Thursday 1 June 2023

Tommy Robinson’s Chicken Run

And so it came to pass that Stephen Yaxley Lennon, who styles himself Tommy Robinson, returned briefly to the spotlight from well-deserved obscurity as a result of another of his Not Very Whizzo schemes which may well prove to be a campaign that develops not necessarily to his advantage. The good news is that he’s left the country. The bad news, for him, is why.

Lennon’s useful idiot, amateur kidnapper Danny Tommo, brought the world the news that his pal had arrived in Cuba, an odd choice of destination for one who hates Commies. “[Tommy Robinson] lands in Cuba after leaving the UK due to threat of being arrested and jailed for 2 years [Elon Musk] this is what Independent journalist have to go through, yet you continued to deny him a voice on Twitter … Protecting truth tellers is very important”.

Truth teller my arse. I’ll go further: journalist my arse. And why is Lennon threatened with arrest and up to two years behind bars (not that I’m objecting to him being thrown in Chokey)? Ah well. Hope Not Hate are not always on Lennon’s case as some anti-fascists would like, but they are this time.

Tommy Robinson (aka Stephen Yaxley-Lennon) has broken a court injunction this week and could now face two years in prison”. Ooh interesting. Do go on. “Back in 2021, Tommy lost a libel case against a young Syrian schoolboy named Jamal Hijazi. Jamal had been the victim of violent bullying at his school in Huddersfield, as captured on a video that went viral”.

There was more. “During the court case in 2021, the judge issued an injunction, forbidding Tommy from repeating the lies he told about Jamal … But Tommy is deliberately breaking the law, working with a US alt-right outfit to release a film that repeats the lies, and in doing so attempts to profit from Jamal’s pain again”. No link will be included. Cos I’m not into lawbreaking.

The film has been released with Tommy’s full knowledge and collaboration … Tommy thinks this latest grift can make him big money through new supporters in the US and fundraising for legal fees from his UK base. But we are on the case and will be doing everything in our power to [Get Jamal Justice] - watch this space”. Lennon, as so often, can’t keep quiet about it.

So it was that The Great Man has sent a video from Cuba, where he tells the world that he’s just off a ten and a half hour flight, and that the food was terrible (cue nanoviolin). He can then be heard saying “next stop America”. And, as Jon Stewart might have said, two things here. One, you don’t just hop on the plane in Cuba and get off in the USA. Not with his criminal record.

Lennon has already tried to enter the USA illegally and failed. He rocks up there again, his stay will only last until he gets spotted by law enforcement, and given his inability to button his North And South, that won’t take long. And Two, the obvious question right now is, do the authorities in Havana know that someone with a significant criminal record just rocked up there?

If they don’t know, it has to be assumed Lennon most likely entered Cuba on a false passport. Maybe the régime there doesn’t mind the odd bit of passport fraud, but I doubt it. And if they lift him and dump him in the local prison, he’ll soon find that being gobby with the Law doesn’t work in a country that has a lamentable human rights record. Including the use of torture.

That’s one hell of a risk to take just so he can kick off another grift. A risk that could end up in either Cuba or the USA deporting the SOB back to the UK, and the UK as a consequence not only locking him up, but confiscating his passport on the grounds of his being a flight risk. Which would mean if he rocked up abroad in future, everyone would know he was breaking the law.

Which will, of course, be someone else’s fault. Maybe the Muslims Done It.

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  1. "...the Law doesn’t work in a country that has a lamentable human rights record. Including the use of torture..."

    True. Especially one that operates "extraordinary rendition" and torture centres like Abu Ghraib and Belmarsh, or invades and mass murders in other helpless countries.

    Robinson might find his spiritual home in a country where you can't be sure you will return alive from a visit to school/concert/club/church/mosque/cinema/shops or any other innocent activity.

    If the wannabe nazi gets in to the USA it will be because one suits the other perfectly.


    Tommy Robinson: "Refugees won't obey English laws and must be dealt with"
    Also Tommy Robinson: "I broke English laws and now deserve refugee status"

  3. With his long, varied and notably unsuccessful career as a criminal micromind, the chances of Tiny Tommeh Ten-Names entering USAnia legally are about the same as my chances of being the next Bond James Bond, and I for one long forward to the extensive reporting of his utter failure to do so.

  4. If Tommeh has found the food terrible already just wait until he ends up in ye olde colonial Spanish style Cuban Jail. Live in hope that it happens.
