Wednesday 26 June 2019

Terrorism - It’s The Far Right Yet Again

While some far-right watchers enjoyed the spectacle of Yellow Vest wannabe James Goddard getting guilty yesterday on a charge of common assault against a photographer during a demonstration in Manchester, securing himself a tenth conviction and the thick end of £1,000 in fines, costs and compensation, the really worrying revelation was unfolding further north, at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.
It was here that one David Dudgeon, from Prestonpans in East Lothian, “pleaded guilty to possessing material useful to committing or preparing an act of terrorism namely a quantity of texts, manuals, booklets, leaflets, video files relating to the production of chemical and biological weapons and techniques for knife fighting”. And there is much more on Dudgeon’s activities in the report from the Edinburgh Evening News.

For instance, “Among the disturbing collection of right wing material Dudgeon had stored on a hard drive included texts such as Bloody Brazilian Knife Fighting, Prison Killing Techniques and Krav Maga Knife Attacks … The manuals and videos showed techniques on how to smuggle bombs on planes, the manufacture of black powder explosives and the use of biological weapons”. And that wasn’t all the cops found.
Guilty. And stupid with it

Following a systematic search of his home police discovered a copy of the Anarchist Cook Book hidden away within a file on a hard drive … Further examination of the equipment showed Dudgeon had also collected scores of other far right violent material including titles Knife Fighting Techniques From Folsom Prison, Russian Knife Combat and Knife, Blade, Bludgeon and Bomb”. Plus a variety of websites he visited.

Dudgeon’s internet history showed he had visited websites of ‘an extreme right wing nature’ including Christian fundamentalism, ISIS murder videos and sites about Tommy Robinson”. Stephen Yaxley Lennon isn’t to blame for any of this far-right terrorism, it’s just that his name keeps cropping up when far-right terror is concerned.
Jack Renshaw - murder plot admitted

Dudgeon was jailed: “Sheriff Michael O’Grady QC deferred sentence to next month for reports and remanded Dudgeon in custody”. This comes not long after Jack Renshaw admitted a plot to murder Labour MP Rosie Cooper, although the press coverage was relatively low-key, but not because Renshaw is white, you understand.

As the Guardian observed last March, “Far-right terrorism has been identified as a key threat to the safety and prosperity of the country, according to the director general of MI5, Andrew Parker, and Cressida Dick, the commissioner of the Metropolitan Police … In the wake of the Christchurch attacks, in which 50 Muslims were killed by a suspected white supremacist, security services … have refocused on the threat of far-right extremists”.
Nothing to do with him, though

That article also noted that “Sara Khan, the UK’s lead anti-extremism commissioner, told the Observer this month there has been a surge of UK-based far-right activists who are ‘organised, professional and actively attempting to recruit’”.

James Goddard may grab the headlines, but he’s nothing more than a comedy turn, a gob on stilts, a coward who couldn’t fart and chew gum at the same time. And the pundits may grab more by rabbiting about Scary Muslims™. But it’s the murderously inclined far-right that should never be allowed to go undetected. That is today’s terrorist growth industry.
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  1. You could have pointed out that Goddard was cleared of using threatening words and behaviour, when he had CLEARLY used both. What the actual fk was the judge doing?

  2. If this far right drift gets even worse there is a dreadful logical conclusion to it.

    Of course corporate media - especially Murdoch and Heil jobsworths - will NEVER admit their role in Britain's moral decline. Example, the coward MacKenzie and his Hillsborough lies.

    We live in bad, sad times. Britain reeks of moral decay. Small wonder an utter creep like Johnson looks likely to be its fuhrer.
