Saturday 15 June 2024

Nigel Farage - Real Anti-Semitism

Groups like the so-called Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, so keen to kick the Labour Party over anything they can call out as anti-Semitic, have developed a blind spot when it comes to the far right. And they don’t get much further far right than Reform UK’s self-appointed Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage, who has a most interesting back story on the subject.

Anti-Semitic dog-whistling ...

Nige is getting a significant amount of media exposure during the General Election campaign, merely because the Tories are doing very badly, and Reform UK are doing relatively well. Added to this is the usual witless drivel from the Punditerati about Reform UK either replacing, or merging with, the Tories after the latter get the shellacking to end all shellackings on July 4.

As always with the far right, the media class is a major contributor to their rise: as it is in the UK, so it is in France with the Rassemblement National of the Le Pens, and indeed con merchants like André Ventura in Portugal with his one man band Chega. But in Farage’s case, the anti-Semitism remains unchallenged - even by groups who are supposedly there to call it out.

Take, for example, Mr Thirsty’s live-on-air rant on LBC in the days before they disposed of his services: “there are other very powerful foreign lobbies in the United States of America, and the Jewish lobby with its links to the Israeli Government is one of those strong voices”. Jewish in the USA equals foreign.

There was more. “Well, in terms of money and influence, they [the Jewish lobby] are a very powerful lobby … There are about six million Jewish people living in America, so as a percentage, it’s quite small, but in terms of influence it’s quite big”. Anti-Semitic tropes, anyone? Da Jooz running everything, divided loyalties? This, too, was not an isolated lapse.

Take, for instance, those dog-whistles that say “Jews” or “Jewish”, but use the code of nudge-nudgery. Like “Goldman Sachs”, for instance: “Goldman Sachs and big business lost the referendum” [HERE], "If Goldman Sachs are leaving London for the US, why aren't they going to their beloved European Union?" [HERE], and “Goldman Sachs & JP Morgan donating to Remain in EU campaign: the unholy alliance of big banks and big politics” [HERE].

... so why isn't it being called out?

Or the “Globalists” dog-whistle, as in “We are beating the globalists” [HERE] on Fox News Channel (fair and balanced my arse), “2016 was the year that nation state democracy made a comeback against the globalists” [HERE], and “The globalists are sticking together. They realise that there is a new movement across the West fighting for national democracy” [HERE].

Or how about both those dog-whistles together? “London is ranked the best financial centre while Frankfurt is 11th. We're all sick of the constant threats from Goldman and the globalists” [HERE], and of course “Rishi Sunak is a Goldman Sachs globalist, so this sellout of Brexit is not surprising. The Tories must be crushed” [HERE]. Then comes the ultimate anti-Semitic dog-whistle.

Yes, it’s SOROS! “George Soros' US money has been flowing into Europe in a huge way for many years” [HERE], “George Soros has spent billions in the EU to undermine the nation state” [HERE], “The Soros-funded attempt for a second referendum has failed” [HERE], and “Anyone who attacks George Soros is labelled an anti-Semite; however, the truth is that he funds the most appalling anti-Semitism seen in modern times” [HERE]. Oh What A Giveaway!

Nige, sadly, conflated “Jews” and “Israel” to stand that claim up, which, as any fule kno, is an anti-Semitic trope. He was still at it this week, claiming that he was being attacked by “the mob”, who were “professional protesters”, and funded by “The Soros-es”. So where is the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism?

Not, it seems, on Farage’s case. And this matters: perversely, even with Labour posting leads of over 20% over the Tories, Reform UK may be about to do something UKIP, under Farage’s leadership, could not, and that is to get him elected to the Commons, aided and abetted by many in the media class who he has played like marks for too many years.

You want real anti-Semitism? Forget the main parties. Nige is your man.

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  1. "Jewish influence" in USA government is non-existent. Israel governments are supported by the USA to serve American and Western interests in the region. Nothing more than Divide et impera. It keeps non-Jews in the region on edge and occasionally fighting each other, as in the "useful" Iran-Iraq war.

    The USA could stop the genocide in Gaza tomorrow. But it doesn't want to.

    1. Spot on. Nothing more I can add tbh.

  2. Not going to happen. Right wing Jews linked to the Tories (Chief Rabbi seen hob nobbing with senior Tories and admitted mates with Johnson) have long directed attacks on the left. It shows how the establishment works that no-one mentioned during the great anti semitic witch hunt mentioned; that Labour had a record number of complaints about antisemitism during the late Brown/Ed Milliband years, that clearing up these complaints was key to the EHRC report, although it too ignored the number of complaints under Ed, that Tory supporting senior members of the Jewish community were leading the media campaign against the left, that the Forde report exposed Labours right as conspiring to undermine the leadership and used anti semitism to do it.

    As such, the age old enemy of Jewish people, the right and far right, are given a free pass.

  3. It's really a case of "my enemy's enemies are my friends".

    In thia case, Muslims (or Islamists if you are a RR).

    And a lot of us know that and see through their zionist BS when it comes to bigotry and hypocrisy.

  4. While on the subject of Britain's favourite clown, has anyone seen some of the candidates Reform.UK have put up? I would advise anyone thinking of voting for them to do so - regardless of their political views. Some very iffy characters somehow 'sneaked' through the vetting process...

  5. It’s the social media equivalent of watching a car crash as members of the Gammonariat – some of whom being so dim that they can’t even spell “Farage” – line up in Mr Zuckerberg's Walled Garden to insist that the bollock-faced foghorn of ignorance is but a hop and a croak away from Downing Street.

    1. "Bollock faced foghorn of ignorance is but a hop and a croak away from downing street", bloody hell that had me in stitches!

  6. @14:32 “bollock-faced foghorn of ignorance” was shamelessly stolen from Philip Pullman.

    1. I know. It was the whole paragraph that tickled me!
