Today, as is customary at the Maily Telegraph, London’s occasional Mayor and regular collector of
“chicken feed” at a rate of £5,000 a
column, Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, regales
the readers with another stream-of-consciousness essay cobbled together
while its author was awaiting Sunday luncheon at the house of whoever had the
thankless task of hosting him this time round.
And today’s subject, at which he arrives after droning on
about wine in screw-top bottles being so much more jolly whizzo wonderful than
the rotten old corked variety and why leaving your phone switched on while the
aircraft takes off is perfectly safe, is the EU, about which he used to write
in the most creative terms (but not dishonestly, honest) when he was the Tel’s point man in Brussels.
“In the next couple of
years we are entitled to pose the question: what is the POINT of the EU?”
demands Bozza. Rather than, for instance, the point of that pointless cable car
or those vanity buses that keep breaking down, of course. But do go on. “I want to hear the positive arguments FOR
the EU ... Maybe there is a positive vision to be set out – I am just not
hearing it yet”.
that’s one of those “What has the EU ever done for us?”
ones, then. Let’s have a look
at a model answer, to get some of those positive arguments for it.
“Providing 57% of our
trade; structural funding to areas hit by industrial decline; clean beaches and
rivers; cleaner air; lead free petrol; restrictions on landfill dumping; a
recycling culture; cheaper mobile charges; cheaper air travel; improved consumer
protection and food labelling; a ban on growth hormones and other harmful food
additives; better product safety; single market competition bringing quality
improvements and better industrial performance; break up of monopolies;
Europe-wide patent and copyright protection; no paperwork or customs for
exports throughout the single market; price transparency and removal of
commission on currency exchanges across the eurozone; freedom to travel, live
and work across Europe; funded opportunities for young people to undertake
study or work placements abroad; access to European health services; labour
protection and enhanced social welfare; smoke-free workplaces; equal pay
legislation; holiday entitlement; the right not to work more than a 48-hour
week without overtime; strongest wildlife protection in the world; improved
animal welfare in food production; EU-funded research and industrial
collaboration; EU representation in international forums; bloc EEA negotiation
at the WTO; EU diplomatic efforts to uphold the nuclear non-proliferation
treaty; European arrest warrant; cross border policing to combat human
trafficking, arms and drug smuggling; counter terrorism intelligence; European
civil and military co-operation in post-conflict zones in Europe and Africa; support
for democracy and human rights across Europe and beyond; investment across
Europe contributing to better living standards and educational, social and
cultural capital”.
And that’s before
you even start on the peace that has held between member states since the
signing of the Treaty of Rome.
So when Bozza opines that “I am not sure: but at the moment it feels as if the EU is the Bakelite
handset of 21st-century geopolitics”, you know he is once again failing to
do his homework and talking claptrap at the same time.
What was it that LBJ said about farting and chewing gum? No change there, then.
and something which all ash cloud "victims" should remember - the right to paid for assistance when your plane gets stuck.