Monday 26 October 2020

Ian Austin - A Cry-Bully Whines

Solomon Hughes, who writes for Private Eye magazine among other publications, picked up earlier today on an article in the Morning Star, which told “Mainstream, the anti-Corbyn group led by former Labour MPs Ian Austin, Ivan Lewis and Mike Gapes, used Tory-led PR firm Public First to run its 2019 election activities”. Do go on.

Ian Austin - he's all right Jack ...

Figures from the Electoral Commission on spending in the 2019 election released this month show Austin’s Mainstream spent £134,457 on campaigning and advertising in the election. That’s a lot of money for a ‘campaign’ with no grassroots members … Austin was rewarded by Boris Johnson for his turncoat campaigning with a place in the Lords”.

... having shilled for the Tories ...

There was more. Mainstream had paid Public First £23,000 for designing and running its campaign. “Receipts show Mainstream paid Public First for ‘strategy, planning and advice’, ‘media relations’ and ‘press conference support’ … Public First is run by Rachel Wolf, a former Gove advisor who co-wrote the Conservative Party’s 2019 election manifesto, and Dominic Cummings associate James Frayne”. That’s most interesting.

Owen Jones also thought this interesting, so he Retweeted it. “Lord” Ian Austin then lost it. “Here we go again. Nasty little bully Owen Jones organised another pile on, winding up his million followers to send me abuse. Unpleasant hypocritical bully”. Wrong. It was an RT.

Anthony Farley could not take Austin seriously. “Can’t believe that [Owen Jones] would retweet an article highlighting the connections between a member of the House of Lords - that most sacred bastion of democracy - and a PR firm linked to the Conservatives. When will this literal violence end?” Mic Wright asked simply “Is the substance of the claim true?"

Ross McCafferty was also unable to take Austin seriously. “The irony of a literal lord accusing someone of punching *down* on him”. George Monbiot added “Owen RTs a fine piece of investigative journalism. Then this happens”. Jones then chipped in “Just look at this utterly astonishing crybullying behaviour from *a publicly accountable politician* because I retweeted a piece of investigative journalism about a political organisation he founded. This is still just about a democracy, [Ian Austin], so suck it up”.

And just to remind us that nothing much about Ian Austin has changed in recent years, Jones reminded everyone of what Glenn Greenwald said about him over two years ago. “You're a fucking member of Parliament, you pathetic, self-pitying infant. If you don't want to be criticized by journalists, go find another job. Seriously: your whining and self-absorbed victimhood is nauseating. The real victims are your constituents”.

... so gets a peerage, which makes him .... you figure it out

I would add to that all the Labour activists and supporters who went out canvassing, leafletting and door-knocking in the run-up to the last General Election, only to have voters show them the letter Austin had had sent to them, telling them not to vote for the party that for so long kept him in the style to which he had become accustomed.

Ian Austin would do well to reflect on just who the victim really is. And it isn’t him.

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  1. He's not a "victim".

    He's a red tory quisling shitehawk. Like most of the current "leadership" of the Labour Party.

    Vile, dishonourable, conscience-free people.

    1. His new Ermine robe won't hide the stench of this man's treachery against his own party! A truly disgusting,duplicitous self absorbed closet Tory

  2. Couldn't agree more with the above comment. Well said.
