Tuesday 2 May 2023

Sun Poll Deception FLOPS

The inevitable combination of falsehood and misinformation that will spew from the right-leaning part of our free and fearless press all the way to the next General Election, and no doubt well beyond there, aimed at the Labour Party has begun for the inmates of the Baby Shard bunker, as one glance at today’s edition of the Super Soaraway Current Bun shows.

There, alongside more Royalist propaganda, readers are toldExclusive Sun Poll … BRITS SAY NO TO WOKE … Sir Softie blast”, and under the by-line of the odious flannelled fool Master Harry Cole, still pretending to be a real journalist, we learn “BRITS are opposed to explicit sex education in class, have strong views on what a woman is and are proud of our nation’s past”.

All of which has sweet Fanny Adams to do with the term WOKE, which means either “Well-informed, up-to-date”, or “Alert to injustices in society, especially racism”. So we already know that Master Cole does not know what he is talking about, so no change there, then. But, sadly, there is more.

We asked 3,000 Brits last week what they thought about the state of British politics and what will happen at the next General Election … That’s about three times the size of most opinion polls, for a more accurate take of the national temperature … Just 18 per cent of Brits say we should be ashamed of our past, compared to the 45 per cent who want to cheer for it”.

Which has what relevance to how those punters will vote? None. Nix. Nil. Zip. Zilch. Zero. Nada. Not a sausage. Bugger all. But do go on. “Following outcry about explicit sex acts in the classroom, ministers are due to update guidance on what is appropriate”. “Explicit sex acts in the classroom?” Shit, that’s a hell of a change since I went to school. Or Master Cole is shit at journalism.

It’s the latter, isn’t it? Then we get the bullshit that says a majority one way is a majority, and one the other way means voters are “divided”. Here it comes: “People are more divided however on whether transgender identities have a place in schools - with 51 per cent of voters saying they do, with 36 per cent opposed”. No, Master Cole, that’s a 15 per cent majority not in your favour.

On he drivels. “A majority of the public want the UK to remain signed up to the European Convention on Human Rights, with only 27 per cent saying we should pull out. But 55 per cent of Tory 2019 voters say quit the Strasbourg court”. Selective interpretation. And on those overall, and therefore more relevant polling numbers, Cole just flat-out lies. “Although the gap has narrowed Labour remain ahead by about 43 per cent to the Tories' 29”. So?

And how high would the 13th floor like me to jump today?

That would likely see Sir Keir fall short of an overall majority in an election but have the largest party”. That’s a straight-A F*** Right Off. One Tweeter observedTotal nonsense from Harry Cole, suggesting a 14 point Labour lead would lead to Labour falling short of a majority … According to Electoral Calculus that would produce a Labour majority of *checks notes*... 146”.

But if at first you don’t succeed, well, suck a little more seed, eh? “Sir Keir’s supporters appear to be on the wrong side of a public sick of woke nonsense seeping into their lives”. Such as? “Sir Keir says a woman can have a penis, but 47 per cent disagree”. Yes, it’s all about blaming Trans people, rather than the party that’s been in power for 13 years and fouled up the country.

While most of the public think the next election is a foregone conclusion, that cannot be said of the voters that gave the Tories their 2019 majority”. Very good, Master Cole, but the franchise is not yet restricted to 2019 Tory voters, with Jonathan Portes of KCL notingThe public think we should abide by ECHR rulings, and an absolute majority support teaching about gender identity in school. Good to see the Sun telling us that the public are a lot more in tune with the ‘New Elite’ than with the bigots and racists”.

Adam Bienkov of Byline Times addedFor context this poll also found that voters: Want to stay in the ECHR … Want gender ID taught in school … Don't think the Conservatives can win the next general election … Give Labour a 14 point lead”. But, it seems, Master Cole has been given his instructions.

That means the Murdoch mafiosi is worried: Rishi Sunak and his pals will do more or less anything that Don Rupioni and the rest of the Cosa Rupra demand of them - within reason, of course. Keir Starmer may play ball. But, then again, he may not. Best to kick the shit out of him, just in case.

Client journalism continues its pointless journey. No change there, then.

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  1. Talk of "trans people" always reminds me that Cole looks like a cross between a hamster and Billy Bunter. With opinions to match.

  2. The Sun and other right wing rags really do have utter contempt for their readers, don't they? Being 'proud' of one's country does not mean you cannot be critical.

    It's like saying that it's impossible to have a good friend who you care for, but as a result you can never criticise certain choices they make. Or a wife who loves her husband (or vice versa) but finds some of their habits annoying. Why does it always have to be one way traffic with these simpletons?

  3. Burlington Bertie from Bow2 May 2023 at 17:55

    'Brits Say No To Woke', FFS!

    The perfect The Day Today headline. These witless dullards thought the show was a tutorial.

  4. The tragedy of decaying British culture is never more obvious than when it expels a small poisonous vomit like Cole. He's a symptom of a nation that long ago lost its head to far right malevolence.
