Wednesday 13 December 2023

Mark François Is An Idiot

The BBC had bad economic news: “The UK economy shrank by more than expected in October, as higher interest rates squeezed consumers and bad weather swept the country … The economy fell 0.3% during the month … Most economists had predicted that the economy would shrink by just 0.1%, but the services, manufacturing and construction sectors all contracted”.

And, as Zelo Street pointed out recently, the economy would have done even less well without recent significant net inward migration. That thought was not allowed to enter the cranium of the most delusional Tory right-wingers, though, for whom FORRINS coming here and taking the jobs Hard Working Brits don’t want to do, then paying taxes and spending, is Streng Verboten.

All of which brings us to the Colonel Blimp de nos jours, Mark Gino François (note cedilla under the c), who has decided that, far from being an insignificant back bencher, he is A Very Important Voice Indeed. Moreover, he is the current chairman of the European Research Group, which does no discernible research, but is merely a convocation of Europhobic wackos.

François (note cedilla under the c) declared to the assembled media that the so-called Rwanda Law has incurred the displeasure of Himself and his group: “Our objection was that we don't believe, as it's currently drafted, the bill is firm enough to ensure that flights will take off to Rwanda … The prime minister had said that he would entertain tightening up the bill”. Do go on.

We're taking him at his word [Rishi Sunak is no more trustworthy than disgraced former alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, which makes François a prime mug] … A number of MPs voted with the government... because they were told in private that there would be amendments later on”. Some of his fellow Tories were conned rotten.

When it came to the vote, the ERG, or at least some of them, courageously abstained, but no Tories voted against. So Sunak still managed to muster a majority of 44. The idea that, as the Mail claimed yesterday, the vote would go “down to the wire” was crap (the right-leaning part of our free and fearless press is now claiming the PM won “for now”). François was bust.

Meanwhile, one of those seeking asylum in the UK who had been incarcerated on the Bibby Stockholm barge took his own life, causing discomfort to the Tory right who only reluctantly consider such people to be human. Mickael Essouma was, as Jacqui Mckenzie pointed out, “A doctor from the Cameroon with over 32 peer reviewed clinical research articles”.

Tory policy towards refugees will, with the certainty of night following day, become even less popular, the racist brains trust out there on the right being insufficient to keep the party in power come the next election. Essouma was not “here to get benefits”. He wasn’t “invading” the country. He wasn’t “low-skilled migration”. This was most inconvenient to François.

[Subsequent news is that Mickael Essouma was not the man who took his own life]

Because what he so desperately wants is to make sure that flights to Rwanda actually happen. And that they be filled with all those FORRINS. This, he apparently believes, is what The People want. Breaking international law. Making the UK even less trustworthy. Making the prospects of trade deals and access to markets (like the European Single Market) less likely.

His delusion was summed up by Jo O’Neill: “Apparently deporting a couple of hundred people to Rwanda will boost the stagnant economy, end poverty, end industrial unrest, resolve the Irish border problem, fix the NHS, ensure our schools are properly run, level up, make mortgages affordable and provide affordable housing”. The public, whisper it quietly, have other priorities.

And, as SDLP MP Claire Hanna put it in the Commons yesterday, “This is just red meat for a common sense group with no common sense, a research group that does no research & [a] star chamber that has no stars”. One Tweeter musedMark Francois looks like he should be driving a coachload of pensioners to Marbella”. That’s how important and relevant he is.

But he is damaging the credibility - of his own party. What a complete loser.

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  1. The cedilla doesn't make him French, anymore than the umlaut made Moben kitchens German

  2. Fransoyze, same old far right racist Alf Garnett cockney barrow boy. Plenty more where he comes from, and in the Gnome Counties.

    And, of course, he's an idiot.

  3. Burlington Bertie from Bow13 December 2023 at 16:47

    On the fourth day of Christmas, Anonymous sent to me:

    Four cockney barrow boys (lickspittle optional)
    Three Quiffed Quislings
    Two cheeks on the same arsehole
    And an urfascist in a pear tree

    Re No-mark Mark Dino Ferrari

    'The chairman of the Tory backbench ERG has been pronouncing his inexpert verdict on the Rwanda bill, glistening with unhealthy prominence like a giant bead of sweat on Westminster's fevered brow'

    '(Sunak) making Cameron do the ring-around (to get support for Sunak) is a genuinelyhilarious power move - if slightly undermined by the fact that many putative Rwanda rebels would prefer a call from the Met police's Serious Sex Crimes unit than from David Cameron'.

  4. is he still sex pestering unpaid interns ?

  5. Colonel Blimp - certainly within Powell and Pressburger’s utterly glorious film - was a war hero awarded the VC, a sensitive man almost destroyed by being widowed, a man who vouched for a refugee fleeing to this country from Nazism and a man who recognised that his way of doing things no longer worked. None of these apply to Frank Mancois…

  6. I would rather you not mention either Behr or Hyde there Burlington.

    They are both, at best, adequate columnists but awful, awful people.

  7. Burlington Bertie from Bow14 December 2023 at 22:24

    I offer their words as evidence of their ability to judge and to write, which, as they regularly demonstrate, is far from 'at best adequate'

    I have no particular interest in how they measure up as people nor any way of evaluating them on a personal level. As you offer nothing in support of what you say I'm afraid I'm going to have to hold on to what is observable and evidenced.
    But thanks anyway for 'sharing', Mr Balls.

  8. Hyde is a noted, and I will put this mildly, critic of transexual women. This is well known. Unless, of course you agree with her and are happy with that.

    Behr blamed his heart attack on Jeremy Corbyn and, separately, Brexit. As well as a host of articles attacking the GRT community.

    I assume you will think again, but assumption is a step too far

  9. Burlington Bertie from Bow15 December 2023 at 19:47

    It certainly is. And I’m not at all convinced by your ‘noted’ and ‘well
    You don’t offer any references, links or concrete evidence of Marina Hyde or Rafael Behr’s alleged offences so you’ll forgive me if I’m left having to form my own conclusions.

    The sense I get is this: you feel that,unlike yourself, neither journalist has signed up to the full menu of current progressive orthodoxies,and that you believe this thought crime to be sufficient reason to regard them as ‘awful, awful people’.
    In which case, I’m quite happy for us to stop wasting each other’s time: I volunteer myself, purely on the principle involved, to be put down as another one of the ‘awful, awful people'.

  10. I don't think you're an awful person, but transphobia is a no no in any language. I would suggest it would be for you too, but maybe I am wrong.

    I think Hayhurst may have been right about you. Unfortunately, because I dislike him and quite liked you.

  11. Burlington Bertie from Bow16 December 2023 at 11:43

    Scepticism about the progressive orthodoxies on gender is not, in itself, transphobia, Ed.

    As for Mark Hayhurst, his comments on my posts seemed mostly to arise, for some reason, from his belief, for some reason, that I didn't have a degree/degrees.

    Btw, did you choose your Zelomoniker out of admiration for the great man's ballroom prowess, economic achievements or choice of blogging partners?
    (Mine, as must seem obvious, is my real name)
