Monday 1 August 2022

SisterBozza And Talking Shit

Still hanging on at broadcaster LBC despite the imminent departure of her rather more infamous brother from 10 Downing Street, Rachel Johnson, otherwise known as SisterBozza, turns up like the proverbial bad penny every Sunday evening and causes many in her audience to wonder what they had dome wrong to be lumbered with her less than universally held opinions.

But for how much longer?

She has previously defended the continuation in office of alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson with such assertions asPlotting a coup against the Prime Minister during a war doesn’t exactly smack of integrity”. We are, whisper it quietly, not at war. And it has not, in the past, been an obstacle to changing Prime Minister. But then came the NHS.

A number of patients miss their face to face doctors’ appointments. This has entered the Tory leadership contest, where, in the contest to see who can crack down on the proles most viciously, a charge of £10 for not turning up has been pitched. The problem is that the most readily available study of how this affects patient behaviour - from Israel - suggests it doesn’t work.

No matter! SisterBozza was on the case. As a close relative of Bozo, she was, by inference at least, party to his superior insights and therefore knew more about it than mere leadership candidates. She would be tough on missed appointments, although maybe not tough on the causes of missed appointments. She would not charge just £10. She’d charge £30!

That’s one more mouth not fed for the week, then. But here a problem enters: SisterBozza is not in the best position to empathise with the lower orders. She does, after all, have not just one person repping for her - perish the thought - but three, one for books, one for film and TV, and one for presenting and hosting. She’s FAR too busy to be bothered with the little people.

If only her brother had been fined for every Cobra meeting he failed to attend, eh? Or, more productively for money generation, every time he had flat-out lied - to the Commons, to select committees, to his fellow Tory MPs, to the Greater London Assembly, to the press and broadcasters, to his long suffering second wife, to his current wife, and to that string of mistresses.

For some reason, SisterBozza doesn’t appear to have any problem with her brother’s congenital dishonesty. Nor is she suggesting he gets fined for any of the eyebrow-raising elevations to the peerage he has pushed through, or his still unexplained excursions to the Palazzo near Perugia owned by the son of a former KGB spy. She’s cool with his behaviour. Can you smell hypocrisy?

But then, if Bozo is leaving office, maybe she will be less useful to LBC, which has already disposed of the services of pro-am motormouth Katie Hopkins, and former Brexit Party Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage, bringing in more mainstream talking heads like Andrew Marr and Eddie Mair. Perhaps there is to be a changing on the Sunday evening guard at the station.

We can but hope. LBC’s top-rated host James O’Brien was clearly unimpressed by her NHS initiative: “Twelve years of Tory government & the NHS is underfunded, understaffed & under enormous pressure. But if you're unhappy about the service you receive, don't blame Tory politicians or policies, blame unidentified strangers who have missed a GP appointment for undisclosed reasons”. Which begs one more question for SisterBozza.

If she’s so concerned about the NHS being underfunded, perhaps she should have a word with her brother about the £350 million a week that was supposed to be winging its way to the service as a Brexit dividend. You know, the £350 million a week that was plastered all over the Vote Leave bus.

Or was that another of her brother’s cost-free lies? That’s cost-free to him personally - not to those who depend on the service. Get in the sea.

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  1. A strange woman with an uncanny resemblance to Ol' Boot in "The Perishers" cartoons.

    One of the weird group of bad-hair tory wimmin (blue and red) that disfigure the landscape.

  2. Dog ugly and pig ignorant … imagine … be like waking up alongside old groper Stan every morning
