Tuesday 26 April 2022

Tracy-Ann Oberman LOSES Lawsuit

Philip Proudfoot lectures in power and popular politics at the University of Sussex. He specialises in the Middle East, conflict, war and humanitarianism. He is also the founder and current leader of the Northern Independence Party, which opposes political and economic centralisation in London. In addition, as one might expect, he has a social media presence, which recently attracted attention of an account seemingly involved in trolling.

Philip Proudfoot

Concluding that he was being trolled and harassed, Proudfoot blocked the account. He used Twitter block chain, which also blocked followers of the account. So far, so procedural, but then came the accusation from minor thesp Tracy-Ann Oberman that Proudfoot “has a Jew blocklist”. The problem for Ms Oberman was that this was not true. Moreover, the direct inference, if someone is blocking Jews, is one of anti-Semitism.

That happened just over a year ago. Proudfoot contacted Ms Oberman the day after she made her claim, but it has taken until now, and the services of his legal team, to bring the matter to a satisfactory conclusion and cause Ms Oberman to apologise. She has now admitted “I accept that Dr Proudfoot has at no time had a Jew block list and apologise for stating otherwise. I made a mistake and appreciate that my comments were hurtful. I have therefore deleted my tweet, agreed to pay substantial damages and legal costs”.

Tracy-Ann Oberman

Why was Proudfoot trolled? His statement following the settlement gives a clue: “I am a humanitarian researcher. I’ve seen the horrors of war in Lebanon, Syria and Yemen. It is for this reason I am a supporter of the struggle for human rights in Palestine. And it is for this reason I am appalled and disgusted by antisemitism, and all forms of prejudice”.

And although Proudfoot’s lawyer Zillur Rahman told his followersFantastic win for our client, Dr [Philip Proudfoot]. Although Tracy-Ann Oberman is a contestant on Celebrity Bake Off, this is more a case of humble pie”, he also made a serious point about the pursuit of those who publicly voice pro-Palestinian views.

Antisemitism is a serious problem in our society and it is unfortunate that some people like Philip, who show solidarity with the Palestinians in their struggle for freedom from Israel’s oppression, have been falsely accused of antisemitism, which can have a chilling effect on free speech against injustices and human rights violations”. Got it in one.

As the Guardian article reporting the settlement (there does appear to be a lack of enthusiasm among the rest of the press pack to break the news to their readers) has told, “The level of damages has not been disclosed”. But, given the case has been going on for more than a year, Ms Oberman’s costs, which she will have to have paid, will most likely be significant. Like, oh I dunno, well into five figures significant.

She has, though, by inadvertently giving prominence to Proudfoot’s advocacy, made sure his audience, and indeed many more, read his words, which include “it is harmful to allow the fear of false accusations to prevent us from speaking out against apartheid in Israel. Speaking out against injustice is also a fundamental political right. We must defend our rights, defend Palestinians, and never allow defamation to scare away solidarity”.

That may not have been Ms Oberman’s intention. Oh dear, how sad, never mind.

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  1. Oberman is a malevolent idiot whose actions are guaranteed to increase antisemitism amongst those inclined to believe Judaism is "a bad thing".

    False antisemitism allegations have now reached farcical levels because of her type of brain dead propaganda. It is now at McCarthyite "standards" of paranoid lies and smears. And eventually it will end the same way. Enough people will say enough is enough.

    But stopping insane genocidal apartheid policies of the Israeli government will take a lot longer. There are too 6many vested interests involved, West and East.

  2. Oberman and Riley, are serial antisemitism hoaxers. Nothing more need be said.

  3. Strange woman. Totally correct on Corbyn but prone to a bit of hyperbole anywhere else. Very strange.

    1. @ 07:50

      Oberman WASN'T "totally correct about Corbyn". She was totally wrong. REPEAT: TOTALLY WRONG.

      There isn't a breath of racism or religious intolerance or antisemitism in the man. The public record shows it.

      The fact is it was and is a disgusting lying smear manufactured by the very worst of British far right politics. Believed only by ignorant morons.

      Which is why those who made the plague germs have infected themselves and Britain. Hence it was an easy step from that to the misogyny levelled against Rayner. The developing tragedy will ensure there are much worse horrors in store.

      Dishonesty and legalised theft are now established as crucial elements in public life. Truth is now ignored or even jeered at. The roots of fascism run deep and will continue to grow as long as there are enough people to avoid the reality . Nazism wasn't "an aberration", just as this current diluted version isn't. It's a logical development of unchecked wickedness, manufactured wilfull ignorance and stone-brained stupidity.

      There are no excuses left. The history of the twentieth century shows why.

  4. It is a wish that If in the years to come that our nation is ruled by a more progressive party ala a none neoliberal one, should Israeli and Palestinian people go to the UN and desire that they can sue UK and USA Celebrities for aiding an identity politics led campaign where antisemitism accusations are cynically exploited in order for Israel to commit crimes against humanity.. making their and their loved ones lives hell, I hope they get the opportunity do so and that people like Oberman are made to meet victims of their immoral actions.

    BTW Anonymous at 11:32. You are spot on!
