Wednesday 25 November 2020

Tracy Ann Oberman Treads Carefully

Nothing, but nothing, gets in the way of the relentless pursuit of all those Rotten Lefties™ by minor thesp Tracy Ann Oberman, in her attack on what she sees as anti-Semitism coming from those who have yet to pass adverse comment on former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. That most anti-Semitism comes, has come, and will continue to come from the far right is only occasionally allowed to enter.

Tracy Ann Oberman

So no-one should have been surprised when she recently went after Kerry-Anne Mendoza of The Canary (Ms Mendoza’s partner being Jewish is also not allowed to enter). Ms Oberman had seen that an invitation had been given for Ms Mendoza to address Kensington Labour Party, and that, it seems, was one free speech event too far.

Andrew Feinstein

Kerry Ann Mendoza who runs a fake news site And is a toxic bully. She shouldn’t be given a legitimate platform” was the judgment, with opinion and fact freely intermingled. This, in turn, enabled Lee Harpin of the Jewish Chronicle to become involved, and Ms Mendoza to be cancelled, but remember folks, cancel culture only applies to those on the right who have their invitations withdrawn. Someone from The Canary doesn’t count.

Quite right too. What were [Kensington Labour] [The Labour Party] thinking” observed Ms Oberman, once again tagging Keir Starmer to make sure whoever runs his Twitter feed had a good excuse for muting her. On she went, this time responding to veteran Labour MP Margaret Hodge, who had cited some of the online abuse she had received.

Just some of the abuse [Margaret Hodge] has received from Corbots in last few days. Solidarity Margaret. Under Corbyns [sic] LOTO I and many other women got the same treatment. That’s why [Keir Starmer] must stand firm. Root this out. [EHRC] has confirmed it”. How much of that was from current Labour members? Doesn’t matter. They’re automatically “Corbots”. Because they are. Evidence? Case already concluded, thanks.

But then a problem entered in the shape of Andrew Feinstein, who is a former ANC MP. He served under the Presidency of Nelson Mandela. Feinstein is unimpressed by Ms Oberman. “People like Tracy Ann Oberman, whoever she is, trample all over the extraordinary Jewish tradition of critical debate based on facts. They defile the remarkable tradition of Jews like Eric Hobsbawm, Victor Serge, Joe Slovo & Denis Goldberg. They should hang their heads in shame”. And he wasn’t finished.

After it was pointed out that Ms Oberman had suggested Corbyn supporters may also be supporters of Combover Crybaby Donald Trump, he concluded “I still have no idea who Tracy Ann Oberman is. Whoever she is, she is clearly not the sharpest tool in the box. Her myopic ignorance is truly shocking. No one should take her seriously”.

Normally, Ms Oberman would go in guns blazing. Not now. “Andrew you used to fight for Mandela now you’re reduced to regularly trolling ‘inconsequential’ actresses on twitter. It’s sad - what the hell happened to you? It’s sad”. But she did tag Martin Bright, Stephen Pollard of the JC (wrongly) and the CST, home of Dave Rich.

And good that she self-identifies as “inconsequential”. Even if she misunderstands trolling.

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  1. Apparently, one of the Twitter accounts she tagged, in her tweet @ 11:12 AM. Nov 24, 2020, was an innocent bystander.

    Some poor guy with 67 Followers, minding his own business, and along comes TAO.

    Perhaps, Andrew Feinstein was spot on :

    " “I still have no idea who Tracy Ann Oberman is. Whoever she is, she is clearly not the sharpest tool in the box. Her myopic ignorance is truly shocking. No one should take her seriously” "

  2. You'd think that The Canary would have something to say about this if it was true.

    c&p'd from the JC: 'Kensington Labour had said The Canary editor, who is not a member of Sir Keir Starmer’s party, would be giving a talk on “current affairs”, covering the recent report on black people, racism and human rights by the House of Commons and Lords Joint Committee on Human Rights.'

    'On Monday a spokesperson for the local party confirmed to the JC there was “not going to be a meeting with Kerry-Anne Mendoza as a speaker.” '

    Is this all just Fayk Noos?
    "not a member of Sir Keir Starmer’s party" WTF

  3. For fear of repeation,when you visit Chester Zoo, you are told not to feed the animals, cos if you do they will expect all the time and become aggressive and antisocial when denied.

    It's the same principle with the likes of Oberman, Riley and the other desperately seeking attention to resurrect fading careers.

  4. Dunno about trampling over radical Jewish opinion... but it certainly does a number on Francis Bacon's gallant efforts....

  5. Tracy Ann's been at the cool aid again ?

  6. Isn't it funny how those Jewish members and in Corbyn's constiuency who actually like and respect him are denied a Labour MP and their views being represented in this toxic debate..

    That wouldn't fit Sir Quiff's or Oberman's agenda of making Corbyn out to be like Jesus Christ and a threat to Jewish civilisation.

    Which is rather very funny, a bearded gentleman from Wiltshire, committed ant racist and equally commited to fight for the Jewish community, is such a threat to Western Civilization...

  7. I notice hodge doesn't call being labelled a pederast enabler' as 'abuse'

    ...So it MUST be that hodge accepts she's a pederast enabler as fact?
