Sunday 5 May 2024

Tory Losses - Media In Denial

They lost 472 council seats. All bar one of the elected Mayoral elections were lost: despite the presence of an independent candidate in the West Midlands, who took votes from Labour, the Tories still lost the Mayoral poll, and in London, Sadiq Khan recorded his largest winning margin in the teeth of a hostile right-wing press. There was also a Parliamentary by-election loss.

Even with the host of negatives facing Labour - hostility among Muslim voters to the party leadership’s stance on Gaza, Keir Starmer’s flip-flopping in the face of press hostility, the welter of bad faith knocking copy aimed at deputy leader Angela Rayner, and fiddling of electoral system in a vain attempt to hobble Khan - the Tories were trounced across the country.

In London, a last-minute attempt to sow doubt among the public, claiming that polls were tighter than predicted, and some even claiming that Tory Susan Hall might even win, was exposed as a sham. The worse news is that a supposedly senior BBC figure - Laura Kuenssberg no less - had joined in this momentary voyage down the rabbit hole. That was bang out of order.

The offending entry on Twitter, X, or whatever Muskrat’s calling it this week, is still there: “What's going on in the London Mayoral race? No votes have been counted yet, so hold on to your hats.. but it is clear tonight that the race is much much closer than some polls had suggested”. No votes have been counted, but “it is clear … that the race is much much closer”.

That’s what you get by promoting someone who appears to prioritise getting sources to actual analysis, to filter out the wacko crap. Ms Kuenssberg continues to, as Peter Oborne put it, “just shovel it on”. But there will be no carpeting from Robbie Gibb, oh no. That’s just a bit more “both-sidesing”.

Also not getting carpeted is political editor of the Murdoch Sun on Sunday, Kate Ferguson, putting out prejudicial crap like “Sadiq Khan has had a strong showing in the postal votes in London....sources say”, having claimedSounds like Tory Susan Hall is ahead in the voting in Camden / Barnet patch” when counting had not started, and the pricelessSenior Tory sources saying it’s looking good for Andy Street in West Mids”. Street lost.

Over at Gammon Broadcasting™ News (“Bacon’s News Channel”), an idiot called Ben Leo musedIs today when Sadiq Khan is finally toppled in London? Are the whispers, the rumours, the sources correct that the Labour man has been run to the wire by Susan Hall? Is this the day England reclaims its capital city from Net Zero chief zealot mayor Khan? Let’s see”. Let’s not.

There was much talking up of Reform UK, who scored, er, two council seats. As opposed to the Greens, who gained 73 seats to leave then with a mere 179. Or the Lib Dems, whose gains totalled 105 seats, to give a total of 520 councillors, more than the Tories - for the first time since 1996. And we know what happened at the General Election after that.

Still the media is obsessing about the Tories, and looking even further right to speculate whether con-man and congenital liar Nigel “Thirsty” Farage will return to become Reform UK Oberscheissenführer. The BBC is once again not covering itself with glory, as Ms Kuenssberg persisted in asking Labour’s Pat McFadden about the party’s problem with the Muslim vote.

While she allowed the appallingly wacko Suella Braverman to smear Labour as “hard-left maniacs” who would “open our borders” and “indoctrinate our institutions and schools with PC madness”. Meanwhile, losing West Midlands Mayoral candidate Andy Street has reminded anyone listening that the way for the Tories to win is from the centre ground (now occupied by Labour).

Our free and fearless press, and too many in the broadcast media, are yet to understand one very straightforward fact: the wider electorate is not listening to them. They’re sick of being told how wonderful everything is, how the Tories’ cunning plan is working, and how all will be well as soon as a few of those horrible brown people are dispatched to Rwanda.

What was it that LBJ said “seems hot to you, but it never does to anyone else”? That was Pissing Down Your Leg. Hello media people.

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  1. A few months after the last general election I forecast Labour would "win" the next one. Not because of fair - let alone radical - policies, but purely because the tories would inevitably intensify their far right racist ransacking thievery of the economy: it's what they do and that will never change. It would become obvious even to the most wilfully ignorant and hypocritical "centrist".

    All that was required in the British morally and financially corrupt Parliamentary system was an "ability" to wait. The de facto one party system would ensure the apple fell into the Right slop bucket. That is precisely what has happened. Starmer Quisling "Labour" has done nothing. It didn't have to. It's the same set of conditions that got mass murdering war criminals Bliar/Brown into the mess of pottage in Downing Street. The result was millions of dead innocents strewn across the world, plus intensification of poverty at home. Starmer Quislings will continue on the same cowardly path - they have so stated.

    Corporate media will of course help underpin then promote this utter corruption, as they too always do. After all, that's what they pay the likes of Kuenssberg's and Peston's crooked lying mouths to say. Kuenssberg in particular was trained in the USA precisely for moments like this.

    It was all entirely predictable. And it will worsen until enough people say Enough is Enough. Until then the only visible thing from Quisling "Labour" will be its traditional white flag and corrupt charlatans like Starmer and Reeves.

  2. The only time I can remember the Tories occupying anything like the centre ground was back in 1974, before one Margaret Thatcher was elevated to the party's leadership. She then took a wrecking ball to the then postwar consensus and marched her troops sharply to the right.

    1. Exactly. From then on what passes for thought on the US right, not just in terms of ideology, but sadly for us, also in terms of policy, became the norm. Our health, education and welfare services have been slowly but surely converted to the US model. The final blow for education and health is when they're converted to fully private for the middle classes on the one hand, and 'public' hospitals and schools for the poorest off on the other. Our public sector has been flogged off to Tory cronies, and if Starmer wins, whenever Richy deigns to call an election, New Labour cronies. This is despite the NAO constantly calling out privatised public services for poor results, and poor value for money for the public. I mean we only pay for them after all! Yes, the Tory's have increased our national debt to pay for services as they've cut taxes on those most able to pay it, but the bulk of services are still tax payer funded. The right will argue, even at grass roots level, this was all necessary, and not at all ideology driven, but these are the same people that believe in trickle down and that business is not purely profit driven. Yes, they really do live in cloud cuckoo land...

  3. The coming GE will be Big Endians versus Little Endians. It doesn't matter which is which.

    The lesser of two evils is still evil.

    Meanwhile, both Endians have openly promoted and armed the most openly criminal genocide since the Rwanda horror. All Endians should spend the rest of their miserably corrupt days rotting in prison. They should be isolated from decent and honourable people lest they spread insane poison even further.

    The continuing British tragedy - just another element in the decline of "the West" - is there are still enough mugs and paranoids to keep the deluded charade functioning. Which is why mass murdering wars and organised looting stays central to policies.

    The GE will be a contest between two insensate sociopathic beasts. It will have nothing to do with genuine democracy.

    1. Not quite that clear cut any more. If these elections showed us nothing else, its that independents, the glibdems and the Greens are slowly but surely eating into the support of the two conservative party's. Despite the hype, tices tossers made sod all impact, and New Labour have still a long way to go to convince even the centre left to turn out for them. Yes, the bulk of the electorate will plump for 'the (anything but) safe' options, but no longer with the conviction of old. I must admit though, it does baffle me that anyone would vote for the Torys at any level? New Labour are utterly useless, but compared with the Torys they're squeaky clean, bursting with positive ideas, progressives. Which they, really, really, aren't.

    2. 15:26.

      Even tongue in cheek, Quisling "Labour" couldn't claim to be "squeaky clean". Not with a self-proclaimed Zionist as front man. And not when the same front man lied his way to that position, then promptly broke all his policy promises too. All while haemorrhaging 8,000 party members a month because of it.
