Friday 1 April 2022

Bozo April Fool - Not A Gas

Maya Angelou said it, and said it best: when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. Alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson was sacked from his first job in journalism for lying. His then party leader sacked him not for being unable to keep his pants zipped up, but for lying about it. He conspired to have a fellow journalist beaten up on the say-so of an old pal. He had shown us who he was.

Rather a lot of people did believe it, sadly

Now, a whole series of extra marital affairs later, taxpayer funds sprayed up the wall in no style at all, leaving Transport for London’s finances in a dire state, selling London’s black cab trade down the river, a series of eyebrow-raising ennoblements waved through, and with Bozo at the head of a Government distinguished only in its crashing ineptitude, he has showed the electorate once more who he is. Yet some out there refuse to take the hint.

So it was when the Vote Leave campaign gave Bozo ample scope to be economical with the actualité in his usual way, saying whatever it took to get through another news cycle and screw the mugs who took him on trust. This included the now infamous headline from the Murdoch Sun: “Boris promises cheaper household gas bills if Brits back Brexit”.

The supporting article, billed as an “exclusive”, perhaps because no other paper was prepared to back Bozo’s shameless lying which he had no intention of honouring, went on to tell “BORIS Johnson and Michael Gove today promise to scrap VAT on household energy bills if Britain backs a Brexit. In the first cash sweetener of the EU Referendum campaign, they argue that leaving the EU will allow ministers to bin the ‘unfair and damaging’ £2 billion a year tax on gas and electricity prices”. And what happened?

Britain left the EU, gas bills did not become cheaper, and the VAT charge is still there. Worse news for the First of April is that gas prices are increasing by around 54%. You read that right: by more than half. On top of a price increase last October. And with another price increase to come later this year. So what are Bozo and his coterie doing about it?

The short answer is that they are doing nothing. Nix. Nil. Nada. Zero. Zip. Not a sausage. Bugger all. But they are throwing a succession of dead cats on the table of debate, including feeding their media pals with trans-bashing talking points, redefining what words like “party” mean, and briefing anyone still prepared to listen about the dangers of WOKE.

As the BBC has reported, “Millions of people will now feel the impact of an unprecedented £700-a-year rise in energy costs - at the same time as a host of bill hikes take effect. The 54% rise in the energy price cap means a household using a typical amount of gas and electricity will now pay £1,971 per year. A further rise pushing the annual bill up to £2,600 should be expected in October, one analyst has told the BBC”.

What are Bozo and his ministers saying about that? When not swanning off on their Easter holidays, the word from Government is that those now unable to pay their bills need to “budget better”. No action to curb costs from the Tories: after all, providing they can con voters into returning them to power, they should care. They’re in power, they believe Bozo is the magic USP that will keep them there, and reality can take a back seat.

We have a Prime Minister and governing party willing to take us for fools. Bozo kept showing us who he was. More fool us for not believing him the first time.

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  1. Problem is, Tim, Britons wantto be taken for fools. Hence the last election result. Hence Britain Ship Of Fools.

    Can't say you weren't warned it would get much worse. Just wait until the Bozo Circus and the Starmer Quiff Quislings REALLY get up to thieving speed.

    Bruv, you ain't seen noffin yet.

  2. Either Bodger lied in his promises. Or promised something he had no ability to deliver. Either way, he led voters right up the garden path! And that's putting it very mildly.

    Johnson's apologists need to look in the mirror and really ask themselves just how and why the price cap can go up by 54% and yet the French, still in the EU have seen their bill rise by a mere 4%?

  3. But, but didn't that nice chap Rees-Bogg promise that Brexit would mean cheaper clothes and shoes for the very poor. Don't say he was lying!

  4. There's a hardcore of Brexiters (and let's not forget the Lexiters here) who'd rather die of hypothermia than admit they were wrong.

    Pity we had a mild winter, isn't it?
