Sunday 19 March 2023

Ill Met By Gaslight

Reality, for many out there on the right, either in the Tory party or among their cheerleaders in our free and fearless press, really is a state of mind. It is a state whose existence they are most unwilling to admit. While an increasing part of the electorate realise just how far they’ve been taken for mugs, the gaslighting is merely cranked up further. Now it’s getting silly.

Gaslighting can talk up the elite's preference ...

Rishi Sunak, too weak to stamp any kind of authority on his party, has caved to the rabid Brexiteer death cult out there on the far right by allowing Suella Braverman not only to remain as Home Secretary, but also waste taxpayer funds taking her press and broadcasting pals - but not the BBC, Mirror or Guardian, you understand - on a client journalism jolly to Rwanda.

Here, she has fed lines to those at the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph (“so impressed by the … homes being built for migrants deported from the UK … she wanted the name of their interior designer”), and the Mail on Sunday (“SUELLA: I’LL SEND BOAT MIGRANTS TO RWANDA BY SUMMER”), revealing the press’ creepy personality cultism.

It began with “Boris”, then moved to “Nadine” and “Priti”. Now we have “Rishi” and “Suella”. And, talking of “Boris”, our disgraced now former alleged Prime Minister, we have the flight from reality infecting Tory constituency associations to the extent that they are willing to deselect MPs who were insufficiently loyal to a lying, wasteful narcissist who cares only for himself.

... while viciously dumping on its targets ...

So much swallowing of the Kool-Aid, so willing to support someone who has single handedly screwed up the UK so badly that the damage will take decades to repair, and still ready to contemplate Bozo doing a Lazarus and returning to high office. This has also been facilitated by the press, with the Tel claiming “Bombshell dossier ‘will clear Johnson over parties’”.

As befits a title trading on its brand while the idea of it indulging in investigative journalism is now a distant memory, the Tel has just been fed the story by Bozo’s pals and has duly applied enough hedging and quote marks to stop it looking even more foolish when the whole thing falls flat. But we do learn that the former PM has a six-strong legal team. And we’re paying.

Jolllies to Rwanda? Legal bills for someone who just trousered £5 million in speaking fees? One might have thought that voters would recoil from such abuses, but that thought would have been misplaced: those groups who claim to be hot on apparent misuse of public funds, like the so-called Taxpayers’ Alliance, have not said boo about any of it. Because they support the Tories.

... manufacturing stories out of, well, nothing ...

But opinion poll ratings are still dire for the Tories, with Labour posting leads which would see them into power with the kind of overall majority not seen since the days of the 1931 National Government. So that’s all right, then, isn’t it? Sadly not: we have an opposition so scared of that same press establishment that it dare not peep out of turn for fear of angering them.

Worse, when the flag drops and the General Election campaign begins in earnest, the accumulated dirt that the press has on Keir Starmer and his pals will be ruthlessly and indeed viciously expended in pursuit of a Tory victory, not least the presence in the background of Peter Mandelson, a hate figure of the Fourth Estate from the Blair days. And there will be more.

Labour’s legal pursuit of those it accuses of leaking to the press and TV will be used to ridicule Starmer. The presence of some MPs on picket lines will be exploited, anything suggesting the party is still dealing with complaints of anti-Semitism will be front and centre, while the presence of Ed Miliband will see that same press indulging in a little anti-Semitism of its own to smear him.

... and unleashing hate campaigns. Just for fun

And this level of gaslighting would not be maintained unless those doing it were not confident in their pursuit of one desired result: a Tory victory next year. But look at Labour’s poll leads, you might respond. Look at the ineptitude of Sunak and his ministers. Look at the evasion, the flat-out and easily rumbled lying (pace Oliver Dowden on this morning’s politics shows).

To that, the response is straightforward: you think the Tories are going to lose, and lose badly, but think on. The gaslighting already got a majority of voters - albeit a slim one - to back taking the UK out of the EU, a move which is slowly but inexorably impoverishing us. It also got Bozo a General Election victory that his rank dishonesty and crashing ineptitude did not merit.

It also got many voters to believe that a lifetime anti-racist was in fact a raving anti-Semite (he wasn’t, and isn’t). Moreover, it allowed the establishment to blame its ills on migrants (who had nothing to do with those ills), a mythical other “elite” (ditto), something called WOKE which those doing the gaslighting would have trouble even defining (ditto), and a sports commentator (ditto).

Gaslighting has been all too effective, and not in a good way. So it will be deployed again and again by the real elite. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

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  1. Suella Braverman touches down in Rwanda to iron out details of small boats migrant plan
    Suella Braverman said ahead of the trip that her plan "will act as a powerful deterrent against dangerous and illegal journeys".

    "Sorry, we are unable to accept comments about this article at the moment." = "We think it's bollocks too".

  2. Burlington Bertie from Bow19 March 2023 at 21:44


    This won't go down at all well. Anyone would think that you would like Labour to win the next election when everyone knows that it would make no difference, that Sunak and Starmer are indistinguishable, that Braverman = Cooper, that Hunt = Reeves and that we should all do nothing to prevent a Tory victory as that will demonstrate that we haven't been fooled by the Red Tories and their retro-coiffed extreme-right leader.

    And we could then carry on as usual for the next 5 years, hating the Tories and all they stand for. And, much more important, hating even more any opposition that ever looks like having a realistic prospect of replacing the bastards.

    1. It’s one thing to be reduced to voting for Blue Labour once you’re in the polling booth. It’s something very else to pledge your unconditional support for the year between now and then. The only leverage you will ever have is to make them believe that they /don’t/ have your vote. It’s fine if that’s a bluff, just don’t announce that it’s a bluff or you’ll end up with a party dedicated to wooing racists and keeping the seats warm for the next proper Tory government.

  3. Thanks to the estimable Russ Jones I have learned that an anagram of Alexander Boris De Pfeffel Johnson is "Xenophobe slanderer fends off jail".

  4. @Bertie

    What's the point of replacing one set of lying, crackdown hungry bastards with a different set of lying, crackdown hungry bastards?

    I mean, we could spend the next 5 years hating Nouveau New Labour and all they stand for, and we already know what they stand for.

    Other voting options are available

  5. Here go the far right corporate media propaganda clerks, exactly as forecast: the beginnings of anti-Starmer Quisling bullshit. If he thought his cringing acquiesence would buy him time....wait until the propaganda gathers pace. You ain't seen nothin' yet.

    It won't make a difference worth anything more than a bucket of rotting fish heads. Quisling "Labour" will still "win" the next "election" because the blue tories are so obviously rotten-to-the-core. Starmer and co will prove themselves as corrupt, traitorous and lethal as the Bliar/Brown gang.

    This is precisely how huge swathes of Europe became murderously fascist/nazi/falangist. Which ultimately amounted to the same thing. It wasn't sudden, it was osmotic.

    Britain is no more immune to the poison than anyone else. If anything, its imperial and racist colonial past make it even more vulnerable to the creeping horror. Add in scared political pygmies like the Starmer gang and its moral corruption and cowardice and it's plain to see why Britain's headlong decline will accelerate.

    Mugs never learn the lessons of history, not even from the public record of the 20th century.

  6. Burlington Bertie from Bow20 March 2023 at 16:56

    You make a reasonable and reasoned point, Anonymous @ 13.16, though I don't believe that they're that bothered by what 'we' do as 'we' are not the ones they need to get the Tories out.

    PS I wouldn't post on here as 'Anonymous' though; regulars are likely to skip your posts on the assumption that they're from your spittle-flecked namesake @12.36 above, a man or woman who thinks the Labour party is 'not dissimilar to' Hitler's NSDAP, Mussolini's Partito Nazionale Fascista or Primo de Rivera's
    FE de las JONS; and that anyone who doesn't share that simplistic, paranoid 'analysis' must be a 'mug'.

  7. This would work:

    But not with the Micawber Tendency.😂
