Wednesday 17 August 2022

Liz Truss - Vicious But Not Stupid

As the Tory party leadership contest rolls towards its close, it is becoming clear either that every opinion poll is wrong, or that Liz “don’t call me stupid” Truss is so far in front of the unfeasibly wealthy Rishi Sunak as to make prolonging the ordeal pointless. She will be the next Prime Minister, and still there are those wondering why anyone would want to emigrate from the UK

After poising to take note of Gordon Brown’s proposals for dealing with the impending hike in energy bills - another idea the Tories have ridiculed, but will shamelessly appropriate almost as soon as Ms Truss gets through the doorway of 10 Downing Street - it was on to the central Scottish city of Perth for she and Sunak to make their pitch to Tories north of the border.

And it was at this gathering that anyone with brain plugged in and a hole in their backside could see very clearly just what a nasty - needlessly nasty - piece of work our Prime Minister in waiting truly is. This was heightened by a revelation from Pippa Crerar, who has now taken her political editor chops from the Mirror to the Guardian, regarding Ms Truss’ view of British workers.

These are some of Ms Truss’ superior insights: “I once wrote a book about this which got mischaracterised - British workers produce less per hour than … and that’s a combination of kind of skill and application … If you look at productivity, it’s very, very different in London from the rest of the country. But basically … this has been a historical fact for decades. Essentially it’s partly a mindset and attitude thing, I think. It’s working culture, basically. If you go to China it’s quite different, I can assure you”. Ri-i-i-ght.

However, Ms Crerar points out apropos higher productivity in London, “this is widely believed to be the result of large multinationals being based in the capital, higher engagement with research and development, the size of firms and the level of exports, and the transport infrastructure”. And it gets worse.

Here’s Ms Truss again. “There’s a slight thing in Britain about wanting the easy answers. That’s my reflection on the election and what’s gone before it, and the referendum - we say it’s all Europe that’s causing these huge problems … it’s all these migrants causing these problems. But actually what needs to happen is more … more graft. It’s not a popular message”.

WORK HARDER! WORK HARDER!! Confusing productivity with how hard people work? Dmitri Grozoubinski had something to say about that. “I am begging, on my knees, for people in public life not to begin conflating ‘productivity’ with ‘how hard people work’ and productivity problems with laziness. That's not how anything works”. And Shaun Lawson had more.

Don't call her stupid

The person about to become Prime Minister DOES NOT HAVE THE FIRST CLUE about basic economics, and would fail A Level Economics miserably … Anyone who thinks productivity has anything to do with 'laziness' or 'idleness' is a bona fide idiot who shouldn't be anywhere near public life”. And he had a chilling warning for the kind of country Ms Truss wants to lead.

Listen to Truss highlighting China as an example. A virtual slave state in how it treats its workers … Imagine an ENTIRE COUNTRY as one massive Amazon sweatshop - and that's what the Tories' vision for Britain actually is”. Then came her performance before an audience of Scottish Tories.

Adam Bienkov of Byline Times was watching. “Asked if she still plans to ‘ignore’ Nicola Sturgeon, when she is Prime Minister, Liz Truss replies that ‘I will work with Douglas Ross in a constructive way’ … Liz Truss says she will ‘knock spots off of Nicola Sturgeon’”. And what of the Union?

Kate Ferguson of the Murdoch Sun rather liked the tone struck here. “Nice line from Liz Truss at Tory leadership hustings in Scotland … ‘To me we are not just neighbours, we are family. And I will never, ever let our family be split up'”. But Jonn Elledge did not agree. “It's a terrible line, it's something an abusive partner would say, and not for the first time I find myself thinking that the Sun politics desk is going to kill the Tory party with kindness”.

Could the not-stupidity-at-all get any more nailed on? Adam Bienkov once more: “‘I don't agree that Boris misled Parliament,’ says Liz Truss”. Congenital liar is not a congenital liar honestly, no shock horror. Plus she’s not terminally clueless and dependant on nicking Labour ideas, either.

Why would anyone worry about the future of the UK? Search me, Guv.

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  1. I assume that there's a lot of them that feel August 4, 1789 was a black day with the abolition of serfdom

  2. No wonder Roberto Saviano - who knows whereof he speaks - labelled London "The Most Corrupt City In The World".

    So Truss is a logical product of that shit hole. So is Sunak. So are all the other Parliamentarian go-along-to-get-alongs. It's a place where far right political expediency long ago replaced fair and principled governance. Its high rise slums of the architectural imagination are a perfect image of its dry rot of the soul.

    "London" produces nothing. It's a money laundering centre for gangster capitalism and its minion kleptocrats. All of it projected by Uriah Heep media propaganda clerks.

    The rest of the country now knows what that kind of meff mindset REALLY thinks of it, Brexit or no Brexit.

    So Truss is both stupid and vicious. And a lying, greedy hypocrite. A typical tory.

    All of which is why this country is sliding millimetre by millimetre, slowly but surely, toward a mufti version of overt fascism.

  3. If British workers lack skills - whose fault is it?

    Successive tory governments have failed to provide technical skills education and many companies do not provide apprenticeships nor any other than minimal training. I have known managers who proudly boasted that they would poach people from those companies that had provided training.
    Unlike , for example, Germany

  4. Having been in the US last week I heard the term ‘quiet quitting’. Awful term, but even US workers aren’t fooled anymore that to be awake means to be working.

  5. There is indeed a "slight thing in Britain about wanting the easy answers". Unfortunately, Truss seems to want to - rather than give people the complex answers - give them a different set of easy answers.

  6. Give them credit: They and their media know how to blame easy victims. This time it is 90% of the population.

  7. The other day Cheesoid claimed to have grown up in Paisley. This is in marked contrast to her earlier claim to have grown up in Leeds and makes this Unit suspect that:

    1: She never grew up at all, or
    c) She's even more shit at geography than Dominic Raabid.

  8. News for the tories.....If the Scottish people decide en masse to leave the Union there's the square root of absolutely fuck all a small gang of M25 corner-shop gammons can do about it.

    At the present rate it's just a matter of time anyway. And who in their right mind could blame them for wanting out of the insane sociopathic suicide pact that is Britain 2022?
