Saturday 14 November 2020

Polecat Dom - The Ultimate Carrie Out

So yesterday evening, chief polecat Dominic Cummings finally left 10 Downing Street, to the intense relief of all those who wished it had happened rather earlier. And when the reason for his abrupt departure became known, it was clear that Dom was the principal architect of his own downfall. He mistakenly believed himself to be indispensable.

He also, it seems, fostered a culture of LAD BANTER within the Downing Street operation, to the extent that even those close to alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson were singled out for abusive characterisation and briefing. Bozo’s partner Carrie Symonds was not exempted from that abuse and briefing. Which is when it unravelled.

What appears to have happened is that Bozo was initially persuaded to promote chicken man Lee Cain to be his chief of staff. This was opposed vigorously by Ms Symonds, who is, let us not drive this around the houses for too long, a formidable political operator in her own right, as witness her defence of then boss John Whittingdale when Whitto was discovered to have had a significant relationship with a sex worker.

At that point, Cain and the Polecat made their fatal mistake: they encountered opposition, they briefed against it, throwing in a little abuse and smear as they went. This was their standard modus operandi; they made no exceptions for Ms Symonds.

However, and here we encounter a significantly sized however, the Cain and Cummings smear operation against Bozo’s GF somehow found its way to the PM. Who might have forwarded those messages? Someone who was not there previously, and who was also opposed to the Polecat Massive? My Occam’s Razor is pointing in the general direction of Allegra Stratton, Bozo’s new press spokesperson.

The Telegraph has suggested that the LAD BANTER included calling Ms Symonds “Princess Nut Nuts”, which is not even mildly amusing. The effect of Bozo reading the smears, though, was even less so, as James Ball told, citing the FT’s report: “Johnson showed [Cain and Cummings] text messages that had been forwarded to Ms Symonds, who opposed Mr Cain’s appointment as chief of staff, to show they had briefed against her. He told them to get out and never return”. Dom reckoned without that missing link.

It’s entirely possible that Bozo had been blissfully unaware of the LAD BANTER, given his lazy attitude to the business of governing. What he needs to guard against now is trouble from the Polecat’s placemen, and there are several of them deployed around Whitehall. The FT talks of “Downing Street braced for revenge”. The Tel talks of those going around Bozo to get Michael “Oiky” Gove to have decisions taken.

That doesn’t mean Bozo is incapable of taking decisions. It just means that he might not take the decisions that the Polecat and his pal Gove wanted. It also means Gove might have to be sacked (again) if this particular boil is to be properly lanced.

All of which means that there will have to be more weeding out of the Tufton Street Tendency in the coming days and weeks if Bozo is to survive in Downing Street.

Carrie Symonds clearly likes her new home. And isn’t about to give it up just yet.

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  1. Carrie Symonds clearly likes her new home. And isn’t about to give it up just yet.

    "Power without responsibility, the prerogative of the harlot throughout the ages" (Rudyard Kipling).

  2. Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

    They're all tory cunts.

  3. "Women, deluded by these sentiments, sometimes boast of their weakness, cunningly obtaining power by playing on the weakness of men; and they may well glory in their illicit sway, for, like Turkish bashaws, they have more real power than their masters: but virtue is sacrificed to temporary gratifications, and the respectability of life to the triumph of an hour" (Mary Wollstonecraft).

  4. Number 10, Number 10 Filled with Cybermen14 November 2020 at 14:08

    Boris Kastoff.

    Will Oiky (The Grinch) Gove steal Christmas?

  5. Such Cummings and Goings.

  6. How's the investigation into the lockdown leak where sunak's, handcock's and five's mobiles have been taken by security? Massive lol

  7. Johnson even gets 'bros before hoes' wrong.

  8. I imagine Laura Kuentssberg is beside herself.

  9. Don't forget, Carrie is no "little woman in the kitchen", she is a long time Tory party insider with contacts and secrets, and her own sphere of influence

  10. Surely this is more the appearance of the business than its essence, or perhaps a catalyst sparking off something a lot bigger.

    We've had a big change in the USA, and Biden has the traditional view of the 'special relationship', that Britain's role is to be the USA's Trojan Horse in Europe, and that means that, although Britain has left the EU, London must still have a good relationship with Brussels. So a deal is necessary. Cummings said he'd go at the end of the year, that is, after a 'no deal' and the damage he so desires would have been done. Johnson, after talking to Biden, said, 'The end of the day.' And, although Cummings had been running the show, Johnson asseted himself, taking back control. Johnson also must have known that he has support in important places for his drastic move.

    Various people have been saying that a no deal exit would cause so much transport havoc that vital imports of virus vaccine would be delayed and go to waste. Johnson would not want to be seen as responsible for that, so that was another reason to sack 'No Deal Cummings'.

    And so Cummings' juvenile, unpleasant manners (so much like the Labour HQ's juvenile behaviour that that leaked report revealed, but I digress) was just the last straw.

    Dr Paul
