Wednesday 14 October 2020

Toby Young Facing TWO Lawsuits

As alleged Prime Minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson bravely prevaricates over the “circuit breaker” lockdown, and all the time more people become infected with Covid-19, many of them later ending up in hospital or worse, so those pretending that it isn’t really happening plough their increasingly lonely furrow of rank misinformation.

What a happy chappie

And no-one does faux intellectual misinformation more blatantly than the loathsome Toby Young, who is still backing the Great Barrington Declaration, despite it having been exposed as a sham, and still pretending he understands epidemiology, which he does not. He has grandly dismissed evidence backing a “circuit breaker” as “worse than useless”.

Priyamvada Gopal

But into every undeservedly gilded cage a little rain must fall, and for Tobes it has come pouring over the past 48 hours, after it was brought to the attention of Priyamvada Gopal of Cambridge University that he had passed comment on her which could prove actionable. “What has Toby Young said about me? I can only see something has been deleted. Good thing. I have excellent lawyers” she observed, requesting a screen shot.

The offending Tweet, made by Tobes’ Free Speech Union, was duly ponied up, the contributor concluding “There is this. Potentially libellous in my view as you didn't say that!” Ominously for Tobes, Dr Gopal responded “Not potentially. It is libellous. I think poor [Toby Young] is betting on my not paying lawyers. A certain tabloid also bet on that - wrongly”.

What say Tobes? “[Priyamvada Gopal] just accused me of libelling her and has referred me to her lawyers because I said she once liked a tweet saying ‘whites… are a disease that needs to be cleansed from the earth’. I guess someone must have hacked her twitter account on June 28” he sneered, while quoting a Tweet from her showing that, on June 28, she had un-liked the Tweet concerned, having not read the last line of it earlier.

Worse, that was not the only statement concerning which she had taken objection. Meanwhile, Eric Lybeck tried to point something out to The Great Man. “Tobes. You've said cancel culture ruined your life because you attended a eugenics conference. How does that square with libelling [Priyamvada Gopal] for liking something by accident for 24 hours then telling the OP off?”. The matter was a serious one. Dr Gopal said so.

On Toby Young, I may have to crowdfund. I think it's time our friend was shown free speech does not mean lying and putting people in danger” she decided. So whether Tobes tries to sneer his way out of it, or pretends that it’s only FREEZE PEACH, it looks like it’s going to happen. The FSU has plenty of legal advisors, so he’ll get the message.

And that might not be the only lawsuit that hits Tobes: seeing the allegedly defamatory Tweet, Lybeck concluded that this was not merely libellous: “This is incitement to racial hatred”. What a coincidence! There were Tobes and the FSU sounding off about the Public Order Act 1986 in connection with Darren Grimes’ talk with appalling old bigot David Starkey, and they may have fallen foul of it themselves.

There’s a reason Toby Young is known as Captain Bellend. It’s because he’s a bellend.

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  1. You can always bank on Tobes to put his foot right in it and give everyone a laugh.

  2. The congenital idiot once wrote "If [then education secretary, Michael] Gove is serious about wanting to bring back O-levels, the government will have to repeal the Equalities Act because any exam that isn’t ‘accessible’ to a functionally illiterate troglodyte with a mental age of six will be judged to be ‘elitist’ and therefore forbidden by Harman’s Law.”

    His wikipedia page - which he is alleged to have have edited over 282 times - tells us that "He left school at 16 having failed all but one of his O Levels." I suppose he could try the Grimes' defence; that he's too stupid to know what he was doing.

  3. Captain Bellend! And again - Captain Bellend!

  4. Young - on the same Yellow Brick Road as bankrupt Big Nose Hatey Katey.

  5. With no one to bail him out, Tobes will be looking to his alt right friends like Dazza Grimes, Lozza Fox & the clueless Katie Hopkins to bail him out..

  6. A pub in Liverpool has been renamed The Three Bellends. Sadly Tobes isnt included in the trio - Johnson, Cummings and Hancock.

  7. Gopal's twitter account certainly makes interesting reading. .. ...
