thought.

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  1. For those who really want to know just how corrupt, evil and treacherous, how much of a long-planned place man is the Starmer Quisling:

    The Starmer Project by Oliver Eagleton (Verso, 2022).

    Chapter and verse on his truly malevolent and careerist personality and links to British and US "intelligence" agencies. He is a far right willing puppet, a hollow creature without a moral centre.

    One of Thatcher's Children.... like all of his type.

  2. Burlington Bertie from Bow3 July 2024 at 14:07


    Red Tories
    Yellow Tories
    Blue Tories


    Kinnock's love children?

    1. That, is probably the most revolting mental image anyone conjured up in a while...

  3. Apart from that list of far right shithouses.... who can forget far right Owen Smith, former (routed) leadership candidate of the Quislings, the British equivalent of the CIA candidate Juan Guaido in Venezuela.

    That's the same Smith who shilled for the Yank owned Pfizer drugs company and who, surprise surprise, supported profiteering privatisation of the NHS. You know, like the Essex barrow boy "Mad Eyes" Streeting and the Starmer/Reeves Quislings.

    The same Smith who told a political meeting he had "a twenty-nine inches penis" and "didn't need Viagra".

    That's the kind of mentality about to help their rich puppeteers further loot the economy and plan more wars.

    Rotting Britain 2024.

  4. "Meet the new boss, same as the old boss". Pete may be a sick pervert but he writes telling lyrics. Labours elite is drawn from activists, the legal profession, and professional politicos. Fundamentally different from the entitled wealth of Bullingdon, the sleazy advisors and failed business bods of the Tory party, but an elite nonetheless. But they all.have something in common, and not just the current generation. Politicians are fundamentally arrogant. Heath was warned the 'dash for Growth' would overheat the economy and cause inflation to spiral out of control. Did he listen? Did he fuck. Callaghan was warned the Unions could not keep wage restraint going any longer, and urged him to avoid industrial action by allowing limited increases. Did he listen? Very famously, no. Thatcher was warned that smashing industry to crush the unions would seriously damage the economy unless support for transition was put in place. As ever, she ignored the commoners and damaged the economy to this day. Brown was warned that the City needed reigning in, and wages needed to rise in order to fend off the effects of a collapse. Well, we know how that worked out! As for the current crop, time and again sane voices warned them against endlessly looking after number one, and that may end up getting its deserved reward. Already Starmer and co have consistently shown they aren't listening. Will they ever learn? Will we?

  5. the Murdoch Scum supports Quisling "Labour". So do other Murdoch rat sheets.

    Just one indicator of how far right this country's political class is. And how further right it's about to go.

  6. .....and now the fiend is in. What the #@£@ ! I mean WHAT THE -##%@ !
