Saturday 26 March 2022

Sophie Corcoran - The New Katie Hopkins

Those who thought that the fading from view of pro-am motormouth Katie Hopkins - and, indeed, others out there on the right - would bring a little less bigotry and xenophobia, better understanding of climate change and the Covid pandemic, and a little more caring for those less fortunate than ourselves, have seen that thought disproved comprehensively with the arrival on the scene of one Sophie Corcoran. Who she?

What a happy soul

Ms Corcoran is at Durham University. She is also given a platform by Gammon Broadcasting™ News (“Bacon’s News Channel”), and on occasion Murdoch property and noise floor occupant TalkRADIO. She is, shall we say, opinionated. She also gives the impression of being ignorant, intolerant, and dishonest. Let’s start with that pandemic.

Chris Whitty ‘school closures likely to have caused long term damage to children’ … No F***ing s**t … We weren’t at risk. You knew it would cause irreparable harm - but you called the people who told you covid deniers and conspiracy theorists”. Flat-out lie there. As to those who get hit by The Rona, “These people have been radicalised”. Ri-i-ight.

There was more in the same vein. “You can’t lock and [sic] entire economy down for years and not expect everyone to be poorer”. The economy wasn’t locked down for years. But remember, “I don’t care if there’s a million or even a billion cases of covid. We have done everything we can. Some people are even on their 4th vaccine. We just need to get on with it”. She doesn’t care. Thus the worthy successor to the now absent Ms Hopkins.

How about a different angle on intolerance? “Labour voted against stopping illegal channel crossings. No surprise there, they must love a bit of people trafficking”. What’s illegal? But, again, there’s more. “The MAJORITY of the British population want the govt to crack down on illegal immigration”. No citation. And seeking asylum is not illegal. Do go on.

Nearly 4,000 migrants have crossed the channel this year. Another 4,000 people that will get everything for free whilst Brits battle the cost of living crisis”. No they won’t. Then we move on to Brexit. “Why are all the FBPEs out of the closet today please?” Abuse. Intolerance. “The remainers get more and more desperate by the day, don’t they?” They do? “There is not a single day where I regret Brexit”. Your decision, was it?

How about climate change? “The green agenda is quite literally pushing the majority of us towards absolute poverty. Open your eyes people … There is no point to green taxes. They don’t stop climate change. They won’t stop Global warming, They don’t stop people from using energy - people need it - it’s a necessity. They achieve literally naff all. All they do is make people poorer - for no reason”. She doesn’t understand how taxation works.

But she must have some empathy towards the plight of Ukraine and its people. Mustn’t she? Er, not as such. “The UK govt to provide another £25 million to Ukraine and 6000 missiles - in addition to what’s already been sent. All whilst Brits are facing poverty … If the govt were able to afford to give £400 million pound in humanitarian aid - and that’s without the weaponry - to Ukraine … Surely they can cut fuel duty by more than 5p?

Economics, and indeed maths, not her strong point. But she’s opinionated, willing to sound off, and fulfils the right-wing media’s need to show that there are real young people out there who think like them. Another reason to see what’s on GB News … and not tune in.

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  1. That's the thing about tory nastzis: They're all the same type of crackpot, old or young.

  2. Yet another gob on legs. I almost feel sorry for them................. almost.

  3. How old is this student who doesn't regret Brexit? If she's much under 24 it wasn't her decision at all.


  5. Oh gawd. Thicko after a cushy job sounding off. Don't give her the oxygen of publicity.

  6. Burlington Bertie from Bow26 March 2022 at 20:43

    Thick as shit.
    Hates 'woke'.
    Barely literate.
    Cabinet material!

  7. My grate frend Dai Infidel used to use the word “thurrock” as a Bad Swear and if Ms. Corcoran is in any way typical of the natives of Thurrock it’s not difficult to see why. She’s probably related to the thoroughly nasty Corky from The Night Manager and look what happened to him…

    [“That was a work of fiction!” – Ed.]

  8. That photo of Corcoran.....she has the same nutjob faraway look as Lisa Nandy.

    Are they by chance related?

    Asking for all the Quisling apologists.

  9. 8:33 Odd that the 'Quisling apologists' got you to ask for them.

    1. @ 13:20.

      "They" didn't, "Demento".

      Only here to help.

      Keep yer chin up. :O)

  10. Don't worry too much. She'll burn herself out and / or outstay her welcome because just like Kate Hopkins and we are witnessing with Laurence Fox, she'll have to up the ante of hatred and ignorance with evey Tweet, FB post and verbal rant. Not sure she'll be up to it.

  11. 16:03
    So, you weren't asking for them

  12. @ 11:00.

    Calm down, calm down.

    Only here to help. :O)

  13. 16:19
    Just pointing out that you're like Harry Cole.
