Thursday 9 March 2023

Lineker Exposes Media Fascists

Free speech is a concept trumpeted loudly by those in the right-leaning part of our free and fearless press, but, you understand, there are limits: it is fine to proclaim opinions that meet with the approval of those champions of free speech, but streng verboten to take a contrary stance. This has been highlighted by attacks on Match of the Day lead presenter Gary Lineker.

His on-air denunciation, apparently with BBC approval, of Qatar’s human rights record was fine. This was free speech that our not at all even slightly racist press could get behind: foreigners who are not white behaving cruelly to their own people enables that same press to frame their narrative to show how much better We British are. No criticism of Gary on that one.

But using his personal Twitter feed to point out the cruelty of Tory rhetoric elicited a different response. “There is no huge influx. We take far fewer refugees than other major European countries. This is just an immeasurably cruel policy directed at the most vulnerable people in language that is not dissimilar to that used by Germany in the 30s, and I’m out of order?

That was not the kind of free speech the Mail was prepared to tolerate. “LINEKER FACES BBC REBUKE FOR LIKENING SMALL BOATS PLAN TO NAZIS” thundered yesterday’s front page headline. He called our pal Suella and our other pal Rishi NAZIS! He did! HE DID!! How DARE he?!? He had “crossed a line”, and the Mail had BBC Sources to prove it (allegedly)!

He hardly needed to make the point later yesterday morning: “Great to see the freedom of speech champions out in force this morning demanding silence from those with whom they disagree”. It would have been the same in 1930s Germany: say something favourable about the Third Reich, your free speech was fine. Say something unfavourable, you would not keep well.

So the Mail was rather making the point for Lineker. Moreover, he had not called anyone a Nazi, merely talked about the use of cruel and inflammatory language. This had not penetrated the skull of Tory loudmouth Lee Anderson, who harrumphedTo use the Nazi word in this context is disgusting and vile. The BBC should disassociate themselves from these types of comments and ask themselves the question 'is this the type of comment they expect from their publicly funded presenters?’” He still didn’t use the N-Word.

Worse for 30p Lee, others pointed out not only that Lineker was right, but also that, as he wasn’t at BBC News, he was entitled to his opinion. Free speech, remember? But the Mail was not satisfied. It wanted punishment.

So it was that this morning, the inmates of the Northcliffe House bunker howled “Staff ‘boiling’ with anger at star’s disdain for rules they obey … He fails to apologise for Nazi slur … and doubles down … Beeb crisis talks as insiders say he’s ‘passed a tipping point’ … IS LINEKER ABOUT TO GET BOOT FROM BBC?” Translation: we demand he is sacked NOW! Or else!

He still didn’t call anyone a Nazi. And LBC host Sangita Myska pointed out that it was about language, noting that “Gary Lineker says the language used by Suella Braverman against refugees & asylum seekers is ‘not unlike’ that used in 1930s Nazi Germany. Holocaust survivor Joan Salter said the same thing on [LBC]. Mr Lineker, I suggest, is in very good company”.

Her fellow host James O’Brien addedIf you’re cross about being compared to Nazis, then calling for your critics to be silenced & sacked probably isn’t the best way to prove them wrongand went onRight-wing politicians & pundits attacking a sports broadcaster for a measured description of deliberately disgusting rhetoric is not just about Gary Lineker.” There was more.

Who're you calling a f***ing fascist, c***?!?!?

It’s a warning to everyone at the BBC not to upset them. Fear of being next in the firing line influences many decisions”. Do go on. “They don’t want impartiality, they want to eradicate dissent & replace it with client journalism. Some senior BBC staff are happy to go along with it. Others, thank goodness, are not. Can’t blame Lewis [Goodall] for leaving”. Target. Hit. Direct.

And while Lineker himself retained his sense of humour, telling followersI have never known such love and support in my life than I’m getting this morning (England World Cup goals aside, possibly). I want to thank each and every one of you. It means a lot. I’ll continue to try and speak up for those poor souls that have no voice. Cheers all”, the point had been made.

Free speech in the UK is now on a par with free speech in 1930s Germany, the only difference being that displeasing the fascists is restricted to denunciation and a campaign to have the target sacked, or at least silenced. By this much have we progressed from the knock on the door, physical attacks, random imprisonment, torture, and summary execution.

Gary Lineker has exposed the media fascists. He deserves all our thanks.

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  1. "By this much have we progressed from the knock on the door, physical attacks, random imprisonment, torture, and summary execution."

    That won't be long delayed at the present rate.....oh, hang on....."extraordinary rendition".... Julian Assange.... Guantanamo.....Abu Ghraib.... Blackwater....Gaddafi....Saddam Hussein....Jo Cox.... smearing Jeremy Corbyn, Labour and union leaders.... foreign wars...."exceptionalism"…... deliberately inflicted poverty.... institutional racism....

    When it acts like a nazi, talks like a nazi, lies and propagandises like a nazi, kills like a nazi and beats up like a nazi it's a nazi. Uniform, jackboots, salutes and torchlight parades or not.

    The current version wears a suit, but it's still a fucking nazi.

  2. If Lineker was Clarkson he would have been idolised for making narrowminded comments.

    If he went about slandering prominent socialist MPs as anti-sematic he will be on all television current affairs programme cited as being an expert on the subject.

    Nuff said.

  3. Burlington Bertie from Bow9 March 2023 at 15:29

    I see that ex-Culture Secretary John Whittingdale, the man who demonstrated his belief that sex workers should get a fair crack of the whip by taking his dominatrix to Amsterdam with him on MTV-funded ‘parliamentary business’, has soiled his seat in the House with his own little emission on the topic of Lineker’s ‘morality’:

    If you like a story which covers sado-masochism, Earls Court fetish club the London Retreat, David Cameron, Boris Johnson, Paul Dacre, James and Rupert Murdoch, Amol Rajan, the Independent’s tenancy in the Daily Mail’s building, the burying of a story, Kate Middleton, the Leveson Inquiry, the Sun, Max Mosley, Geordie Greig, the Tory Cornerstone Group (‘Faith, Flag and Family’!), George Osborne, ‘Mistress Kate’ and a mise-en-scene involving dungeons, gimps and possibly ball-gags (ask your mum), do have a look at Open Democracy’s account here:

  4. I wonder if those on the right who want Linekar gone also have a problem with Alan Sugar and Karen Brady of the BBC's 'Apprentice'? After all, they have given politic views and are political by their very nature, being members of the HoL.

    I presume they'd want David Attenborough dismissed should he ever criticise government policy on the environment.

    But then, they never had an issue with Andrew Neil fronting various BBC political shows, despite his right-wing sympathies and being chair of the Spectator magazine.

    Linekar's views are not even connected to his sports presenting role.

    I have heard some claiming they take issue with Linekar's liking of govt rhetoric with that of Nazi Germany. Again, they were very backward in coming forward when the oaf Johnson suggested the EU's aims were those of Hitler's! Hypocrisy clearly knows no bounds.

  5. Well, cancel culture is a thing after all.

  6. When a harmless presenter of trivia compares a government to nazi Germany you would think said government might, just might, think again.

    Instead, according to one source, someone at the British Bullshit Corporation will "have a word" with said harmless presenter.

    If I was Lineker I would tell the "someone" to shove his "word" up his arse. Sideways. Then I'd publicly identify the "someone".

  7. Betteridge's Law applies to that Daily Heil front page: Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.

    Obviously this proves that the BBC is composed exclusively of unreconstructed Trots and don’t mention loans to Bloody Stupid Johnson or Tim Davie's past as a Tory councillor or…

  8. Good old Gary. Except for this -

  9. Seems to be catching...........
