Tuesday 4 October 2022

Service Interruption

Gone are the days when Zelo Street put out the thick end of a hundred blog posts a month, and no, they’re not coming back. But even the more reduced and occasionally leisurely writing régime of 2022 is sometimes too much: the next few days, and maybe a few more periods of a few days after that, will most likely demand enough of my attention to interrupt normal service.

There’s going to be a lot of travelling, meeting people, getting to grips with as yet unknown ways of working, and lots of the kind of stuff that leaves folks in an ever so slightly stressed state. So the likelihood is that blog posts will be an occasional item until next week, and not much more than occasional for a week or two after that. Needs must. Some things you don’t do so often.

I may well reveal all some time after the dust has settled. In the meantime, there’s always the back catalogue, filled with observations and revelations from thirteen and a half years at the blog face. Yes, it’s really that long ago.

Maintaining radio silence does not mean I’ve gone away. Not yet, anyhow.


  1. Good luck in all you do, Tim.

    Thanks for all your work. The very best.

  2. Burlington Bertie from Bow4 October 2022 at 11:28

    All the best, Tim. Any break you get will be well-deserved.

  3. Sorry to hear all this, but your life is your life and it has to come first. Do everything you need to do, blog when you're able, and once everything becomes clear, still blog when it works for you to do. We are not entitled to override your life.

  4. Best wishes, Tim.

    As someone who's been blogging for as long as you have, one essential asset is stamina.

  5. Many thanks for all of your hard work as always. Always far better comment than the Tory client media could ever dream of writing.

    Wishing you all the best, I will miss the postings but your life always comes first. Looking forward to more when, and only when, circumstances allow. Cheers.

  6. Take your time, Tim. But at the same time hurry back. ;)

  7. take good care of yourself.
    your reporting and insights are always very interesting. not necessarily agreeable, but definitely humanist.

    best regards,

  8. I used to read blogs from all sorts of quarters, this is pretty much the only one I still regularly look in on. Look after yourself.

  9. The withdrawal symptoms are already kicking in...

    Best wishes in your endeavours, Tim.

    From a grateful reader.

  10. All the best, and thanks for all that you do.

  11. You deserve a break from all that's going on.

  12. Take care of yourself!

  13. If you need some time out, take it, good luck.

  14. Get well soon Tim. You will be missed, but I hope not for long.

  15. Good luck, mate. Keep fighting the good fight. I'm in Sandbach, working out how to bite a fleshy chunk out of Fiona Bruce's majority.

  16. Exiled in Ard Mhaca4 October 2022 at 18:57

    Enjoy your break Tim. All the best.

  17. Take it easy fella.

  18. Look after yourself, Tim. Hope everything goes well. We will miss you, but your own health and well-being come first!

  19. Take care and come back at full strength...when ready!

  20. Malcolm Armsteen7 October 2022 at 08:16

    Tim, I know we have had our differences over the years, but Zelo Street remains a favourite of those of us who frequent the mailwatch forum. Thank you for your contribution over the years and hope to see you again soon.

    From all at mailwatch, see you very soon.
