Monday 17 July 2023

Petronella Wyatt - Bitter And Stupid

The old adage warning that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones has once again been disregarded by someone whose glasshouse has become significantly draughtier as a result. To no surprise at all, the disregard has been dispensed by one Petronella Wyatt, who claims to be a writer, broadcaster and columnist, although she is famous for one thing only.

Petronella Wyatt. Sad, really ...

Sad to say, that one thing was as long(ish) term mistress of disgraced former alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson, who promised that he would leave his second wife for her. She was stupid enough to believe the SOB. He remained with his second wife, who made sure that when the parting came, it was she who made the decision to divorce him.

Some who had been through that particular mill, and especially one who has “Writer/ broadcaster. Ex Dep Ed [Spectator]. Columnist [Telegraph] [Spectator] [Daily Mail] Commentator [GB News] [Talk TV] [GMB]. Film fanatic. Pronouns genius/mastermind”, would stop and think before calling snob on anyone else. Ms Wyatt neither stopped, nor thought.

So when Michael Deacon at the increasingly desperate and downmarket Telegraph sneered “Carol Vorderman’s hatred of Tories has turned her into a raging snob”, Ms Wyatt was in there like a shot. Deacon sniffed “Ms Vorderman, at any rate, did get a degree, back in 1981. It may only have been a Third, but I wouldn’t dream of belittling her for that. After all, I’m sure she tried her best”. That only drew Ms Wyatt in further.

But while Deacon was staying on the right side of the personal abuse line, despite his jealousy showing: “These days, she may not be quite such a constant presence on our screens. But she often pops up on ITV’s This Morning. What academic qualifications one requires to perform that particular kind of work, I don’t know. Perhaps she completed a postgraduate diploma in Sitting on a Sofa and Smiling”, Ms Wyatt failed to get the hint.

And so it came to pass that she got just a little too personal, and bitter with it: “Someone who has paid a fortune to look like a Kardashian has forfeited their right to be elitist. Carol Vorderman’s hatred of Tories has turned her into a raging snob”. Er, WHAT? Ms V was not just angry. “Angry? She’s foaming”.

... taking him at his word

The problem with getting so personal that you sneer at how they look - and not at all well, suggesting that Ms Wyatt may not have actually seen what your average Kardashian looks like - is that the blowback is bound to feature some mention about the wisdom her own personal choices, or lack of it.

One Tweeter posted two recent images of Bozo along with the inevitable reminderYou shagged this”. Another addedHack 'journalist' who had an affair with the worst Prime Minister of the 21st Century whilst said PM's wife was suffering a life threatening condition criticises social commentator over her looks ... Not a good Hill is it Pet?” Could it get worse? Don’t ask.

Another observer musedPetronella ‘Petsy’ Aspasia Wyatt - daughter of Veronica ‘Verushka’ Banszky von Ambroz - calling Carol Vorderman a snob gave me a chuckle this morning”. And again we gotSomeone who is famous purely because they humped a bloated former PM when his wife was suffering from cancer says what now?” Conned by Bozo. Repeatedly.

That would by itself have been enough to persuade most people to keep their heads down. Perhaps Ms Wyatt should consider a Tweet she put out only yesterday: “Thomas Mitchell on newspapermen in Selznick’s Nothing Sacred, ‘The hand of God reaching down into the mire couldn’t elevate them up to the depths of degradation’”. That’s talking about you, Petsy, that is.

So stupid she believed Bozo. And now so bitter that the world knows it.

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  1. It would be a "Petronella" wouldn't it. Even worse than a "Sophie" or a "Fiona".

  2. When/how did Woodrow Wyatt's daughter become The Honourable Petronella Wyatt?

  3. Just about a year ago Wyatt wrote:

    “Boris will never resign. He thinks he has a God given right to rule in perpetuity. This is going to be long, drawn out and very bad for the Tory Party and the country. There will be no government, as every minute of the day will be devoted to saving Boris.”

    Note the order in which the dozy get places those on the receiving end of Bloody Stupid Johnson's narcissism.
