Monday, 3 March 2025

So Farewell (For Good) Darren Grimes

Never before had fifteen minutes of fame (or infamy) been stretched so far beyond the limits of elasticity. Push was surely destined to give way to shove, and so it came to pass that the not really crafty Darren Grimes was “let go” by Gammon Broadcasting™ News (“Bacon’s News Channel”), to the great relief of all those who had hoped it might happen rather earlier.

So how is this being spun? “Darren Grimes has announced he is departing GB News in an emotional message to viewers. The Saturday Five host has been a staple of The People's Channel since January 2022 … Announcing his decision to step away, Darren said: ‘This is it my friends, this is my last Saturday Five show on GB News’”. Pow! Zap!! DULL!!!

Sadly, there was more. “It's been an absolute joy to see this show, The Saturday Five, go from strength to strength, especially as I helped launch it two years ago … I think it's unique in the British broadcasting market and I know it'll continue to be a great success with these amazing guys here each week”. You’ll have to imagine him taking out his king-sized onion.

And, sadly, yet more. “And it's a a really bittersweet moment because while I'm excited for what's next, I also want to take a moment to acknowledge what this platform and, more importantly, what you, our brilliant viewers, have meant to me personally”. Wasn’t he supposed to have been finished?

Over the last few years, I've had the privilege of speaking directly to so many of you as saying the things that far too many in the media are far too afraid to actually say … I feel we've tackled the issues head on, we've laughed at the absurdities of modern Britain and we've stood firm”. And then it got worse.

Darren shed a tear as he continued his announcement with the other members of The Saturday Five panel - Emma Trimble, Dr Renee Hoenderkamp, Alex Armstrong and Cai Wilshaw - comforting Darren and laying hands on his shoulders”. Who they? Who knows? And, indeed, who cares? Oh, and “I'm off to pursue personal projects, but the fight for free speech, for common sense and for truth, it goes on and it must”.

That would be the “fight for free speech, common sense and truth” that saw Dazza broadcast an interview with crusty old bigot David Starkey, in which The Great Historian talked about “damn blacks”, for which hehad several honorary doctorates and fellowships revoked, book contracts and memberships of learned societies cancelled, and his Medlicott Medal withdrawn”. Grimes could have edited it out. He failed to do so.

Grimes, it should not be forgotten, got off a charge of breaking electoral spending law by claiming that his mis-statements were unintentional - in other words, that he was incapable of filling in a form correctly. He has gone from pro-EU and pro-Lib Dem activist to rabid foreigner-baiting Brexiteer, but not just to score clicks and attention, plus get a berth at GB News, oh no.

His last role at the channel was fronting a show called The Saturday Five, a shameless copy of The Five on Fox News Channel (fair and balanced my arse). The latter is one of FNC’s biggest ratings successes; its GB News copy hardly registers in that department. Whether that has anything to do with Dazza getting his marching orders I will leave for others to decide.

So what “personal projects”, other than desperately hawking his CV to anyone he can find, will Grimes be pursuing? Who knows, and, again, who cares? He’s just another to be found surplus to requirements at the hugely loss-making broadcaster, after Desperate Dan Wootton, not very good actor and DOA tunesmith Laurence Fox, and poundshop padrĂ© Calvin Robinson.

The problem for all of those who have gone before Dazza is the discovery that GB News is, to all intents and purposes, the very lowest rung in the media ladder, and not a place from which mainstream outlets are wont to recruit. This time it may really be the end - so he may end up having to find himself a real job. Big Issue seller? Fruit picker? Tube carriage cleaner?

Whatever. There goes Darren Grimes, finally on his way … out.

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  1. Grimes?

    What an appropriate surname for that shithouse.

    1. Burlington Bertie from Bow3 March 2025 at 16:47

      Ooooh, you've never got a kind word to say about anybody, have you, Anonymous.

      Though I do have my doubts, given little Darren's fabled public onanism, that boasting of having 'stood firm' is a particularly good idea at a solemn moment such as this.

  2. Starkey and Gammon Bullshit Nerds in full on meltdown. A man disintegrating in full public view. Someone who thinks the answer for this tiny disintegrating nation is to increase military spending and far right racism. An utter utter rabid nutcase.

  3. David Starkey, what a cuddly little love bundle. 'Hounded out by the wokerati', he, and his fellow neoliberal historians claim, as do the likes of Braverman, Badenoch etc. Not at all because of his foaming racism, bigotry and hate.

    What amuses you, is that these people claim free speech is being restricted, when what they really mean is, 'people shouldn't be allowed to criticise what I say'. What's even better is when they claim an institution cannot dismiss them for making inflammatory statements, when the law says, indeed they can

    In fact, dismissal for bringing a business or institution into disrepute can be done for, much, much, less than potentially losing a university thousands of pounds in students fees because you can't keep your trap shut.

    Of course the obnoxious Starkey is not alone. All the best sellers in pulp history are by fellow travellers on the right, led by that great defender of Empire, 'British values' and all things not very bright or beautiful, Niall Ferguson.

    It says it all about where we are today, that producing poorly researched, right wing propaganda dressed up as 'history' sells like hot cakes. Boomers, they do love bullshit, in particular when given a sheen of respectability.

  4. If you wanna watch a rightie disappear up their own arse watch Thornberry on C4 "News" tonight. Tremendous stuff.

    Christ. Policy according to British Aerospace and Raytheon. See also Starmer catamite visits to weapons manufacturers today - receiving instructions.

  5. You're missing a marvelous black comedy in Parliament, Tim: Far right tory Davie, PepsiCo/Proctor & Gamble appointee at the BBC, "explaining" BBC Spews latest propaganda censorship vomit on Gaza. Complete with weird Gnome Counties ale house accent.

    It's like Alf Garnett "explaining" why racism is vital for defence of the realm, gawd bless it.

    Grimes, Schmimes.


  7. We pretty much have to increase defence spending if we want to be able to be rid ourselves of the Americans.

    It's very clear now, that many countries, such as Canada, Poland, Finland, Lithuania, etc, will need nukes to protect themselves from the Americans and Russians. That's the harsh truth.

    1. That's the reality of it. However, in la la land, Trump the great has, by placating the poor, wounded, Russian bear, while massively enriching, why, Elon Musk and co, ended the war, won his nobel peace prize, and everyone can sleep safe.

      Or, in the real World, now Putin has seen the USA will do his bidding, and all he has to do is massage its leaders massive ego to get his own way, he'll be be busily building up his forces for the next invasion. With any one of those nations the prime target.

      Appeasement, in particular when done purely to enrich yourself, never works.

    2. It says it all about how inconsequential old 'Grimey' is, that no-one can even be bothered to mock his decline and fall.

      Just another of the veritable army of right wing talking heads who've always said whatever comes into their empty heads, but claim they're 'silenced'.

      Chances of him shutting up, it has to be said, would be a fine thing.

  8. The "great" thing about Ukraine is that it helps divert attention from the continuing genocide of Palestinians by a psychopathic nazi Israeli government. Naturally preferred by seedy little grubstreets like Grimes and the cowering wannabe gangster Zionist-without-qualification in Downing Street.

    Warmongers Inc in free suits to go with free criminality. Found hiding under a rock when the nuclear fireworks start. All of it voted for by 1914-type suicidal mugs.

  9. Grimes?

    Pffffftttt....a tiny no-mark in comparison to Lewis "fascist propagandist" Goodall. The former BBC Spews and Sky Spews lying clerk is even Farage-Braverman-Badenoch worse. Totally doolally tap.

    Plenty of others in corporate media and Quisling "Labour". You ain't seen nothin' yet. Wait until they REALLY get on their tin drums.

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