Sunday 22 November 2020

Maajid Nawaz And A Rabbit Hole

Self-promoting LBC host Maajid Nawaz appears to have taken on board some distinctly fringe claims in the wake of the US Presidential Election, as I noted recently. While the outcome of the contest had been called by the overwhelming majority of media outlets for Democrat challenger Joe Biden - and that number includes Fox News Channel (fair and balanced my arse) - Nawaz wants us all to know that it isn’t over yet.

Maajid Nawaz

Thus he appeared to be siding with Combover Crybaby Donald Trump, as well as getting rather too close to a range of conspiracy theories. This has given the impression that he’s off down the rabbit hole, and that has worried some observers.

Sunder Katwala was one of them. “I think Maajid has really gone down the rabbit hole in being gullible about spin, misinformation & conspiracy since the count. Yes, let all the legal processes play out. Recount etc. Chances of a decisive change really are nil … His 'just asking for discussion' defence of this is weak & ridiculous”.

Mohammed Amin returned to the subject yesterday. “I have always been a great fan of [Maajid Nawaz] and am dismayed that he seems to have absorbed these conspiracy theories about the US election. I am also baffled as I cannot understand what has motivated him to go down this route”. What say The Great Man to that?

Strawman. A very big one. A libellous one actually. Though that’s ok. One wonders why you succumbed to it. Maybe ponder it. All I’m asking is that people allow the law do its job. Patience please, my friend”. But Katwala, for one, was not convinced.

It is in no way libellous for people to say they are 'dismayed' that you have 'absorbed conspiracy theories' about the election. It is fair comment. You have absorbed conspiracy theories - your comments on Dominion, Sidney Powell. Admirers of yours are among those dismayed by it”. So how has Nawaz shown he isn’t pushing conspiracy theories?

Simples. He pushes another one. I kid you not. “SCOTUS acts on the US election: ‘It is ordered that the following allotment be made of The Chief Justice and the Associate Justices of this Court among the circuits, pursuant to Title 28, United States Code, Section 42’ Source: Supreme Court”. And there was more.

Why [?] does this mean? The circuits SCOTUS has oversight over determine which Supreme Court justice is responsible for, and takes the lead, in cases brought before them. The swing states go to: MI - Brett M. Kavanaugh … WI - Amy Coney Barrett … PA - Samuel A. Alito … GA - Clarence Thomas”. Yeah, and NV and AZ are covered by Elena Kagan, who was nominated by Barack Obama. This is yet another conspiracy theory.

The court circuit allotment is always changed when the composition of the Supreme Court changes, which it just did. The custom is for Justices to cover circuits where they had previously been circuit judges. Justice Barrett gets her home turf. No shock horror.

Maajid Nawaz proves that he’s not down the rabbit hole. By being down the rabbit hole.

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1 comment:

  1. well he is a "shock jock" and their job is to shock but really,he's just a bloody shocker. (no fear-I checked this with my libel lawyer before posting).
