Thursday 27 June 2024

Tory Press In Blind Panic

The realisation that, no matter how apocalyptic the Labour-bashing headlines, none of the press attacks are cutting through, and that as a result The Red Team is set to win a crushing victory in next week’s General Election, is now hitting home among the right-leaning part of our free and fearless press.

Spectator editor Fraser Nelson ...

As a result, the scare stories are being ramped up: Net Zero, Small Boats, Tax Hikes, and every last lame culture war issue, all are being thrown at a readership that long ago ceased to be interested. Other scary terms being bandied about include the alleged Supermajority about to be conferred on Labour, despite the term having no significance in the UK. At all.

But some voters may recognise it from the USA: the Supermajority has to do with the Senate, and describes a scenario where one party holds 60 or more of the 100 seats. This allows the majority party to legislate without any filibustering by the minority party. But legislation in the UK does not involve an elected Senate, and it matters not whether the party in power secured a majority of 80 or 180. If they can get a majority, their view will prevail.

All of which brings us to the increasingly alt-right Spectator magazine, and its editor Fraser Nelson, who has, over the years, used his faux-posh Scots accent to talk well, but lie badly. Nelson has seen the Labour future, and he is sore afraid. In an article for the magazine titled “How Nigel Farage became the left’s greatest weapon”, Nelson reveals his detachment from reality.

Some opinion polls say the Conservatives could be looking at as few as 50 seats, perhaps fewer than the Liberal Democrats. Starmer is believed to be on course for about 450 seats … Labour is looking at ten years of power” he splutters, forgetting that the Tories just had 14 years and screwed over the country and its economy so badly that 10 years is the least Labour needs.

But do go on. “It’s not hard to see what happens next. If the polls are right and Starmer ends up with a majority out of all proportion to his support, he will be urged to use this freak moment of power to make the political landscape more favourable to the left, just as the Thatcher revolution promoted home ownership, share ownership and other causes more favourable to the right”. Ah, the boot so firmly on the other foot.

... and his idea of press freedom

Then he loses it completely. “State regulation of the press could be forced through, stifling commentary that challenges the government”. Ah, the old “Leveson equals state regulation of the press” ploy. This is total crap. What it’s about is totally independent press regulation. Which we don’t have.

The press marks its own homework. It pleases itself. It absolves itself of racism and other hate speech, illegal information gathering, illegal surveillance, bullying, blackmail, doxxing, harassment, and other elements of its penchant for creative behaviour in order to gaslight the public, bend Governments to its will, and do all this with no-one to tell it to desist.

Have another go. “GB News, the television channel where Farage and Rees-Mogg are both presenters, may end up being taken off air”. One, GB News is not a news channel, but what Jon Stewart called Opinutainment. And Two, the only thing that will be needed for GB News to be taken off air is the plug finally being pulled on its obscene levels of loss-making. There is more.

A crushing majority will make it easier for Starmer to water down Brexit. He can sign Britain up to various regulatory schemes, taking it back into the EU’s orbit while stopping short of rejoining. Not a single member of Starmer’s front bench backed Brexit, so his team is unlikely to seek new trade deals to make Brexit work”. There is no trade deal on offer anywhere to make Brexit work.

What Fraser Nelson, and all the other right-leaning hangers-on, really fear is this: the voters, having shunned the Tories and consigned the party to the electoral oblivion it so richly deserves, may follow that with shunning the right-wing press, without whose superior insights the country would not have been reduced to an international joke. First the Tories, then their backers.

The likes of Fraser Nelson were for a time, but not for all time. Rejoice!

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  1. If only that were true. Wherever you look there are right wing websites, right wing media, right wing wank tanks, religious and crank cult tv channels, all of which sing from the same economy wrecking, bigotry spreading, self serving hymn sheet. For humanities sake it would be fantastic if all these grubby, small minded shits fucked off forever, but alas not.

  2. A linguist writes.

    It's interesting that the term supermajority has acquired the meaning of a thumping great majority in numbers elected, rather than its usual meaning of a qualified majority, i.e. a certain percentage above a simple majority to pass a resolution or a decision.

    Then again language is nothing if not dynamic.

  3. I don't know if Nelson's voice sounds as if it is a "...faux-posh Scots accent..."

    Sounds more like he has a leaking lemon stuck up a haemorrhoids ridden arse.

    Apart from that he's just another far right racist tory weasel.

    1. That he is. One of Private Eyes pet hates too.

  4. Long term, the Brexit election "success" will wear will all the other blue, red and yellow tory scams. Then there will be a price to pay - think tuition fees and the Cleggies or Bliar/Brown and mass murdering war criminality.

    Whatever the majority size, my bet is public relief at the demise of blue toryism will last a maximum 18 months. Then the reality of the red version will dawn.

    Wait until you see what the diversion will be then. Probably yet another war from the usual psychopaths and thieves.

    Remember the bullshit "peace dividend".....

  5. Annie Nonnie, MSc.27 June 2024 at 18:04

    “A crushing majority will make it easier for Starmer to water down Brexit. He can sign Britain up to various regulatory schemes, taking it back into the EU’s orbit while stopping short of rejoining. Not a single member of Starmer’s front bench backed Brexit, so his team is unlikely to seek new trade deals to make Brexit work”. 

    Don't threaten me with a good time, Fraser.

  6. “There is no trade deal on offer anywhere to make Brexit work.”

    That’s likely because there is no trade deal, on offer or not, that can make Brexit work.

  7. "The Press" is still effective. But much less so, and generally only with an older generation on its way to the exit door. The emphasis now is on control of corporate broadcast media "news", yet even that is doomed in its present form thanks to the internet. Few people with a reasonable level of common sense believe anything coming from a hired zero hours TV talking head reading from a teleprompter. AI technology will emphasise the lack of trust in the performing circus of corporate media and its establishment owners and politicians.

    It isn't a crisis of confidence though. It 's an inevitable crisis of truth. Chickens are coming home to roost after almost half a century of far right lies and propaganda.

  8. Friendly reminder that Fraser Nelson claimed, in the first few hours of the Anders Brevik mass shooting was an Islamist terrorist. When the truth emerged, Fraser "took a break" for the weekend, bravely running away and going very quiet about Brevik's massacre. Now that a white man did it, it was no longer a talking point. Funny, that.
