Monday 25 April 2022

French Fash Thrashed - Farage Bereft

In the end, it was a comfortable victory: Emmanuel Macron beat Marine le Pen in the second round of voting for the French Presidency by 58% to 42%, and so became only the second Président of the Cinquième République to win a second term while in control of the Government after Charles de Gaulle in 1965. The le Pen family have thus made it eight losses out of eight attempts to persuade French voters to back The Fash.

Some of those out on the right have pretended not to care about the result: at the increasingly alt-right Spectator magazine, Freddy Gray, who had expended so much of his credibility fawning over appalling bigot Éric Zemmour, claimed “Bof! That useful French word – an older and slightly less irritating version of the American-English ‘meh’ - is how many people feel about the re-election of Emmanuel Macron”. There was more.

He isn’t loved. The abstention rate today is estimated to be 29.6 per cent; up two per cent on the second round of 2017. His job approval rating is around 41 per cent, according to the latest surveys”. The “abstention rate” in the UK was rather higher than that in 2019, and as for the 41% approval rating, Macron is doing better than his UK counterpart.

But at least Gray manages not to be too anxious about The Fash losing, unlike former Brexit Party Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage, who has been on Gammon Broadcasting™ News (“Bacon’s News Channel”) early doors to whine the house down about how bad a Macron victory will be for Brexit Britain, and indeed for Himself.

Nigel qui?

How much of a friend to the UK was Macron? “Oh no, he loathes us. I mean, absolutely, the classic French anti-British, especially anti-English, leader. He’s an EU fanatic. He’ll never, ever, forgive us for Brexit and we can expect more obstructionism, especially on things like Northern Ireland where, clearly, compromise is very important. If we can’t get it, then the Government may well have to trigger Article 16”. There was more.

We’ll get zero cooperation on the cross-Channel migrant problem, so no - Boris Johnson can use whatever warm words he likes - it’s not going to be a good relationship between us and France”. But he did have warmer words for Ms le Pen. “Every election that goes by, she gets a little bit stronger. And it reminds me of the journey of an anti-establishment in Britain who they dared to call extreme”. Because UKIP was extreme.

Mr Thirsty is as dishonest as ever - the Northern Ireland Protocol, for instance, is not Macron’s call. The Brexit vote had already happened when he became Président in 2017. There is no citation for the “anti-English” claim, because Farage is just making it up. Remaining in the EU as a pragmatic choice does not make a leader a “fanatic”. But there is another reason why Nige is slagging off Macron for winning.

And that is his prediction five years ago that, this time round, The Fash would triumph. “I’m supporting Marine le Pen, and if she fails this time, she will win in 2022” he told readers of the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph. Then when Robert Peston asked The Great Man “Is she going to win?he declaredMarine le Pen, I do believe, will become the French President, however it’s more likely that will happen in 2022”.

Eh merde! Monsieur le Fromage caught talking out of his derrière, encore une fois.

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  1. Four years as a civil servant, four years with Rothschild, six working for Hollande before ratting and forming his own party, I wonder where he got his principles. Indeed I wonder where he got his funds from. Has he divulged the names of his backers yet?

  2. Macron - like Sunak - is an international banker. So the lesser of two evils, but only just.

    International banking and its industrialists funded fascism, nazism and falangism. So it learned the hard way that overt fascism eventually destroys everything. Hence Umberto Eco coining the term "urfascism" for the less obvious "new" version.

    All of it will fail eventually. But it will achieve the usual gotterdamerung first. Some people never learn. Which is why the West is beginning its fear-and-loathing decline exactly as forecast by Oswald Spengler a century ago.

    There isn't the slightest long term reason to believe conditions will improve. Too many dupes, mugs, wilfully ignorants and small-time spivs, all laughed at by Establishment oligarchs like Macron.

    Le Pen?.....Pffftttt....

  3. This is classic anti-French English buffoonery at its absolute ghastliest. You can absolutely veeve the difference.

  4. People in France need to start planning now to reduce Le Pen's support so that she does not make the run-off next time.

  5. Enough of Jean-Luc Mélenchon's supporters decided that Emmanuel Macron was the lesser evil. But he was not, and he is not; he is just a different evil, when he is even that. The same is true of Keir Starmer, and British elections do not have second rounds.

    The Socialist and Communist Parties just need to die, since their very existence serves only to keep Marine Le Pen in the second round for the rest of her life, there to be defeated by the next Macron in line.

    But the Labour Party is even worse. Under First Past the Post, to which I am not opposed in principle and which in any case is never going to be replaced, it serves only to guarantee the Premiership to whoever can capture the Conservative Leadership at the given time.

  6. They say you can tell a man by the company he keeps. With the racist Farage that's the equally nasty Trump, Bannon, Banks, Murdoch, and of course Le Penn.

    And yes, ukip was/is extreme. For, in 1997, Farage was very open to having ex members of the British NF to stand as ukip candidates in the upcoming general election. When he put this idea to Alan Sked, founder of ukip, Sked thought it unwise. "Don't worry" said Farage. "We won't get the nigger vote. The nig nogs will never vote for us". Farage denies this, naturally. However, it's telling he has not sued Sked for slander or defamation of character.

  7. There’s not much point to facist farage anymore. No one wants him, not one listens to him and not many love him. As soon as the murdoch daily hitler channel has a few views, he’ll be out of his job on SS News.

  8. Talking of DingoVision v2.0 it seems that the show fronted by colossal bellend Piers “Morgan” Moron has garnered “mixed reviews”:

    It also seems that the Torygraph's Anita Singh knows jack about cars.
