Monday 21 December 2020

Julia Hartley Dooda Peak Brass Neck

Since the 2016 referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU, we have seen some spectacular exhibitions of gaslighting, dishonesty, deviousness, abuse, projection, deflection and lack of self-awareness from the jolly, and less jolly, Brexiteers. But the latest outburst from self-promoting TalkRADIO host Julia Hartley Brewer has swept those away, to become the unchallenged champion of snobby, sneering, elitist brass neck.

As befits someone of her crass insensitivity, Ms Hartley Dooda began last Saturday morning as she meant to carry on, Tweeting an image of aircraft on the apron of London’s Gatwick Airport at 0930 hours with the comment “No sweeter sight on a cold and dreary December morning in a country gone stark staring mad”. She was, as is her wont in the winter months, about to fly long haul, very expensively and exclusively.

Flight BA2157, perchance?

Later in the day came another opportunity to rub the proles’ noses in the nearest turd, with a photo taken from an aircraft clearly having the flaps down for landing, and the knowledge that London and the South East had just been locked down. “Well, looks like I escaped just in time”. The approach may have been that to V C Bird International Airport. That’s on the Caribbean island of Antigua. Just for those cooped up in their flats back home.

Her iPhone's still on UK time

Would Madam care to proffer an excuse me featuring a staggering lack of self-awareness and a trowelling on of rank dishonesty? As if you need to ask. “If you're a lockdown fanatic who's demanded more & more restrictions on our freedoms, then you'd be a hypocrite to jet off abroad for Xmas. I didn't. I've campaigned for us ALL to get our freedom back - including the right to travel & enjoy Xmas as we want. So, y'know, DO ONE”.

Where does one begin? The idea that Ms Hartley Dooda has campaigned to get anyone their freedom back is a nailed-on pack of lies. If by that she means Brexit, perhaps she can explain how removing the right to live, work and own property in 27 other countries is an increase in freedom. Or increasing the time taken in passport queues at airports. Or requiring visas to visit EU member states. Or invalidating UK driving licences once there.

Maybe she could take time out to explain to all those young people whose access to the Erasmus programme has been so suddenly and cruelly curtailed. And those holiday home owners who can no longer spend more than 90 days at a time there, because dishonest politicians and their cheerleaders told them Brexit would change nothing - so they didn’t apply for residency in that country. Tell them about their increased freedom.

And then we come to the Covid-19 pandemic. During the course of which Ms Hartley Dooda has been pushing every last denialist wacko going, giving a platform to those who cast doubt on the science, on lockdown, on testing, and even how lethal the virus can be. She has denied a platform to those who say those she champions are wrong.

The result of this? More people not following lockdown and other restrictions. More people becoming infected. More people falling ill. More people dying. More people with long-term health issues after recovering. And, ultimately, more and harsher lockdowns. Try telling all those people about how much more freedom they’ve got. If they’re still alive.

Julia Hartley Dooda and reality never did get on. Now she wants a medal for helping screw up the UK while swanning around in Antigua. She can take that one and shove it.

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  1. It's all about them.
    She must have known for months she'd escape no deal while on holiday on a paradise island.
    Her and her faction have destroyed Britain, no wonder she felt the need to get out.
    She need not come back.

    Hopefully Johnson, Farage, Gove, Patel and IDS will join her, two weeks with them and she'll long for home, but the borders will be shut.

  2. No matter how long it takes, somehow, somewhere, events will catch up with that poltroon.

    No wonder "journalists" like her are so heartily despised.

  3. Have they started putting first class behind the wings now, or was she (gasp!) flying noisier cattle class?
    Hope her Lilo sinks...

  4. @18.33 .... she’s no journalist .... just some fat old hitlerites agieing podgedonkey... she used to be known in certain Fleet Street broom cupboards as hardsports doodah ....

  5. Brexit was always designed to benefit a few very rich people like JHB at the expense of the majority.

    First it started with her pal Bozza, pretending to be a journalist in Brussels reproting on the EU, spouting that the EU wanted to straighten our banmmas and ban the 'Pint' served in pubs..

  6. Just a Katie Hopkins with an expensive education.

  7. Like all these Brexiteer pundits, not one comes from a council estate in the West End of Morecambe, not one struggles to provide food for their childre, not one juggles paying their bills...

    No because everyone just like JHB, is a millionaire, with a private education and many have European passports meaning they can now sail through passport control...

    Just saying.
