Saturday 1 June 2024

Oh Tommy Tommy - Still A Racist

It was back in late April 2017 that Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, knocked very loudly at my front door in the dead of night to claim - wrongly - that I had been telling lies about him. He had taken grave offence to having been called a racist. So in the cause of free speech, he would do his best to deprive me of my ability to do just that.

Lennon rocked up the next night too, and thus The Curse Of Zelo was, and indeed remains, upon him. A variety of scrapes with the law, and unsuccessful legal actions, later, and he is still telling packs of lies about anyone and everyone who done him wrong. Today, his particular bête noire is something else that is untrue - the claim that there is “two tier Policing”.

In pursuit of leveraging this claim for the benefit of Himself Personally Now, The Great Man has fronted a gathering of the Gammonati in central London today, accompanied by washed-up former minor thesp, never-was chanteur, and dead on arrival failed politician Laurence Fox. This would show the world that Lennon was not only active, but in London!

And there was more: not only would there be that gathering, Lennon would première his latest video production, an item called Lawfare. The cops requested a sight of this magnum opus, but at this point Lennon bristled. “I made the film, I’m a journlalist [yeah, right], and I’m going to play the documentary. It’s unreasonable and overreaching of the Police to interfere”.

Was it now? Do go on. “There’s nothing inciteful, nothing that breaks the law, it’s not inflammatory towards other communities, I promise you that. We had people asking to play videos of Mohammed. There’s nothing like that happening, I assure you … we’re talking about freedom of speech, we’re talking about the Government, the establishment and [abuse of power]”.

Lennon is then asked for a sight of the video. His response is unequivocal. “Lads … lads … straight up, you’re not viewing it … your job, and our job, is to facilitate a peaceful protest. Obviously if you try and prevent the airing of the film, you know you’re not going to do that. You know you’re going to provoke a serious reaction, and cause chaos”. Is he making threats?

Whatever. Let’s compare Lennon’s assurance that there was “nothing like” Mohammed, and test the claim by studying the banner behind which he and Dear Dear Larry marched. A banner that said “THIS IS LONDON, NOT LONDONISTAN”. That would suggest very strongly that Lennon flat-out lied to the cops in that phone call. And it would suggest he is still a racist bigot.

Reinforcing that thought is the appearance behind the banner of failed amateur kidnapper Danny Tommo. Further reinforcement was provided by little children loudly shouting “Allah! Allah! Who the fuck is Allah?” with video provided by racist organisation Turning Point UK, who told “Young children join in on a chant criticising Allah at the anti-two-tier policing demo in London”.

The “peaceful” protest was interrupted - but peacefully, you understand - by several of those attending giving Nazi salutes. Nick Lowles of Hope Not Hate saw two Lennon fans outside a phone box and musedNice to see Tommy Robinson supporters relieving themselves in public”. Usually, they take turns to use the phone box as a pissoir. Not the Lennon brains trust.

But let’s cut to the chase here: this is just another excuse to dust off the Islamophobia, with another chant, “Allah Allah you’re a c***”, providing yet more of that reinforcement. And the Islamophobia is, in itself, another excuse to start smearing all brown people as “Pakis”, a loaded and blatantly racist term. Lennon claims it’s not about Mohammed, or racism. He is lying.

The Nazi salutes, the little kids effing and blinding, the clear attempt to smear London Mayor Sadiq Khan, the use of the loaded hate term “Londonistan”, and above all, the refusal to give the Metropolitan Police a sight of his not-really-inflammatory-towards-other-communities film, brings us to one conclusion: Lennon was a racist when I called him out for it in 2017.

And he’s still a racist. One who is promoting Himself Personally Now.

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  1. A COCKNEE TAXI DRIVER RITES.1 June 2024 at 19:03

    'Ere, wots orl vis abaht gud owld Tommee.

    Proper geezer ee iz. Why we invited im t'Lahndan, owm areel pytreeuts an entryerprenewers like d'Blessid Alf Garnett wot we orl lav. Ded gud ee iz. Samwan az ter deel wiv orl dem forrins an muslamics.

    Gawd bless im an d'Prince an Princesser Wyles. Ide vowt fer dem if dye stud.

  2. Former professional football hooligan transforms himself into a crusader for truth, justice and a white Britain. What a cuddly little love bundle...

  3. Careful, you'll have Bertie say that Robinson has legitimate concerns.

    To which any reasonable person would reply, "he doesn't even have the name Tommy Robinson"

  4. Where have you gone, Liar Bozo Blue?
    Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you
    Woo, woo, woo
    What's that you say, Zion Murder Red
    You can ape his place instead
    Hey, hey, hey
    Hey, hey, hey

  5. Londonistan? What happened to Londongrad? Or London 51st State? Or LondonArabia? Or London Judea? Anywhere but the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

  6. Burlington Bertie from Bow2 June 2024 at 13:14

    I watched a bit of Tommy's Big Day Out live on Youtube yesterday. It was comedy gold.
    A bunch of random knobs shambled around on a stage and self-consciously took selfies while the DJ(!) played Rule Britannia on repeat because no one seemed to know what to do next.Members of the beer gut community tried to get some 'Tommy! Tommy! Tommy!' chants going but it was never going to be Corbyn at Glastonbury.

    Then Fox did a little me!me!me! speech in his best mockney (more embarrassing even than COCKNEE TAXI DRIVER'S efforts to general accidie. Next up was Tommy himself to do a bit of oratin' before boring everyone rigid (their right arms were the first to suffer) with his latest home movie. Then off to the pub and up to Wem-ber-ley to try to get in to the Champions League Final without a ticket.

    If Visit London, the London tourism authority, had any sense they'd ask Luton's most underrated journalistic titan to put on one of these every Saturday.

    Highly Recommended.

  7. Tommie he'z ah paytreeut isn't he ? Yeah I gaaaave 'im £100 to-waards hiz joooonalism and the next 'ime I saw Tommie he 'ad new teeth and a white pow-dear around hiz nose, but still hey ?

  8. And then we had an apparently well-refreshed Looza Fox and his altercation with a bus. No MOT, ergo no insurance. Cue chorus of very tiny violins.

  9. How to check if your MP supports mass murder, racism and apartheid the way Starmer/Reeves Quislings do:

  10. In other "news", Sheinbaum elected first Mexico woman president. Cracking Latino name, that.

  11. Burlington Bertie from Bow3 June 2024 at 15:13

    To save us all time, Anonymous, and since you appear to have endless amounts of that commodity, maybe you could just list below the names pf those candidates who, in your opinion, *don't* 'support mass murder, racism and apartheid the way Starmer/Reeves Quislings do' and are therefore worthy of our votes.

    You could start with G. Galloway. Oh no, he was a bit of a fan of Saddam, a man quite partial to a bit of the old mass murder as I recall. Er......J.Corbyn? But we can't all live in Islington. The SNP? Don't get them started on the English. Er.......

    No, I'll leave it up to you. Then when you've totalled up we'll see which party would look like being in charge for the next 14 years* if we followed your advice and demanded total purity in our Labour representatives.

    Then you could look at all Labour governments since 1945, apply the same criteria to the individuals in them, turf out the impure and see what you're left with. And what political, educational, health and social reforms would never have been achieved.

    *Given your habitual targets, we'll assume you're just talking about Labour candidates here.

  12. 15:13.

    "A player who falls short of saintliness".

    A new way of describing a perpetrator and supporter of war criminality and mass murder of defenceless women and children.

    Utterly contemptible cowardly filth, the kind of corrupt muck peddled by Murdoch and Rothermere and broadcast equivalents.

    The internet never forgets......

  13. The lengths Bertie goes through to justify some horrendous things is really quite something.

  14. Burlington Bertie from Bow3 June 2024 at 19:22

    Your bitchy little contentless asides are becoming more like Hayhursts with every tiresome effort, Mr B. Are you by chance related?

    Or do you just like his style?

    If you're annoyed enough by a post to attempt online waspishness and can be bothered to put finger to keypad to show us all, why can't you address the point?

    Or, like Hayhurst, do you never quite understand?

  15. Burlington Bertie from Bow3 June 2024 at 19:26


    It was hysterical crap the first time.

    1. 19:26.

      Yes it was. That's your far
      right problem, as always, outing yourself.

      The internet never forgets.....

  16. Bertie, you seem to think we want saints. We want someone who will make our lives better and address the problems with the world. If we don't get that, it's more than fair enough not to vote for it.

    Quite apart from all that, Labour has said and suggested some things that I personally find red lines. If it was a partner who treated me like Labour have, I would hope you could find some kind words to encourage me, not set me up with the fallacy that I can't do better.

    Cos we are all in the same boat here Bertie. University educated but schooled in life. We all have our red lines.

    Otherwise, we'd just end up voting Tory. And I grant you a tiny bit more wisdom than that.

  17. Burlington Bertie from Bow4 June 2024 at 12:51

    Thanks, Ed, I knew you could do it.

    I don't think you want saints but ultimately you are left with what's on offer.

    'We want someone who will make our lives better and address the problems with the world.If we don't get that, it's more than fair enough not to vote for it.'
    Up to a point, Lord Copper. But if your not voting for it effectively means a vote for something worse?

    'Otherwise, we'd just end up voting Tory.'
    What if your red lines lead you to be effectively doing that?

    Unless you really believe that there is absolutely no difference at all between Labour and the Tories, between Biden and Trump, between Macron and le Pen, then you have to choose; or else participate in and contribute to the success of the latter.

    Not to do so seems to me to be individualistic and solipsistic, more concerned with personal intellectual satisfaction than with the effect on others.
    (And no, I don't believe that the Tories' positions on Iraq, Gaza, the climate emergency etc etc etc were/are/would have been any better than Labour's)

    As it happens, I have resigned from the Labour party at various times for various reasons, most recently over Starmer's feebleness on the EU and on Gaza.
    But let the Tories back in by not voting for the only party who can stop them? That would just be vanity.

    1. I live in Bristol West mate. The frontrunners are the greens. I am not effectively voting tory by voting for the party who best suit my needs and wishes there.

      And the greens are my compromise btw.

      I dunno where you live, but your analysis totally disregards the electoral system we use and the georgraphy of the electorate.

      Labour will be over the line cone July, they need tempering. They will not negotiate with you when they have their jaws round your neck, even if their bite is not as bad as the tories.

    2. Sorry, but that comment is one that I take exception too. The old 'if you don't vote Labour you let the Tories in' is not just insulting its anti democratic. Not to mention a sad attempt at emotional blackmail. There IS no difference between the Tories and Labour. Indeed many fear a liar, bully and immoral slimeball like Starmer even more than Sunak. His clumsy left wing purge left no doubt about what sort of govt he will preside over if his alter ego fails to hold on to power. Americans have long been left with the awful and the despicable at election time, but their system is so locked in and un democratic (as the founding fathers intended) they literally have no choice. We do. There are independents, greens, libdems, the nationalist and far left and right party's, all ways we 'can't send a message to the gruesome twosome. Or we an just shrug our shoulders, walk doe like into the voting booth and vote conservative. It matters not which of the two party's it is.

  18. 12:51.

    Your usual sophist garbage with a thick coat of phony pomposity.

    The same kind of marshmallow nonsense that did for the old Liberal Party and will eventually do for this corrupt far right version of the Zionist "Labour" Party.

    The internet never forgets.....

  19. Burlington Bertie from Bow4 June 2024 at 14:45


    Fair points but you will admit that Bristol West is fairly exceptional in the Green challenge with only a few university towns in anywhere like the same position. And as I've said before, I've seen too many evaporating Labour poll leads to be at all complacent.

    PS Just ask Anonymous in Perpetuum where I live. He'll give you his full frothing Northerner shtick if you ask him nicely.

    Anonymous 13.20

    Latest Labour poll lead upset you, has it?
    Go out for a walk. Get some air. It'll do you good.

    1. 14:45.

      As expected, the usual far right rant from someone who thinks a Zionist supporter of mass murdering genocide is "A player who falls short of saintliness'.

      The internet never forgets.....
