It seems that the legendarily foul mouthed Paul Dacre still
has sufficient confidence in the preposterously puffed-up Simon Heffer to entrust
the e-dustbin of ranting and frothing that is RightMinds to him, but after the Hefferlump’s latest failure to do
a few minutes’ research before pontificating, one has to wonder how much longer
the Vagina Monologue will tolerate his presence.
Wake up Simon, you're being fired
Heffer has
decided in his latest column to pontificate on the upcoming Presidential
contest in the USA, where he has decided that his readers should back the
Republican nominee, whoever that is. “The
American press, which is almost uniformly Democrat, is muck-raking frantically
about Republican Mitt Romney” whines the Hefferlump, who has not heard of
the New York Post or WSJ.
Moreover, he hasn’t heard of the press Stateside being far
better about separating news and comment, which his current berth, and former one
at the Maily Telegraph, are increasingly
unable to manage. He then continues: “their
‘muck’ consisting mainly of Mr Romney being rich, successful and understanding
how business works”. Er, Simon, you haven’t been paying attention, have you?
Well, no he hasn’t, as he tells that the USA “is lucky to have Mr Romney in the wings. And
I suspect that the American public has a rather different view of these matters
than the American media”. Well, maybe not, in the light of recent
revelations about Mitt, and had Heffer bothered to keep an eye on events
Stateside before rushing to judgment, he might have avoided the subject
Mitt Romney had been CEO of an outfit called Bain Capital.
Bain had gotten itself a less than good name after a number of its acquisitions
were asset stripped and workers laid off, with some of them going bust. But
Romney’s excuse was always that he left Bain in 1999 to head up the USA’s
Winter Olympics operation, and so was not responsible for what happened after
However – and this is rather a big However – the Boston
Globe has
now found that Romney remained Bain’s “sole
stockholder, chairman of the board, chief executive officer, and president”
until at least 2002. And the Globe has told the Romney campaign that they won’t
be getting a retraction, or even a correction. During those three years, Bain
did an awful lot of asset stripping and sacking.
That’s on top of Bain’s expertise in outsourcing, otherwise
known as exporting jobs abroad, a subject which is as sensitive in the USA as
it is in the UK. Romney has
gone on a charm offensive across the TV networks to try and salvage the
situation, but the Republican Party must be wondering if they might have made
the wrong choice. Lucky to have him in the wings? Maybe not.
And that story was there before Heffer filed his. Does he still enjoy Dacre’s support?
Does Dacre really worry about little things like "whether it's true"?