Saturday 5 August 2023

Rachel Riley Makes No Sale

It’s a habit beloved of right-wing papers and websites: when one of their pals begins a new column, potential readers are told how wonderful it will be, that it will be “unmissable”. The Daily Mail is particularly tedious in this regard. But the tactic employed by Countdown numbers person Rachel Riley has become a campaign destined to develop not necessarily to her advantage.

They said what?

Brilliant piece by [David Hirsh] on the huge cost of the misunderstanding of antisemitism in recent years. A fitting way to remember the hugely popular Pete Newbon. Also why my stomach always turns at the mention of that ‘beloved’ children’s authortold Ms Riley. What’s she on about? Ah well.

Newbon had Tweeted out a photo of former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn reading Michael Rosen’s “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt” with the page shown changed to appear as if from The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and captioned ‘'Oh no! A J-... er, I mean a ZIONIST! A nasty, horrible Zionist! We can't go over him, we can't go under him, we'll have to make an effigy…’”.

Rosen objected vehemently to this characterisation. Newbon’s employer, Northumbria University, began a disciplinary investigation and ultimately issued him with a final written warning. He had “left his home … on January 15 last year [2022] after a disagreement with his wife” and was declared dead after falling from a bridge on the A64 and being struck by four cars.

As the Yorkshire Post reported earlier this year, “Recording a conclusion of suicide, assistant coroner for North Yorkshire Jonathan Leach said he was ‘satisfied there was intent’ by the Leeds-born lecturer to end his life”. However, of the Rosen smear, we’re told “However, none of this background was admitted as evidence in the hearing and was not referred to”.

There was, it seems, significant adverse comment passed on Hirsh’s tedious diatribe, and also Ms Riley’s promotion of it. So she smeared those passing that comment as anti-Semites. Quote Tweeting her original promotion, she addedAntisemites upset again, oh well”, andThere is no clearer way to see that these type of replies to a report into British antisemitism are racist, pure and simple. These people don’t care about Palestinians, they don’t care about actually helping them make better lives, they just hate Jews”.

Rachel Riley

They do? Whatever. One Tweeter observedWell, that attack on Michael Rosen backfired spectacularly. Maybe pick on a less well loved individual next time, eh lads (and Riley)?” One wonders how Channel 4 bosses will view her latest rant, when her contract comes up, maybe sooner rather than later.

The Tweeter known as The Prole Star notedBrilliant video by [Michael Rosen] on the sad cost his family paid due to antisemitism in WW2. A fitting way to honour the dead and show solidarity with refugees forced from their homes by today's wars. Also why my stomach always turns at the mention of that ‘Countdown star’”. Andrew Feinstein had his own support to add.

Solidarity with [Michael Rosen], a lifelong antiracist, educator, writer extraordinaire & a true mensch. He is a force for good in the world. Can’t say that about any of his ‘critics’”. Rosen, meanwhile, had a bone to pick with Hirsh: “Can I return to this one, David? You invoke the Macpherson Principle and say that it applies to Jews. Through your writing, you've made clear that the MP doesn't apply to me. Can you please explain why not? What's the theory behind that?” So far there has been no discernible feedback.

He also took aim at others opposing him. “Dear Ian Austin and other Tories, Please don’t use the Holocaust or the threat of antisemitism as a means of attracting people to the party of Windrush, the ‘hostile environment’ the anti-refugee truck and 20 years of austerity. Yours, Michael Rosen”.

But instead of addressing any of his points, all we have is what gives every impression of being a bad faith attack on a well-respected poet, author and campaigner. And that, this time, Rachel Riley has failed to bring significant followers to her side, or to diminish Rosen’s standing.

But she has smeared others as anti-Semites. She’s good at that.

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  1. Riley isn't "good" at anything.

    She's a far right tory meff and smear merchant. Which is why she's employed in corporate media.

    A standard module propaganda clerk, nothing more.

  2. Can Michael sue these people and prove the despicable weaponisation of the Anti-semitism once and for all?

  3. May I suggest anyone searches for Riley's interview with Krishnan Guru Murthy. At one point, while discussing her receipt of AS criticism, without the slightest hint of irony she says: I mean, I don't even look like a typical Jew".

  4. To 13:43.

    In which case, somebody should ask Riley: "What does a Jew look like?"

    Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick [them] do [they] not bleed? If you tickle [them] do [they] not laugh? If you poison [them] do [they] not die?......The villainy you teach me I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

    In her haste to smear, Riley has forgotten what that REALLY MEANS.

  5. Riley = more shoddy goods from the "University" of Oford.
