Thursday 31 March 2022

Tories Shoot Their Own Culture War Fox

It has become ever clearer in the past days and weeks not only that the Tories will go in to the next General Election campaign led by alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, but that they are so desperate that their campaign will consist even more than usual of smearing the opposition in order to deflect from their own shortcomings.

Jamie Wallis MP

So we are unlikely to be regaled by tales of how wonderful Brexit has been - because it hasn’t - and there will be little talk of the renewed prosperity Bozo and his coterie of ineptitude have bestowed upon us - because, for 99% of the population, there hasn’t been any. Instead, team Tory is retreating to its culture war bunker.

And that was intended to mean smearing trans people. For those out there on the right, there always has to be an other to demonise, and here the media class, to their shame, has uncritically taken the Tory talking points and run with them. Anyone from Labour, the Lib Dems and Greens is now routinely confronted with the same question: can a woman have a penis? Can you define a woman? What’s all this gender neutral toilets business?

Trans people are linked to sexual assaults; thus those on the right can claim they’re only wanting to keep women safe. Trans people are the new demons; Lucy Meadows has been conveniently forgotten, especially by our free and fearless press. The Trans Media Watch strapline “Accuracy … Dignity … Respect” remains ignored.

So it was that Bozo stood before a gathering of his MPs at the Park Plaza hotel earlier this week and declared “Good evening ladies and gentlemen, or as Keir Starmer would put it, people who are assigned female or male at birth”. Laugh? I thought I’d never start. But then, into this world of easy Labour bashing, came Jamie Wallis - a Tory MP.

Wallis, who represents Bridgend, put out a statement yesterday where he told “I’m trans. Or to be more accurate, I want to be. I’ve been diagnosed with gender dysphoria and I’ve felt this way since I was a very young child. I had no intention of ever sharing this with you. I always imagined I would leave politics well before I ever said this out loud”.

Cue laying of burning rubber as Bozo executed a 180 degree U-Turn in no style at all: “Sharing this very intimate story would have taken an immense amount of courage. Thank you [Jamie Wallis MP] for your bravery, which will undoubtedly support others. The Conservative Party I lead will always give you, and everyone else, the love and support you need to be yourself”. Which puts his talking points in a very difficult position.

Trans bashing while your party includes the first openly trans MP is not the cleverest of looks. It won’t deflect from Bozo’s lying, especially on Partygate and Russian influence. It won’t make all those families of Covid victims, who stood stoically outside the Park Plaza hotel as Tory MPs averted their gaze from yet another inconvenient manifestation of reality, vanish into the night. It won’t, whisper it quietly, last for many more news cycles.

So there will have to be more cheap and nasty culture war smears to dream up, more ministers shouting the odds about “Woke”, when they don’t even know what the word means, more pretending that poverty either doesn’t really exist, or that the EU done it.

But it might alert broadcasters to the next Tory con. They really have shot their own fox.

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  1. Government by pr-scripted far right ale-house smears, lies, hypocrisy, thieving and institutional racism.

    British "democracy" in "action".

    It's what people voted for. So suck it up. There's plenty more coming from the same source in the Little England corner shop mentality.

    Think this is bad? Wait until hypothermia starts killing pensioners in droves next Winter. Again. While dividends of death are gobbled up and fat arsed CEOs and others collect their hitmen/women gross salaries.

    Treble Victory Gins all round!

  2. Burlington Bertie from Bow31 March 2022 at 12:58

    Masterful understatement as ever, Anon.

    Nice bit of lurid alliteration and that rhetorical question really demands the reader's involvement.

    'Ale-house' making another appearance I see, but 'Victory Gin' is getting a little over used imho. Finish the book and take it back to the library, I would. I won't tell you what happens in the end as it might spoil your mood.

    No 'meffs' or 'Quislings' for the 'social fascists' this time but we can't have everything.

    Na Zdorovie!

  3. Anonymous/Alan,

    Fascinating as your standard rant isn't, what on Earth has it to do with the matter of the article?

  4. In other LGBT news, They were going to ban the load of dangerous old bobbins that is “conversion therapy”. Then They changed their collective minds. And then, with a screeching noise like the car chase in “Bullitt” or my old Peugeot 505 on gripless Norwegian remoulds, They’re going to ban it again. Bloody Stupid Johnson promises it'll be in Missis Kwin’s speech an' everyfing.

    Only for teh gays, mind, not trans folks. Got to keep something in to placate the [“meffs, quislings and the Völkischer Beobacter!” – Ed.]

    @Burlington Bertie: I trust this reaches the required standard as stipulated by the Zelo Street T&Cs?

  5. Burlington Bertie from Bow1 April 2022 at 11:59

    Exemplary work, Mr Larrington.

    And exceptionally brave of you (in present company) to out yourself as the quondam owner of such a quintessentially middle class automobile as the Peugeot 505 (the estate version I assume).

  6. @ 12:58 and 14:46.

    Awww, c'mon guys...calm down, calm're so famous you have your very own wiki page:,performances%20from%20their%20balcony%20seats.

    So double those treble Victory Gins!

  7. @Burlington Bertie: mine was a saloon with a non-turbo diesel engine that usually ran on 3.5 cylinders due to a cracked piston ring and chucked out a smokescreen worthy of a WW2 destroyer until it was fully warmed-up. Paid £100 for it in 1990, sold it about five months later to a scrappie for £50 but kept the fairly new and heavy-duty battery. Lovely gearbox though…
