Do go on. “This plan, which I have now seen, was presented to Zelenskyy by U.S. Ambassador Bridget Brink several days ago, in advance of Secretary Bessent’s trip to Kyiv … In today’s meeting with U.S. lawmakers, Zelensky was telling them about this paper, which many of them didn’t already know about, not the other way around. Zelenskyy said he could not sign it because it didn’t contain any security guarantees for Ukraine”. That’s extortion.
Added to the outburst by alleged Vice President and confirmed moron J D Vance, and the talks about Ukraine that have not included invitations to any European countries - or Ukrainians - and we see the intended endgame of the Trump gang - to sell both Ukraine and the rest of Europe down the river.
Quite apart from the immediate loss of US soft power, and indeed influence, this dereliction of duty to its allies had the FT’s editorial writers concluding “Europeans need to start preparing fast for the day when the US security guarantee to Europe is definitively removed … It should also mean a European mutual defence pact, outside NATO, that extends beyond the EU”.
There was more. “Trump will use any leverage he has to force America’s European allies into compliance on issues from trade and security to their domestic politics. That means that Europe must now start the painful process of ‘de-risking’ its relationship with the US, looking for areas of dangerous dependence on America and stripping them out of the system”.

But at least he admits Europe will have to “step up”. Something that does not trouble Liz Truss, the very temporary Prime Minister who was outlasted by a lettuce. She’s too busy recycling rubbish from the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph. So what of Farage, biggest Trump fan of all?
Nige is banging on about putting a windfall tax on renewable energy, in a move which would increase household bills significantly. That’s the level of populist idiocy coming out of Reform UK. Oh, and he’s still whinging about nearly losing his Coutts bank account. No word on Trump’s attempt to extort a significant amount of Ukraine’s GDP in return for nothing at all.
Farage’s delusion extends to portraying Himself as the next Prime Minister. But not a peep on his pal Donald selling the whole of Europe down the river, so not a peep on what he would do when faced with a whole host of those Difficult Decisions about a European army that he’s been frightening the crap out of his target audience over. Not that he’s a Putin apologist, you understand.
Whatever your opinion of Keir Starmer, he is prepared to tackle the problems posed by the Trump gang ripping up the USA’s security guarantees that have helped keep the peace since 1945. Bozo is editing it out, Liz Truss isn’t talking about it at all, and Farage … don’t make me laugh. Mr Thirsty is more concerned about his current account status to bother with that.
Populism meets political reality. And promptly scuttles off elsewhere.
"Security guarantees"?
ReplyDeleteLike the "security guarantees" of the last century? Don't make me laugh. They "guarantee" nothing. Not worth the paper they're written on.
Anybody who thinks the Ukraine war wasn't instigated by US/Europe greed for Ukrainian natural resources is living in the usual far right cloud cuckoo land. The US nazi senator Graham has banged on for years about stealing them.
NATO is, and always has been, the main source of tension across Europe. It even stuck its blood stained fingers in the Middle East.
So not unexpected the greed will make a last ditch attempt in any long overdue peace settlement. Which Britain is now irrelevant to anyway.
Cometh the Hour, Cometh the Unreconstructed Tankie Simplicities.
DeleteThere‘s no difference between Meloni and Von Leyen, between Orban and Macron, between le Pen and Scholz, between the AfD and Starmer. Indeed, Orban, Meloni, le Pen and Weidel see Starmer as a role model and hero as the thing they dream of, Outright Fascism, has already been achieved by Blighty’s Bequiffed Benito, (according to one leading commentator). As Comrades Stalin and Zinoviev wisely explained, Social Democrats are self-evidently Social Fascists.
Clearly, Churchill’s warmongering was the cause of World War 2.
And, as all the peace-loving peoples of the world understand, Putin's Special Military Operation to denazify Ukraine is the West's fault.*
Anonymous, Harry Pollitt would be proud of you!
*(The jury is still out, of course, on who was responsible for the Novichok poisoning of the Skripals in Salisbury)
That is a remarkably ignorant thing to write Bertie. I think you should go back to the mailwatch forum, where such puff pastry writing will get you a few claps.
DeleteHere, there is those who studied history to argue with. I fear you repeated it once or twice and learnt nothing.
Can't resist it can you, Mr H? Did you have an actual point you wanted to make?
DeleteAnd 'there is those'? Dear, dear. Writing English not your strong point, eh?
Hang on, Mark. You always seem to miss the point and your obtuseness often results in a crabby, indignant and emotional response without any attempt to address the actual substance. This last response is just another example.
DeleteA thought has just occurred: is it that you think the statements in my last post are actually my genuine opinions, to be taken at face value? That I actually do believe, like Trump, that Putin’s invasion was caused by Ukraine? Is that what’s annoyed you? Could it be that you lack the irony gene? Are you, by chance, American? Do you not realise that we sometimes, for satirical effect, ‘say the thing which is not’? Are you perhaps, a Houyhnhnm?
Would it help if I prefaced any future ironies with an IronyTrigger Warning?
I'm a playwright Bertie, irony does not escape me.
DeleteJust as poor prose does not escape you.
I must admit it has been fun watching the Heil, Toryograph, ExpreSS, all tying themselves in knots to try and extricate themselves from backing Neville Trump, while at the time praising his wonderfulness. The scum has been busy trying to get eyes off Ukraine with some tasty 'anti woke' bullshit, while, to be fair, GBnews has merrily carried on supporting Trumps every increasingly insane move.
ReplyDeleteJust as in the late 30's, our free and fearless press back maniac despots and would be dictators, while our politicians dither and flounder as the inevitable draws ever nearer.
Trump has probably just assured yet another assassination attempt. It's the usual CIA response to anyone who doesn't follow its orders. Has been for seventy eight years.
ReplyDeleteBut Britain's "Friends" at Vauxhall Cross "... don't do that anymore..." according to the late Peter Wright in conversation with his US equivalent James Jesus Angleton (also late). There's an awful lot of "lates" when it comes to the buddy buddies at The Friends and The Company.
So Trump and co best keep looking over their shoulders. Oglesby's Yankee And The Cowboy War is hotting up again. And as the world knows, nobody likes shooting in the back better than the USA.
Brace yourself, Tim.
ReplyDeleteOn BBC Spews, one far right propaganda clerk "presenter" bullshitting on Ukraine said, "Maybe Boris Johnson is the best person to deal with it".
Crackpot ranting rightie desperation writ large.
More BBC Spews propaganda bullshit as it comes in.
At least -- with this issue alone -- Trump is being honest. The neo-cons and Europeans aren't. Trump wants to bring this war to a halt. The neo-cons and Europeans want to keep it going, only they're not saying it.
ReplyDeleteThe fact is that Russia is winning the war, slowly, at great cost to itself, but is nonetheless winning, and Trump realises this. The neo-con plan to use Ukraine to wear down Russia militarily and thereby provoke a political crisis in Moscow, has failed. Trump realises that US interests are best served not by fighting Russia but by re-establishing good relations with it (the USA's main competitor is China).
Trump is not disengaging from Europe, he's resetting US/European relations on the basis of equivalent strength. If the Europeans disagree over his plans for settling the Ukraine war, he's asking, 'What are you going to do about it? Got any better ideas?' And what practical alternatives are there to the peace proposals, other than for the war to continue and hoping that some 'miracle on the Dnieper' will transpire and Russia will simply stop and withdraw to the 1991 borders? Russia has the upper hand in this war of attrition, so hoping -- as the neo-cons and Europeans do -- that keeping Ukraine in the fight for long enough will lead to Russia running out of steam is a delusion. It will be Ukraine rather than Russia which will first run out of steam.
It's not a situation that I like; it's a disaster, especially for Ukraine. But in practical terms, it's either a Russia/US deal or a long-running war with Russia in a better position than Ukraine. Let's ourselves be honest about it.
Trump is never honest, not even in this case. What he wants is Ukraine to make it worth his while - or else. If blackmailing an entire country is being honest, I'd hate to see what happens when he's lying. Oh wait...
DeleteThe only reason Trump wants peace is because, as he's often hinted, he wants the Nobel prize. Yes, he is that shallow.
I agree, Trump wants to normalise relations with Russia, and temporarily ending the war is the easiest way to do it. But that's problem isn't it? Putin wants Ukraine, and winning a war with them has higher propaganda value than his oligarchs being free to trade legally with the US again.
As for the USA and Europe, Vances final words summed up what Trump feels about us - 'goodbye and good luck'. Trump isn't interested in good relations with Europe because it keeps demanding his best mates at least try and behave themselves. Europe should not accept Trumps blackmail any more than the Ukraine.
Sadly, Europe though, rather than seizing the opportunity that De Gaulle wanted it to all those years ago, squabbling, internal politics, and no chance at all of a united front means Trump wins - and we all lose.
As for what Europe wants from the war in Ukraine, totally agree. There is no coherent response, and Trump has left them running around like headless chickens while he smirks and sells Ukraine down the river.
The problem is, is that appeasement never works. Trump will get his minerals, Russia will keep what they want, and the two leaders will enjoy some soapy fun playing spot the submarine. Once Putins generals have learnt their lessons though, they'll be back. With no US aid, no Euopean support, Ukraine is then doomed.
George Galloway, is that you (Anon 2025 M02 18 14:26)? I suppose it was the US and EU who told Putin to invade, causing hundreds of thousands of Russian casualties and exposing the infectiveness of Russia's conventional forces! Surely it would have been a LOT cheaper to NOT have the Russians invade, but simply use the threat of invasion to secure the resources you speak of
What caused the invasion was Kiev's instigation of a civil war against ethnic Russians in East Ukraine, the death of 15,000, lawfare and physical attacks against religious and education institutions and individuals, atrocities by the openly nazi Azov battalion, continual threats to join AND USE NATO (even, by Yetsanyuk, nuclear weapons), the Maidan coup of 2014, and continuous sabre rattling by assorted Western fascist elements including "security" agencies.
Given the political history of the region, especially the terrible human casualties of World War 2, the eventual Russian reaction was inevitable.
Four invasions from the West in a century and a half tells its own story for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. God knows the Russians warned even pleaded, enough warnings over eight years before finally deciding enough is enough.
It isn't necessary to support the illegal invasion or the current Moscow regime to see the factual and historical roots of this conflict. But it IS necessary to see past the lying propaganda peddled by Western corporate media and its rump fascist political paymasters efforts to keep the disgusting war going.
Human decency and common sense should be enough to stop it. But when did you last see that on display by any of the West political and media classes. All they have shown is mass murder of innocents across the world and even destruction of whole countries. All of it just for greed and a miserable display of brutal power by senile declining powers unable to come to terms with an evolving world.
But I don't expect you or your type to understand any of that. Not after absorbing the evil lies of decaying Rupert Murdoch and Lord Rothermere. Time has almost run out for their manufactured illusions. Only fools and mountebanks believe them.
Excellent post anon. Rather top work there.
DeleteAll that reading and all that note-making and all that willy-waving reference and 'fact'-brandishing and all that you can come up with in the way of analysis or interpretation is that Mother Russia has been wronged, the bear has been provoked and so East Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, Moldova, Georgia, Chechnya, Syria, Ukraine etc etc etc should quite reasonably expect to be subverted, invaded, bombed or annexed no matter what the cost in Russian dead or in civilian ‘collateral damage’.
DeleteAnd any dissenters jailed, poisoned or, as in this week’s case of Vadim Stroykin illustrated, encouraged to throw themselves out of a 9th floor window ‘during a visit from security services’.
Ok, before you start, no, Russia didn't invade Iraq, has not committed genocide in Gaza and the West Bank and, yes, the USSR certainly lost millions of soldiers and civilians in WW2 (including any number of Ukrainians who had managed to survive Stalin's Holodomor). In the context of the present situation: so what?
You’ve swallowed the Moscow line whole, as tankies historically have. You’re down there with Trump, Musk and sieg heiling Bannon now. Confusing world, isn’t it?
But well done. Harry Pollitt would be proud.
One wonders when you'll pick up a book Bertie.
DeleteI used to rather enjoy your unfiltered comments, but that is now a distant memory.
DeleteTsk tsk me old Micawber.
Too much full-on hysterical Farage rightie gammonitis there, and tripping over your own false premiss.
So back to your curtain twitching. Medical therapy is wearing off.
Charles DeGaule warned of this decades ago, but you won't see Brexiters ever admit he was right. European politicians such as Marin and Borrell have argued for an independent and self-suffucient Europe.
ReplyDeleteDeLuyen has been disgracefully weak, its hard to imagine Roy Jenkins or Jacques Delors being silent about Trump's idiocy.
NATO is very clearly now dead in the water; the threats to Greenland on their own make a nonsense of it.
NATO should be replaced by a European Defence Pact. All weapons purchased by EU nations should be bought from European nations. As the Financisl Times says, all dependencies on the US need to be rooted out and removed.
You'll like this one, Tim.
ReplyDeleteIt helps explain why the Thames has become nothing more than a brown poisoned drainage ditch. Seems nothing has changed since the Great Stink. Rule Britannia! British democratic law at its bewigged finest! Good old Judge Leech!
Meanwhile, dear old Blighty - as forecast - is about to be looted again. This time - also as forecast - by the Essex lying barrow boy Streeting selling off even more of the NHS to Quisling "Labour" thieving capitalist chums.
ReplyDeleteSo everyone get ready to cough up more of your hard earned to keep the capitalist chums and the Quislings in fat profits.
It's not as though you weren't warned.
MH, 22:23. Don't bother. You can't argue with a mothball troll.
Delete17.29 Don't bother, he is yet to attempt an argument. He just sees my name late at night, gets angry and pens a bit of personalised petulance before reminding us, once again, that 'I'm a playwright'.
DeleteHe likes you though, which must be comforting.
11.36 above was me, Anonymous Tankie. But it must have left The Playwright even more confused!
DeleteFor which, apologies.
DeleteNow look what you've done. You'll have to clean off all that hate filled rabid expectorant off your phone/keyboard. Must be a hundred years years of it in one go there. Use your copy of the Daily Heil.
Streeting has arrogantly ignored the opinion of 15 of the world's leading medical experts that there were no murders at the Countess of Cheshire Hospital. Streeting is happy for an innocent woman to rot in jail so as not to inconvenience him.
ReplyDeleteSo, Anon, you think the deaths of 15000 "ethnic Russians" is worth the deaths of hundreds of thousand of young Russian men, do you? Many of them being taken from Eastern Russia (Siberia) for racist reasons and to not offend the sensibilities of those in Moscow and St Petersburg.
ReplyDeleteOh, and if Ukrainian Nazi's were the reason for Russia invading a sovereign nation, perhaps you ought to tell that to other actual Nazis in the West openly supporting Putin. If you wish to be apologist, just say so.
P.S. Rothermere and Murdoch support Putin indirectly via Farage, Johnson and Trump.
DeleteContemporary political truths and actual historical records aren't among your strengths.
DeleteHere, watch this. I can't be arsed with your empty headed nonsense.
Sachs has been repeatedly criticised for his pro China, pro Russia stance. Better still, is his open hypocrisy over 'russias defence of under attack minorities in the Ukraine', then refusing to accept China is persecuting the Uyghur people. Indeed he has refused to even answer questions over the issue. His speech to the EU is being lauded, much as people like him were lauded when they backed Chamberlain in 1938.
DeleteThis time though, it's not a well meaning fool that's appeasing a brutal dictator in a desperate
bid to avoid another World war, but a vile, self serving scumbag with an eye on the main chance. In 1939, Europe was made up of quasi dictatorships, and Poland was one of them. Luckily, even the biggest morons back then didn't try and use that as an excuse for allowing the NAZIs and, err, Russia, to invade Poland.
Please don't waste my time with the facist press brainwashing me bullshit. I am fully aware that ethnic russians are being persecuted in the Ukraine, Georgia and the Baltic states. Oddly though, and despite rampant far right views in the latter states, Putin is doing nothing to stop them, nor is he threatening to invade them. But then, in the modern World of geopolitics, Russia couldn't care less about them. Ukraine they do.
Russia launched an illegal invasion of the Ukraine. That's all there is to it. To be be sucked into a 'Russia was justified' argument is to accept the very same far right bullshit certain people claim is being swallowed by the rest of us.
You paying attention, Anonymous and The Playwright?
Delete‘Rather top work there’ I’d say. It’s never too late to learn.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately for your non-argument ..... Sachs was there. Whereas the assorted West dupes weren't, the ones who "fight" to the last Azov nazi. We'll take Sachs evidence over your standard Murdoch/Rothermere far right establishment propaganda any day, the latter the same kind of poisonous muck that smeared Jeremy Corbyn.
You're just as empty headed on the causes of World War 2 and the six "security guarantees'" the Nazis signed with West Europe, including Britain, that led to the useless British "security guarantee" to Poland.
Actually it's your kind of wilful ignorance that helps underpin the West's perpetual mass murdering thieving wars across the world. You'll never learn and nobody expects you to. See also the nazi Israeli government genocide in Palestine.
Oh dear, the floundering begins. Where was Sachs exactly? He has never been to the Ukraine to study the situation. He has merely given, quite disgusting opinions on it, including that Russia should take over Ukraine in its entirety. He has never been to China and seen the ethnic cleansing there either - which you remain silent. So much for supporting the persecuted. But then the far left only support what causes suit their cognitive biases - exactly the same as the far right.
DeleteI know a darn sight more about the causes of WW2 than someone who gets his information from youtube and the oft discredited Canary site. Try reading it, then studying it, then teaching it before lecturing other people on 'what they know'
As for the usual woolly jumper, ex student, Guilford living, Socialist Worker arrogrant crap, don't waste my time. Heard it all before, it was just as up it's own arse and blinkered back then.
As for Starmer, the right wing establishment etc, I am fully aware of how they lie, and lie, and lie. That doesnt change however, that Russian tanks rolled into the Ukraine, not the other way around. No matter how much Moscow sourced, Putin written nonsense you tie yourself in knots to believe.
Oh, and good luck with persuading people by constantly insulting them. Clearly, going on the growing success of the far right, you're, um, 'winning'.
Tremendous unintended self exposure there of standard far right propaganda methods. Well done.
DeleteUnfortunately for you, you couldn't body swerve around the West's Holocaust of millions of innocent lives in Libya, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Afghanistan and Yugoslavia among others.To say little of antidemocratic coups and corruption across the world - Africa and South America being prime examples, all of it a matter of public record.
Your kind of far right lies, deception and warmongering propaganda will continue to fail as long as there are honest and decent free thinkers in the world. The last century shows how and why.
Meanwhile, Washington's regional money laundry in London continues to whir away courtesy of the Gnomes of Westminster and Whitehall. And, of course, propaganda apologists like you.
That it? Not one point refuted, not one question answered, just more from the 'little red book'? Look, that stuff was all cool when I was 16, naive, and actually swallowed the bollocks Moscow spouted, and the sad old men of the Communist Party of Great Britain still believed. Now, continuing to believe the lies of a self serving right wing scumbag in Moscow who's looted the wealth of his country is just sad.
DeleteStill, I suppose the far left and Trump had to open their arms to each other in the end. Both believe what they want to and disregard the rest. A match made in, um, 'heaven'.
Whilst I share a common dislike of Starmer, distrust the establishment as much here as anywhere else, hate our repugnant media, I don't share the need to call everyone 'quislings' and 'fascists'. Of course, not using the approved and rubber stamped language of our 'true believers' means I 'must' be a micawber myself.
Seems I can't please either side. Elsewhere I'm condemned as a rabid 'trot' for refusing to bow down to the centrist wisdom that Starmer is the second coming. Ah, well, can't please everyone I suppose..
DeleteAs usual, you make no "point" and ask no "question".
All you ever do is pedal worthless far right propaganda bullshit, lies and smears. Whichever of your troll alter egos you post as.
Good mime of a cheap tenth rate corner shop Joe McCarthy though.
If you can't see the point, then thanks for proving mine - you only see what you want to.
DeleteJust keep the insults coming, me old apart. Again, it simply proves a point - you have no answers, only parroting the same tired lines.
Delete"That's all there is to it" sums up your far right one dimensional "knowledge".
With that kind of Murdoch/Rothermere mentality no wonder the world is threatened with self immolation.
DeleteYour attempted far right smear of Jeffrey Sachs, a good and honourable man, exposed you as a cheap propaganda merchant.
Your type always fail in the end, no matter how long it takes.
Oo look.... Quisling "Labour", BBC Spews and Kuentssberg to the rescue of mass murder warmongering and its apologists.
ReplyDeleteJust as the Quiff Quisling reads yet another speech with his usual air of discovery, and blue/red/yellow tories try to "reduce welfare recipients" (read: Increase poverty) to fund "defence" homicidal maniacs. Their insanity knows no bounds.
The internet crashes yet again as millions rush once more to follow the rabid isolate's link.
ReplyDeleteThat "rest of us" is on a par with Chamberlain's "We", as long ago pointed out by Spike Milligan.
Come out come out me old Micawber. The curtains are twitching again at Chez Paranoia.
I'm rather hurt, 16.44.
DeleteI thought that *I* was 'me old Micawber' (a reference lost on me, I have to admit, but if it makes you happy). Now, though, it seems I have to share the mantle with Anonymous @ 14.20.
Or is this a Spartacus moment and all of us who don't share your eminently sane and rational view of the world can now stand up and declare ' I AM ME OLD MICAWBER!'?
(Please don't stay up too late composing your reply. You know how all that 'crackpot-ranting-rightie-desperation poisonous-muck-Quisling -Labour"-thieving-capitalist -perpetual-mass-murdering-thieving-wars-nazi-Quiff-warmongering-homicidal maniacs-insanity'
stuff gets you overexcited and always makes it hard for you to get to sleep)
DeleteWell done me old Micawber.
You answered the call right on cue.
Ere, wots orl vis abaht Yewkryne.
ReplyDeleteBrillyint sidestep by the Jerries - the fackn JERRIES of orl peeple - wiv Gud Owld Boris over the Minsk Agreement innit. Brillyint as Operychin Barbarossa dat woz. Proppah Jerries ar back in Berlin now too to elp dat nice Essex Boy wots in Dahning Streef.
Weel teech dem Rooskies, like wot we did at the Charge ofThe Lite Brigade.
Gawd bless Prince Andrew an dat nice Jeffree Epstyne. Proppah geezers iz wot dey ar.
This is why far right warmongering apologists hate and smear Jeffrey Sachs. They used the same lying propaganda methods against Jeremy Corbyn. No coincidence.
Sachs refused to condemn, in a public debate, the Chinese putting the Ugyur in camps, torturing, murdering and raping them. Indeed, he deflected, made counter accusations, and refused to condemn what they are doing even once. Someone who refuses to accept the brutalizaton of an entire people, cannot be trusted when it comes to the brutalization of another.
DeleteSachs is a seasoned UN diplomat of long standing honour and decency who has sought nothing but peace all his professional life.
No surprise then that he is attacked by far right malevolents and neonazi warmongers. That is how morally decayed the West is.
...who refused to condemn Chinas brutality towards an ethnic minority. An issue you also refuse to come to terms with. There is a name for people like Sachs who constantly throw entire peoples to the wolves in order to preserve peace - appeaser.
DeleteSame old neonazi smear tactics and warmongering from you and your type. A corner shop soap opera. A playbook straight from Vauxhall Cross and Langley.
A wannabe tenth rate Joe McCarthy. You kitchen Quislings are all the same and easily identified.
You can chuck as many insults from the little red book as you want. It changes the facts not one jot - Sachs, publicly, refused to condemn China's ethnic cleansing.
DeleteOnly a far right propaganda smear merchant like you would see the truth as an "insult".
But there's nothing new about your warmongering propaganda methods. They helped cause the death of many millions in the last century and since. Which is why you and your type are held in contempt by free thinking honest citizens everywhere
Just part of why London is the most corrupt city in the world.
Wonderful fun to be had watching righties and neonazis (aka "centrists" and "centre right") eating each other's livers everywhere.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, over in the "social democratic paradise" Denmark politicians applauded an Azov nazi complete with his Azov SS arm patch. Just as the Canadian parliament applauded a murderous old SS man. Next up, Euronazis like Von Der Lyin' singing the Horst Wessel in Brussels.
That other "social democratic paradise", Sweden, still hasn't discovered who murdered Prime Minister Olaf Palme in 1986.
Clearly something rotten in the states of Denmark and Sweden too. Not forgetting the mass murderer Breivik in Norway.
Those "Aryans" get everywhere, not just in the Rothermere Daily Heil and the Murdoch Scum.
You're missing the best bits, Tim.
ReplyDeleteA Sky Spews Murdoch-type cockneyette just asked Badenoch if the USA was "a threat" to Britain(!) I am not making this up. But I suppose it depends what you think the nine US "RAF"/nuclear bases are for in Britain.
Over on BBC Spews they had someone called Hamish De Bretton-Gordon (I'm not making that up either) in Salisbury(!) "analysing" Stürmer's increased "defence" spending. Obviously the Russians went for the Skripals first to avoid spelling problems.
More far right corporate media Spews propaganda bullshit as it comes in.
ReplyDeleteThere are clearly those of you who see the arc of history in these events. I don't think there is too much wrong with that. History is partially about finding ways to improve.
ReplyDeleteThere are those who see the one act of invasion, or perhaps the history of Russian invasion, in isolation of that. I don't see much wrong with that either. We know when things are profoundly wrong.
What I hope we agree on, is that leadership at this level is not ready for this great challenge. Trump is an evil man, Macron somewhat lightweight, Starmer is not anyone worth considering.
What a mess. What a vile, scary mess to observe.
Entertaining as all this flurry of insults, quote marks and links to YouTube and Canary clips isn't, I must admit that if the balloon does go up, I'll take the fallout shelter that you lot aren't in.
DeleteOh I wouldn't bother your empty head about fall out shelters. Your warmongering pals have made sure you won't have time to reach them. After the big white flash you'll just have time to blurt, "What the fuck was that?"
Bit of an early post, that. Must've kept you up all night "composing" it.
This will drive suburban Little Englanders up the wall, across the ceiling, down the other wall, across the floor, and continue ad infinitum.