Monday 23 November 2020

Maajid Nawaz Promotes QAnon Devotee

While LBC host Maajid Nawaz takes great exception to suggestions that he has been pushing conspiracy theories - even though, as I pointed out yesterday, he’s been doing just that - the behaviour of some of those he has been promoting does not do him any favours. Especially when it comes to events unfolding in the USA.

Maajid Nawaz

Those events have featured a number of what have to be seriously wacko claims, many of which have been made by one Sidney Powell. Ms Powell is a lawyer and has represented former General Mike Flynn, who was previously indicted for lying to the FBI. She has, more recently, appeared alongside shirt-tucker supreme Rudy Giuliani as part of the team pretending that Combover Crybaby Donald Trump won the Presidential Election.

Nawaz has been Tweeting about her for a fortnight now, starting with “[Mike Flynn’s] lawyer [Sidney Powell] makes big allegations of voter fraud here. How is it not a conflict, if Senator Feinstein’s husband invests in and [Speaker Pelosi]’s ex chief-of-staff works at the very company responsible for counting these disputed votes?

Late last week, he was back on the case. "Exactly this. If former Federal Prosecutors [Rudy Giuliani] & [Sidney Powell] just lied to us all, it’s such a big lie that it will be they who are guilty of treason. If they told us the truth, the entire DNC is implicated. This is news … What [Rudy Giuliani], [Sidney Powell] & their team are saying here is big *news*. If [Donald Trump]’s legal team is telling the truth, Dems committed treason. If they’re lying, team Trump did. True or False, whichever way you cut it this is *very* serious”.

And at this point, Nawaz began to get a little carried away. “Former Federal Prosecutor [Sidney Powell] is on now making world-impacting allegations about anti-democracy dictators & is alleging very serious (treason-level) US election fraud … This woman is on fire”. He even had time to upbraid Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

‘What (former Federal Prosecutor) [Sidney Powell] was describing would amount to the single biggest crime in American history’ Yes [Tucker Carlson] it would be. This is why it must go to court. Judges receive & assess evidence. Not legally-untrained media”. Said without a shred of self-awareness. Because The Great Man had done his homework.

And anyone who didn’t even watch the [Rudy Giuliani] & [Sidney Powell] press conference should just stop talking. Do you burn books before reading them? I watched the entire thing twice & plan to watch it a 3rd time, because I do my job (starts 39 mins in)”. Had he done his job, he would have steered well clear of anything Sidney Powell said.

Indeed, the Trump Gang has now steered well clear of Ms Powell. As Josh Jordan has observed, “8 days ago Trump said Sidney Powell was on the team, 3 days ago the official GOP account elevated her conspiracy theories, and today they disavow Powell altogether”. Ben Collins of NBC News had worse news for Nawaz.

Sidney Powell was probably the most powerful person to have ever believed in deep, mystic, devout QAnonism. Her Twitter profile picture is a reference to The Storm, which is the roundup and execution of Democrats in the Q world”. And Nawaz promoted her.

Someone just vanished down the rabbit hole. And it looks like it was Maajid Nawaz.

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  1. The problem for morons like Nawaz (and Hopkins) is that they HAVE to keep pushing to extremes of fear and loathing. Otherwise they can't "appeal" to the lowest common denominator.... which is what they are bribed to do.

  2. There are times when it's a blessed relief to be blocked by some people on Twitter. This is one of those times.

  3. I think atheists are immune to conspiracy theories such as qanaon, and cults in general, this modern mutating religion is as grave a threat to rationalism and humanism as its original source material was.
