Friday 11 February 2022

Bozo Loses His Dick

Cressida Dick, the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, had enjoyed what looked like an increasingly charmed existence as Partygate blew up in the face of alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson and his coterie of ineptitude. She had fallen out of favour with Priti Patel, the Benidorm holiday rep Home Secretary, but still had Bozo’s backing. But that was not enough: she no longer enjoyed the Mayor of London’s support.

And in a move that surprised many - partly because our free and fearless press dislikes the Commissioner, but equally hates Sadiq Khan, although this is nothing to do with his being a Muslim, you understand - it was the Mayor withdrawing his backing that told her that her time was up. The wrath of Khan was no longer a mere film title.

He did not mince his words: “Last week, I made clear to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner the scale of the change I believe is urgently required to rebuild the trust and confidence of Londoners in the Met and to root out the racism, sexism, homophobia, bullying, discrimination and misogyny that still exists”. Followed by the damning coda: “I am not satisfied with the Commissioner’s response”. She finally had to go.

Cressida Dick’s response makes clear that she did not jump - she was pushed. “It is with huge sadness that following contact with the Mayor of London it is clear that he no longer has sufficient confidence in my leadership of the Met to continue”. So what would she do? “He has left me no choice but to step aside as Commissioner”.

That sounds like she was sacked, but able to reinvent her departure as a mere resignation in the retelling. But the individual who will be most severely affected by the removal of the Dick will not be Sadiq Khan, but Bozo The Clown, who had effectively been using the Commissioner as his own human shield, with the Met declining to investigate a whole series of lawbreaking events in and around 10 Downing Street in breach of lockdown.

The move also shows just who has the power, along with the ability to move decisively when needed: Priti Patel is too indebted to Bozo and so did nothing - except whinge. As free sheet Metro has told, “It is understood Khan did not inform Home Secretary Priti Patel of his intention to request a meeting with the Commissioner … Home Office sources say Patel was not impressed by this and thought it was ‘rude and unprofessional’”.

Get out the nanoviolin. Ms Patel had also lost confidence in Cressida Dick, but dared not upset Bozo. So she ought to be grateful to the Mayor for doing the deed, instead of deploying a significant amount of brass neck and calling “rude and unprofessional” on someone else. How dare he, eh? Everyone knows that’s her job.

Ms Patel, though, will know that removing Commissioner Dick leaves Bozo exposed. And if Bozo is finally prised out of 10 Downing Street, the current Home Secretary, along with several other cabinet ministers who have been impeccably loyal to Johnson, but promoted way beyond their abilities, will follow him in returning to the back benches.

Johnson has lost his Dick. Will his premiership follow? It would be so richly deserved.

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  1. I asked the question in Daily Mail comments: ‘People wanted her gone and now she’s gone. What’s the problem?’. Needless to say, it wasn’t published; everyone was too busy going after Khan. Nobody does hypocrisy and spite like a DM reader.

  2. I was surprised that the officer supervising the botched operation that resulted in the death of the innocent Brazilian electrician was killed got the top job in the first place. Clearly it was no obstacle to her promotion.

  3. No surprise that the Met - but not just the Met, other police forces too - harbours too many racists, thugs, misogynists and other corrupters. Morale is bound to be low among good officers with a genuine vocation for keeping the peace.

    What else to expect when the British Establishment is rotten to the core? Weak-minded individuals are bound to follow the "example" or make pathetic excuses for it. Which is the main reason we have a Parliament comprised mostly of scoundrels and say nothing of a population with too many cringing apologists feeding off apathy.

    This episode is just another symptom of a country in an advanced state of moral and socioeconomic decay.

  4. Ms inverse nominative determinism's charmed existence comes to an end. Must have had high placed pals to have risen without trace after the deMenezes shambles. Always a nakedly political appointment/person.
    Good riddance (fat payoff no doubt !?!)

  5. "root out:
    - the racism
    - sexism
    - homophobia
    - bullying
    - discrimination
    - misogyny"

    That's quite a shopping list! I mean, one more and you match the number of deadly sins! (could we probably add corruption?)

  6. Dickless Tracy's pension is likely to be about 2/3 of her salary. Well into six figures, iow. Also, she thought “Line Of Duty” was greatly exaggerated. I for one look forward to the BBC's dramatisation of the whole sordid business, from Jean Charles de Menezes to Partygate via Daniel Morgan, if only because it'll cause an aneurysm in the barely-used organ inside Nadine Dorries' head.

    And it's pretty rich of disgraced former International Development Secretary Piggi Patel to accuse Sadiq Khan of rudeness and lack of professionalism, given her reputation for being a shouty workplace bully.

  7. "Bozo's Dick pulls out prematurely"... fnarrr fnarrr.

    (Yeah I know, I'll never make S*n headline writer; apart from my lack of pun skills I've never taken a neo-nazi publications article and tried to pass it off as my own and then, along with the whole press juggernaut, pretended it never happened.)

  8. @J: The Daily Star just went for the pithy* “Dick Out”.

    * careful how you say that…

  9. Compare and contrast with Sir Robert Mark, Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police from 1972 to 1977.
    "Among those rooted out were Commander Kenneth Drury, head of the Flying Squad, and Detective Chief Superintendent Bill Moody, head of the Obscene Publications Squad and ironically also of the Anti-Corruption Squad. Both were jailed, along with several other officers, and nearly 500 more were dismissed or forced to resign"
