Wednesday 9 March 2022

Nigel Farage Campaign Rally ISN’T

While the conflict in Ukraine continues, and people remember just who said that Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was the leader they admired the most, it might have been thought that former Brexit Party Oberscheissenführer Nigel “Thirsty” Farage would have difficulty making himself relevant for a while. But that thought has been shown to have been misplaced, as Nige and his pals have come roaring back with a new campaign.

A smile, a song, a blatantly dishonest false equivalence, and he was away, telling his adoring followers “We need a referendum on the net zero madness. I am excited to launch a new campaign with [Richard Tice] called [Power Not Poverty] … The Richmond Greens don't have to worry about paying their gas bills - but millions of ordinary people do”.

At a stroke, anyone caring for the environment is smeared as “rich”, and Farage puts himself on the side of the working class. But the really rich ones are himself, Tice and their pals. Rising energy prices are mostly down to the wholesale cost of gas - wherever it comes from. And where Farage wants it to come from will hurt the working class - badly.

We cannot rely on foreign powers for gas and oil any longer. The only way to keep the lights on is to ensure we have energy independence”. That means when alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson “suggested” that the UK may consider fracking, Mr Thirsty was wholeheartedly on board. “The first victory for common sense”.

So how would he get the word out there, apart from shooting off his North And South on Gammon Broadcasting™ News (“Bacon’s News Channel”)? We did not have long to wait. “Join me alongside Richard Tice and Dominique Samuels in Bolton on Saturday 26th March, as we start our campaign for a referendum on Net Zero”. A campaign rally!

This would take place at the University of Bolton Stadium, home of Bolton Wanderers Football Club. But here a problem entered: as the BWFC Twitter feed has told, “A 'Vote Power Not Poverty' Rally scheduled for later this month at the Bolton Whites Hotel will not be happening … The event has been cancelled by BWFC and is not something the club and business wishes to be associated with”. The Manchester Evening News had more.

Responding to [a] tweet by [Power Not Poverty], a number of the club's fans voiced their discontent at the ground being used as a venue … Bolton Wanderers confirmed that the event, which was selling VIP tickets for £100 and was also set to feature Reform UK leader Richard Tice and political commentator Dominique Samuels, had been cancelled. Bolton Wanderers also moved to distance itself from the event”.

Farage and his pals pick their moment to sneer

So what say Vote Power Not Poverty? “The owners of Bolton Wanderers Football Club and the Bolton Whites Hotel had reneged on our contract … In a Moscow style rebuke to free speech … Though wealthy owners of football clubs may not care about ordinary people, our campaign to deliver cheaper, more secure energy to the people of the UK remains resolute and an alternate venue will be announced in the coming days”.

Sneering about “wealthy owners of football clubs” when BWFC has just endured several years of financial problems is the pits. On the anniversary of the Burnden Park Disaster.

Nige’s campaign to fleece the poor falls at the first hurdle. Just rejoice at that news.

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  1. Stop it, Tim, NOW.

    Oberscheissenführer is insensitive language. And not the first time you are guilty of it.

    Only here to help. :O)

  2. Referendums should be banned as the British people are too stupid to be trusted with them.

  3. Have a look here

    And here


  4. I doubt that we can ramp up oil and gas production quickly. And what if we do? The producers won't want to sell if for less than the current market value. If the government subsidise it, who pays the subsidies? Us.

    1. To 16:27.

      I think you made a mistake there. The final words of your third sentence should read "current profits". Which should not be confused with genuine social value.

  5. It was frog-face Farage who told the audience on Question Time that Brexit would give us cheaper food, shoes, clothes, etc.

    Will people be dumb enough to fall for his bullshit again?

  6. Nigel Farage, he put the Clowns in Charge9 March 2022 at 17:07

    Hoping that the Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Bill 2022 will put a stop to Fartrage and Co is hoping too much.

  7. £100 a VIP ticket? So, so working class.

  8. To Anonymous at 16:33 - yes, they would.

    I knew people who felt it their divine right to have their rooms heated to 23 Celsius and to try and take that away from them would cause outrage. It certainly caused upset when I said they were wasting money - "it's my money to waste" was the reply.

  9. @Ben Lapointe: £100’s a bargain compared with the £500+ being charged for the Access All Areas ticket for the proposed tour by Tiny Tommeh Ten-Names, Gavin “Adolf Hipster” McInnes and Milo Flobbadopoulos to credulous Aussies a couple of years ago. Especially after The Man decided that McInnes and Yaxley Lennon were things Captain Cook's Mistake could well do without and the Victoria police stated that they had a few questions, and a large bill, for Yiannopoulis. Who promptly declined to show up. Much gnashing of teeth by Antipodean gam-gams as they tried to get their money (a thing often parted from fools) back.

  10. Dominique Samuels. A token and a useful idiot on an epic scale. Farage and Tice would not piss on her if she suddenly self-combusted.
